The only way to fully kill a troll is if it reaches 0 hit points while its Regeneration is being blocked by taking poison or fire damage. . Many trollkin wear tattoos to show tribal loyalty or to venerate their ancestor spirits. You've inherited natural adaptations suited to your home environment. And logically, your PC trained with normal-sized weapons up until they grew into the feat, it doesn't make sense for them to suddenly be able to wield them just because they gained some height. Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Savage and terrifying, trolls stalk nearly every world in the D&D multiverse. Powerful Build: You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. The origins of the trolls are very cloudy and filled with uncertainty. So, if the origin of the trolls comes up in your campaign, I recommend just picking the story that makes the most sense, especially if it plays into the plot. Roll20 uses cookies to improve your experience on our site. You have an extra pair of arms and gain advantage on rolls to resist grapples and for climbing. I look surprisingly like my non-troll parent, and haven't been the subject of much racial prejudice as a result. Most trolls will attack outsiders on sight, even trolls of other tribes. They do not think through plans or schemes to get their food and instead prefer to kill their prey with brute force. They require huge amounts of food to maintain their bodies, and they starve much more quickly than other humanoids when deprived of it. At that point, the severed part dies. Advantage on rolls to resist grapples and for climbing, can carry small items in the extra appendage(s) but cant use it to fight with. Jungle trolls' bodies are covered in short, soft fur which cause them to appear purple or gray. Its common to string several labels together to get an identifying label (Long-claws-fears-lightning). Dreadlocks and braids are very common hairstyles, although facial and body hair is uncommon. Inhuman Vigor. You can also carry small items in the extra appendage(s) but cant use it to fight with. | ACK-SRD Choose one of these subraces. Both males and females have a variety of tusk styles ranging from small to large, they also feature a wide range of wild hair styles. Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Your Dexterity increases by 1. After you use this trait, you cant use it again until you finish a short or long rest.Da Voodoo Shuffle. | Warrior, Rogue, Mage SRD | Heroes and Monsters SRD Increase your Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of 20. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at Trolls for DnD 5e enthusiasts so that you can get up and running with all their unique properties quickly! Spell: Druid Grove (5e) Guide for 5th Edition D&D. Grove is one of All D&d Spells available in Dungeons And Dragons 5th Edition. The Huldrefolk are deeply connected with the magic of the woods. You are using an out of date browser. Can only squeeze through Medium or larger spaces. Though their drives are weaker than those of their troll parents, half-trolls are still very passionate and individualistic. They normally inhabit mountain caves or deep forests and force races that wish to trade for troll crafted items or special ores to come to them in their remote homes. The troll sense of fairness, balanced with an emphasis on self-sufficiency and personal accountability, pushes them toward neutrality. They tend to grow thick, sharp fingernails, though still noticeably blunter and shorter than a troll's, and tough growths on their shoulders and backs. Bite. Trolls are driven primarily by hunger. The part you quoted listed the damage as 2d6 + mod. The first is their overall lack of intelligence. Languages: You can speak Machine Speech and speak, read and write Common. The material here is presented for playtesting and to spark your imagination. Multiple arms. Among themselves, trollkin refer to each other by identifying marks, well-known deeds, or recognizable characteristics (Bent-nose, Long-claws, Fears-lightning). Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Strength score increases by 1. The second core aspect of roleplaying a troll is their complete lack of fearing death. Half-trolls are the result of genetic mingling between other races of humanoids, usually humans, and the race of mutant giants called trolls. This fact, combined with their difficulty finding high-paying employment and natural restless temperament, means that many half-trolls choose to supplement their caloric intake through unconventional means. Limited Regeneration. The troll appears again in the first edition of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons with a similar description. Trolls also have severe hunches that make them appear much shorter than they are in reality. 2023 Wizards. But when we work together - ah - there's nothing this Horde can't do. Half-trolls age more quickly than humans, reaching physical maturity at around 12 years old. It seems plausible you could loot them from Large creatures you slay, if they have Large weapons. Typically only have a walking speed but could have more. Demonic Origin, Nomadic Destroyers and Thirst for Blood don't exactly evoke thoughts of heroic adventure and dynamic interaction with other individuals or groups for mutual gain. They often have multiple heads, warty stone like skin or extra arms. I'd like some help coming up with a few more deformities with some sort of minor benefit. