This tactic is even more effective when you are in a hull-down position: unlike Soviet vehicles, this tank has -10 of depression which you can make good use of. The new suspension system helped defeat the problems the Sherman's original tracks had with sinking in the mud from poor flotation and poor traction on slippery terrain. It is so awful, slow, bad guns, bad defensive gun, and awful manouverbility. The turret features the M34A1 gun mount with the 75 mm M3 gun, the mount specified for a telescopic and periscopic scope. The engine power allows the M4 to travel across rough terrain to get to its destination. It was available only for pre-order during the Closed Beta Test of Ground Forces during the period before Update 1.41. The only tanks in their inventory at that time was the M2 light tank and the M2 medium tank, both are inadequate against the German Panzer IIIs and the Panzer IVs. So while the turret and tank design underwent development, the 75 mm would be mounted on the stopgap M3 Lee tank in a sponson mount. Skins and camouflages for the M4A4 (SA50) from It was highly reliable, adequately armoured, and could be produced in a very large number with a dedicated support arm to ensure that all of the ones in the field could be kept operational. Equipped with a fast-firing 75 mm gun and with good handling characteristics, the M4 can be an extremely useful asset in most battles. Bogies had two paired wheels, and the supporting rollers were attached to the side of the hull. Cheers fellow soldiers,today I wanted to try something new. The Allies mostly captured German vehicles for use in gun tests and target practice, with the Soviets going as far as fielding captured tanks in their own ranks such as the Panzer III as the T-III. This page was last edited on 30 January 2023, at 21:32. This weapon is the same type as the one used in American aircraft, though at a slower fire rate. The turret top features a spotlight on the front loader's position with his oval hatch while the commander has a usual split hatch with an M2 Browning machine gun for him to use. When used by the Germans, the Shermans were often painted with Balkenkreuz cross symbol of the Wehrmacht to distinguish between friend and foe. The armor was also increased to 6 in (152 mm) all round, but the area under the rear turret basket was only 2.5 in (63 mm). The StuG's armour profile is also more complex than the Panzer IV, with less flat areas. Of course this applies to other tanks too, but the 75mm Shermans seem to have this unique quality of being much better/worse at . It can break tracks, foul main gun barrels, and disable crew through their vision slots. An attempt to fix this was improvising "extensions" on the tracks, but these were difficult to add and there were never enough to go around. Note: Many M4A3E2 Shermans were up-gunned to the 76 mm caliber during the war. The turret, constructed the same way with cast steel in all 75 mm M4 medium variants, used an M34A1 gun mount for the 75 mm M3 gun; a change from the M34 gun mount in that the M34A1 used a combination of an M55 telescopic sight and an M4 periscope with an M38 telescopic sight in it. You can use this link and get a 3% discount on your next purchase: As we. Many variants of the Shermans were produced, but they all followed a similar layout. These two variants are distinguished by engine type as the M-50 Continental and the M-50 Cummins. The M4 Sherman is an effective medium-range combat tank. This video is intended to assist newer players who are unfamiliar with this vehi. Between July 1942 and January 1944, 6,748 M4s rolled off the line. Wide-tracked tanks equipped with the new suspension were also fitted with wings and shelves with screens above the tracks. Here are some of them: This tank has bad armour for the BR and the tank gives that away very clearly. Penetration wise, the gun is excellent, but being solid shot it suffers in an uptier against the roomeywar-thunder-friendly german tanks at 5.7. Although programs were initiated to up-gun the Sherman with a 76 mm gun, American leaders determine that the Panther and Tigers would not be produced in large quantities and were not as great as a threat as these two vehicles could still be destroyed by the 75 mm gun and standard anti-tank equipment. When World War II ended, many tank units and their Shermans were decommissioned and put out of service, distributed out to NATO allies. This equipment, if salvageable, are often taken by the occupiers and used for their own purposes. A variant of the M4A3 Sherman, the M4A3E2 has a new T23 style turret and extra armour clapped on nearly every . The modifications to hold the 75 mm SA50 gun required the extension of the Sherman turret front and rear to make room for the gun and add a counterweight for the heavier front weight. The main weakness of the M4 is the side armour - not only is it vertical and thin, but behind it most of the ammunition is stowed. Churchill I, Churchill III, Pz.Kpfw. The M4 was the most widely-used American tank ever developed, originally meant for World War II, but seeing service far after 1957, when the US retired them, with its latest retirement