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage. Youll have to mix it up occasionally to avoid just focusing on one party member for the entire combat, but if you change it too frequently, any players that are trying to understand the logic behind the trolls actions may become frustrated and annoyed. Your size is Medium.Speed. Wild jungle trolls and coastal trolls are territorial and hostile toward trolls of other tribes. They should approach combat without fear or hesitation while not taking any care toward strategizing or focusing on targeting enemies in a particular order. They tend to be run by a strong shaman female who leads the tribe and governs their social and religious lives. Your trollkin character has certain characteristics in common with all other trollkin. You gain advantage on athletic and acrobatic checks involving balance or climbing. Tall and lanky with a brutish appearance, trollkin are seldom welcome among the civilized races of the north, even when the full extent of their inhuman ancestry is difficult to determine. But the savage aspects of troll society give them more profound insights into the natural world. If you want to keep the variants, I suggest adding some more negatives. Troll society is comprised of secular herds that have no other communication with other trolls. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and one other ability score of your choice increased by 1.Age. You cannot use this feature again until you finish a long rest. Instead of adding your Dexterity modifier, half-troll's may add their Constitution modifier when determining their Armor Class.Voracious. Definitely wouldn't be overpowered by that point. The Giant Troll Adventurers table can serve as inspiration for coming up with a backstory for your troll in settings where troll adventurers are not common. They resembled ogres, but only slightly, as ogres were more muscular, bulky and stood even taller. With a thick hide of green or brown, trollkin are superficially similar to orcs or hobgoblins. So until it's actually dead, it can regenerate. They can live in almost any climate and tend to roam between them. The early trolls developed an array of superstitious customs. 1d4+str claws, darkvision, keen smell and +2con +1str. Trolls are a diverse sapient race based on the World of Warcraft series.Ability Score Increase. See the EXTENSION for the rest. Ability Score Increase: Your Strength score increases by 2. Says who? Copyright 2023 Explore DnD | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. In most D&D settings, trolls are considered giants for the purposes of their creature type. If you hit with your bite, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier. When you deal damage to a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can deal bonus damage equal to your level + your proficiency bonus. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Trolls grow rapidly through childhood, reaching maturity around age 10. Your fanged maw is a natural weapon, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. With supplemental releases for the game system, new variations of trolls were introduced, such as marine trolls, two-headed trolls, and an ice troll. With how naturally adaptable trolls are, (as confirmed by their numerous subspecies), it wouldn't be surprising if this wasn't true for most trolls. | 13th Age SRD While often horrific in appearance these deformities rarely inconvenience the troll and are often a boon. Regarding actions in combat, the trolls kit is pretty simple. On some worlds, trolls aren't regulated to being savage monsters roaming dangerous wilds. There are five Metatypes in Shadowrun: Human, Elf, Dwarf, Orc and Troll. You weren't originally a troll, and this form is the result of a magical experiment gone awry. | OGN Articles Few outsiders, even among half-orcs, can easily understand the sight of a hungry half-troll nipping a quick snack out of some carrion on the road or half-rotten garbage from a gutter, but the answer has some basis in troll biology. Vol'jin. Some trollkin are the result of unions between humans and monstrous brutes, such as ogres, trolls, or even stranger fey creatures of bloody disposition. Ability Score Increase. So, adopt this brutish primal approach to problem-solving when playing a troll. Your claws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. When you reach 5th level, you can also cast the Locate Animals or Plants spell once per day. Description This also means that the only way to kill a troll is by reducing them to 0 hit points while their Regeneration feature is disabled. They are highly tribally spiritual. In the 5E D&D Monster Manual the gnoll entry presents subheads planting them pretty firmly in the antagonist space. Mercenary work is the most common, but they sometimes join city guard forces. The horns deal 1d6+strength on a hit. The troll has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell. You can speak, read, and write Common and Troll. Languages: You speak, read and write Common and Troll. There are no Large weapons in the PHB or DMG. My troll parent actually tried to help raise me, and I learned a lot from them. The stone trolls tend towards the larger end of the weight and height spectrum of trolls. If you take acid or fire damage, this trait doesn't function until the beginning of your next turn. If the troll takes acid or fire damage, this trait doesn't function at the start of the troll's next turn. While often horrific in appearance these deformities rarely inconvenience the troll and are often a boon. There was nothing that said this should be doubled. You can duplicate the effects of the, Lightning claws. After all, their bodies can usually handle the strain. They are magnificent antagonists for early storylines regarding the party trying to help a small village or town with a troll or two terrorizing the surrounding land. Words like "yo" (a greeting) and "mon" (man) are common expressions. Your size is Large. You were once a typical troll who made a mystical bargain to become more like "the other races.". Troll deformity: The physical shape of a troll is twisted and deformed. Their final positive attribute is a Dexterity of 13. Trollkin stand over 6 feet tall and are more solidly built than humans, weighing around 200 pounds. They established and maintained territories spanning hundreds of square kilometers. When they take a human name (meaning, for the benefit of humans), it tends to follow the same pattern. Increase your Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of 20. These game mechanics are in draft form, usable in your campaign but not refined by final game design and editing. 5e SRD > Creatures > Troll, Mountain Family: Troll Huge giant, chaotic neutral Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Hit Points 150 (12d12 + 72) Speed 30 ft. Like their troll parents, they have tremendous appetites and powerful metabolic abilities. These trolls are the most similar to the classic monstrous troll in terms of size and strength. However, if they take any fire or poison damage, it can be stopped, which will cancel their Regeneration unit their next turn. They lend to be smaller and thinner than most elves. Pick one of the below deformities. Your skin is knobby, thick, and tough, granting you a +1 bonus to Armor Class. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. In fact, they were one of the earliest monsters introduced to the game and were included in the white box ruleset from 1974. The shapechanging ability is overpowered. Classical trolls can reach 9 feet tall, but adventurers are generally smaller. Their second highest is a Strength score of 18, giving them a score that befits their Large classification. One of the first things I did when the 5E playtest was out was to convert the trolls from the old "Wormy" comic strip (from old Dragon magazines) into a PC race. Regeneration took some time to calibrate, but the base race's version is a weakened version of the Ring of Regeneration. Light claws. Alignment. Subraces. I would suggest that you work with Hit Dice instead. Capable of wielding Large-sized weapons (which do double the dice, but are treated as a different weapon from their smaller counterpart). The troll tribes gathered near the sacred mountain range of Zandalar in southern Kalimdor, where many of the loa dwelt. The Lairs that trolls live in have also been the subject of much research in the Forgotten Realms. Night whisper trollkin trace their ancestry to enigmatic fey creatures from the Shadow Realm. I don't want too many choices but you have given a couple good ideas. Some may have simply been the runt of their family, standing a foot or two shorter than the typical troll with underdeveloped claws and regenerative abilities. Your Powerful Build trait is replaced by the Large Stature trait. This gives a race "power" of 5 and should be aiming between 5-6. Ability Score Increase. When it comes to roleplaying a troll, there are two aspects of their personality that I have found to be the most important. Currently DM's Guild only allows community submissions for 5th edition. These trolls are more similar to other humanoids in size and compensate for their smaller frames with an expanded skill set. Size: Trolls are between 7 and 8 feet tall and weigh between 300 and 520pounds. Troll DnD 5e is one way that . You cant discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. Can use a variety of weapons. You can now print or save sheets. The changeling from Eberron can change appearance at will, but has to retain it size and humanoid form. | Here Be Monsters Size. Keen Smell. Environmental Adaptation. Your movement is not impeded by rough terrain caused by plants, you gain a 20 ft. climb speed, and you gain darkvision out to 60 feet. If you remove both subraces you already have something people will take. The trolls were among the first and most prolific. If you're large and can use a greatsword, you can use a large greatsword. Like dogs, trolls find very few smells naturally unpleasant, and their half-troll relatives don't taste all the nasty flavors of rot that normal humanoids have adapted to stay away from. Cuban-sounding accents are more common among forest trolls. Trolls were green and flabby, measuring six to seven feet in height. The only language they know is Giant, in case your party wants to try talking to one. You have advantage on death saving throws. Shambling Mound 5e Guide: The Most Terrifying Plant, Hand Crossbow 5e Guide For Everyone but Druids and Wizards. You gain darkvision. It is rare for half-trolls to be raised among trolls, but as one of the strongest taboos in troll culture forbids the consumption of one's own progeny until they are grown, half-trolls born into the tribe are usually left as foundlings in places the trolls regard as too dangerous to attack. To roleplay this approach during combat, I prefer to have monsters with intelligence levels similar to trolls target either whichever player hit them most recently or dealt the most damage to them. These hit die are d6s and can be used to regain hit points over a short rest just like your normal hit die. What is in this document? If the troll finishes a short or long rest without reattaching a severed limb or head, the part regrows. Trollkin have a base speed of 30 feet. Get actual regeneration at maybe 12th level? AKA: Giant Two-Headed Troll Two-headed trolls are brutal savages who combine immense strength and size with a powerful regenerative ability. | Forge Engine SRD Despite this, the position is still a highly respected one. While naming conventions can vary significantly from world to world, most trolls put little thought into the niceties of naming convention, and most troll cultures don't even bother with surnames. They commonly have very pale eyes (so pale as to be mistaken for while) in shades of lilac, silver, pink, red, and blue. Their long arms, strong legs, quick reflexes as well as their incredible agility and strength make them adept hunters. Your Constitution score increases by 2. The bravest among them brand their flesh to show mastery over their own fear, since only acid and fire leave long-lasting scars on their skin. This mimic can change into anything and can change height. Troll (Norse and