nation being Paraguay in April 2018. The M4 748 (a) represents a captured M4A2 Sherman in Wehrmacht service and was the first Sherman to be implemented in the game. A moderate slope will let me peek over with binoculars to spot my targets, before easing my gun over the top. [Vehicle Profile] M4 Sherman [Decal Included], [Tanks Encyclopedia] Medium Tank M4 Sherman, [Military Factory] M4 Sherman (Medium Tank, M4),, Rolled homogeneous armour (Front, Side, Rear, Hull roof), Cast homogeneous armour (Turret, Transmission area). It was one of the first American tanks to be released with the American ground tree in Update 1.45 "Steel Generals". For the Mk I Churchills, aim at the near-vertical part of their rounded cheeks to ensure successful penetrations. Additionally, the final drive assembly cover was replaced by a more heavily armored version. On a larger battle scale with multiple allies and enemies, work in cohesion with the others behind the front lines as the allies absorb most of the enemy shots, allowing the M4 to line a perfect shot on a spent enemy to land a penetrating shot into the hull and knocking out the crew. The standard ammunition load was 104 75 mm rounds, 600 .50 cal (12.7 mm) rounds, 6,250 .30 cal (7.62 mm) rounds, 900 .45 cal rounds for the crew's defensive pistols, 18 hand grenades, and 18 2-inch smoke grenades. Playing as the M4A3 can be tricky since it features armour that can't stop most calibres at its rank such as the German 8.8 cm or the Soviet 85 mm, including the fact that it isn't the fastest tank. The German anti-tank abilities, ranging from rocket launchers, anti-tank guns, mines, and tank guns, all became more capable of penetrating the frontal armour or disabling the Sherman. Once done - Horizontal Drive and two modifications responsible for accuracy or Artillery Support. The M4 Sherman has become a proven and well-respected tank design by 1944. The thickness was from 4 in (101 mm) to 5.5 in (129 mm). The M26 Pershing that was introduced late in World War II was phased out for the Shermans due to its unreliability, and the Sherman stayed until the M46 Patton was introduced. This tactic can deliver you some points if executed well. In case of penetration, there is a high risk of ammo rack detonation. Creation of a smoke screen in front of the vehicle, Reduces the swing of the gun in one plane while moving. No tank escapes the ever watchful eye of the Jackdaw! The olive-drab green M4 medium uses a welded construction for the hull, resulting in the sharp-edged hull shape compared to the cast M4A1 medium. It seems that nobody plays the 4.7-5.0 (AB) bracket and I'm always put into 5.7 with Tigers and other glorious heavy tanks. The M4 was a medium tank boasting a welded hull, a cast turret, and the 350 hp Continental R-975, a gas-powered radial engine. Visually, the M4 748 (a) is identical to the M4A2 Sherman. Again this is sound tactics for almost everything. While new units arriving in Europe were armed exclusively with 76 mm armed-Shermans, the veteran units kept the 75 mm Shermans, to which it continued to do well against softer targets with little threat from German armour due to their declining numbers. Overall, the M4 Sherman can be considered as an armoured jack-of-all-trades - it will serve a tanker well, however it will not excel in any particular role. Outside of the wall are two more filler ports for the fuel tanks on both sides. Even if your armour is not the best, it should block most incoming rounds which will have lost most of their penetration power at those ranges. X-ray view of the M4 Sherman In War Thunder, the M4 is situated in the US Ground Forces tech tree. The tank at all levels (except the Firefly!) All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. If you can't read this with an open mind, I suggest you do what you want but don't comment cringe, reserve comments for those who want to have an actual discussion on the topic with respect. But it is a threat to you in a T-34 (76mm models). Other hulls outside the M4A4 were also used in the conversions. Of course this applies to other tanks too, but the 75mm Shermans seem to have this unique quality of being much better/worse at the extremes than many. The Americans received their first Shermans in the next month in Operation Torch. Between August 1944 and May 1945, 1,217 M4A3E8 (76) Ws were produced. The Shermans, when deployed, were superior to most of the Japanese anti-tank equipment and often were essential to some of the Marines advances on some of the island assaults. Another way to play the M4 Sherman is to tap into its traditional cavalry role, its mobility. The M4 Sherman, designated Medium Tank, M4, named after the American Civil-War General William T. Sherman. Obvious first choice for research would be Parts in tier I. A curious note for keen eyes is the lack of a loader hatch on the turret top, a feature not introduced until productions in late 1943. They have thicker hull armour, at 80 mm, which will be much harder to penetrate with the APCBC over 500 m. Luckily the turret armour remains the same at 50 mm. Reveal hidden contents 105mm - The 105mm M4 howitzer. The M4A4 (SA50) is a rank III French medium tank with a battle rating of 5.0 (AB/RB/SB). The spikes were not used with the T80 tracks at the beginning, though they were later developed for them as well. The M4 medium's use of the Continental R975 radial engine results in a distinctive engine deck as well. Armed with a 75 mm cannon and a sloped front armour, the M4 Sherman gives the balance of firepower and mobility for the US ground tree. The side hull have multiple layers of armour, some of which are weirdly angled and can absorb plenty of shells. The German captured M4 Sherman's most notable combat performance was in the Ardennes Offensive in December 1944, the Baltic Offensive against the Soviet Union in late 1944, and the Battle of Berlin. These used a vertical-volute suspension system (VVSS), but the added weight of the gun inhibited the M-50's flotation and mobility, so this was shifted to use the HVSS and the Cummins diesel engine. The Shermans first saw combat in the North African Campaign in the Second Battle of El Alamein on October 1942 in the hands of the British. So the 75mm gun is very good at BR up to 3.7 - once you get the APHE round - it fires fast, it has adequate penetration mostly, and it is accurate. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. Shermans proved a strong option with good reliability and manoeuvrability in addition to armament and armour suiting its roll as a medium tank. Weak ass armour at that BR and but good gun is the firefly the Brit one though you don't get the apds round like the other 76 mm Sherman's. Use it as a glass cannon. This means it's preferable to take down enemy gunner first, usually by hitting the right side of the turret. War Thunder Game play With American Sherman M4 Tank in Ground Realistic Battle,game play Cinematic montage shortsThank you For watching : A low-speed diesel engine gave the M4A2 good cross-country ability and a much larger maximum range than tanks with gasoline engines. The turret has a very robust construction so if there is no faith in penetrating through the front hull easily, don't bother trying to penetrate the turret from the front except for the very small weak point on the gunner's position of the turret. 3.0 Shermans,just act ast normal tank.Your tank do have a enough armor to bounce some shots.But evade to engage enemies on long range,use your speed and stabilisers to flank enemies. In 1945, the equipping of flamethrower Shermans known as M4A3R3, nicknamed "Zippos", were a significant boost to the infantry's firepower in having a very long range of fire compared to the standard infantry-modelled flamethrowers with the benefit of being in an armoured vehicle. Suspension wheels are 15 mm thick, bogies are 10 mm thick, and tracks are 20 mm thick. The need of such tanks returned with the advent of the Korean War in 1950, which had the US military scrounge up whatever tanks they had in their storage to assist the South Koreans and their troops on the ground. The Japanese developed the Type 3 Chi-Nu and the Type 4 Chi-To to fight back the Shermans, but these two never saw combat as they were kept at the Japanese homeland for the defence against the Allied invasion. "#34 Israeli Shermans: The Most Powerful Shermans Ever To See Action." This tank is the equivalent to the British Sherman Firefly, trading its top-mounted HMG and additional armour for a better main gun: the SA50 L/57 cannon, which is the same gun as the one featured on the well-known AMX-13, providing an interesting perspective to what's coming next in terms of firepower. The Americans did an excellent job recognizing the problems with the M3's main-calibre weaponry being mounted in a side sponson. The increased threat of German tanks in the European theatre also provoked the British to up-gun the M4 Sherman with a more capable gun, resulting in the Firefly. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. with a battle rating of 4.0 (AB/RB/SB). Description. For more information, please see our 20112022 Gaijin Games Kft. While accelerating up to this speed can be sluggish at first, the M4 takes to a running start after Gear 4. In battle, try to use terrain as cover. Its use in the 1967 war was interleaved with the more powerful M-51 Sherman, a similar upgun program with the French 105 mm Modle F1 from the AMX-30 tank. It is played like any other M4 Sherman as a mobile tank with adequate armour and gun. The M4A1 (76) also introduces the more penetrative 76 mm M1 cannon to the M4 Sherman series of tanks that . Despite these losses, the mass production of M4 Sherman back in the United States ensured that enough tanks were available for the Allied Forces as they spearhead through France, plus the lack of any other capable tanks meant they had to use the Shermans for the time being. So awful, slow, bad defensive gun, and tracks are 20 mm thick, and awful.... Some of them: this tank has bad armour for the BR and the supporting rollers were attached to side... Mount specified for a telescopic and periscopic scope armour suiting its roll as a tank... On nearly every mm ) on your next purchase: https: // as we `` # Israeli... 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