Scandinavian) Trolls were a ravenous, predatory species of giant humanoid found throughout almost all the regions and types of climates in Faern, [6] from arctic wastes to tropical jungles, [7] and came in several sub-species. You were once a typical troll who was almost completely destroyed by a magical disaster. Does it seem halfway balanced? The cave troll makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws. You missed a key part of that DMG passage: No, the proficiency is the same. Female Troll Names: Vak, Kranki, Juljin, Vinji, Razzel. | Monad Echo SRD You have advantage on death saving throws. Their regeneration can be stopped with poison or fire, but those are so uncommon that trolls tend to have no fear of death and will attempt to kill almost anything as prey with no fear of repercussions. | 5th Edition SRD Your Constitution score increases by 1. Afterward, their mental attributes are all negative, with a Wisdom of 9 and Charisma and Intelligence only 7. Your Powerful Build trait is replaced by the Large Stature trait. You left to avoid the torment of your fellow trolls and try to make a name for yourself outside their influence. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) piercing damage. You have proficiency in the Intimidation skill. You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track and find beasts.Languages. Basically a troll. *Height = base height + height modifier You'd know if you knew what it was to be hungry. As dour and taciturn as the sidhe are light hearted and spry, trolls are the rarest of the races. Limited Regeneration. But there are Trolls who rather have a peaceful life.Size. However, in peaceful times, it is not unheard of for the troll parent to make visits of varying frequency to check up on their child's growth. Racial Traits +2 Constitution, Darkvision, Dwarven Resilience, Dwarven Combat Training, Stonecunning View Dwarf Details When it comes to combat, you should also play into the direct thought process of trolls. Trolls looked fat and misshapen, and their arms were often . They rely on size, strength, and a rapid healing factor to overcome challenges. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag or lift. Most are chaotic, while almost none are lawful. Extra eyes. Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Keen Smell. Update your cookie preferences. Multiple heads. Oversized Tusks that Can be used for a Goring Attack, there aren't any negative race modifiers anymore, in addition using the tashas optional rule you could technically turn -1 CHA to -1 anything, Enethia is running a library, Kalnor is with one of his friends(Likely Mithris), Mali is making an elixir, Asari is sad, Ink is dying in Kalnoia, Nox is dead, Zal is eating cheese fries, Tefeerinn is experiencing fuller life, Shardia is watching the safehouse, Mabij is prepping for a trial, Hrakor is running from prophesy, Viperitahk is locked in a strange battle, Void is watching, Redd is writing all of these. Once a tribe of trolls establishes themselves with a lair, they forego their typical vagabond habits. To be perfectly honest, I would have liked the base race to heal faster, but that goes from something that feels underpowered to something definitely overpowered at Level 1. Some practiced cannibalism and warfare, others mystic practices and meditation, and others honed their ties to the dark and powerful form of magic known as voodoo. At the heart of ancient Kalimdor lay the Well of Eternity, an enormous lake filled with powerful energies. At the bottom of the first post here is something very, very helpful. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Thick hide. Pseudo-wings. These labels change depending on what the trollkin has done recently and whos doing the talking. | d20PFSRD By continuing to use our site, you consent to our use of cookies. Natural Surviver. A half-troll's arms and legs are very long compared to the rest of his or her body, and they walk with a troll's hunched gait. If you take acid or fire damage, you lose access to this ability until you finish a short or long rest. In most ways, two-headed trolls fight like normal trolls, but with added strength and perception (much like an ettin). Some trollkin could even be considered beautiful by human standards, except for some subtle marker of their monstrosity, such as stone-gray skin or talon-tipped fingers. All comments welcome. The basic troll stats in 5e makes them a fun encounter to throw at your party when they are within the level range for monsters with a Challenge Rating of only five. Pro subscribers can copy pages, characters, handouts, and now macros between their games. They tend to have some shade of green for their skin color as well as either gray or black hair that is sometimes tinged with green notes. Troll Healing: When using hit dice to heal after a short or long rest youmay add 1d6 to each hit die rolled. You gain the following benefits: If you would like to support the GM Binder developers, consider joining our Patreon community. Keen Smell. You survived only by your wits and cunning. Additionally, attacks that remove heads only render the troll unconscious for 24 hours while one of the secondary heads grows bigger and becomes dominant. You can speak, read, and write Common and Giant. Hungry in your bones. You have resistance to one damage type of your choice, other than bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing. Trollkin dont attach much importance to names. The trolls were one of the Five Races that ruled the world that would become Rokugan after the Great Sleep of the Naga. Rather than shoehorning the D&D troll into a PC race, I've done it by making D&D versions of Troll "PCs" from other sources. Bite. Hit: 16 (3d6 + 6) slashing damage. Your claws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. Doing so can help introduce a unique monster for your party to face while also helping make your world feel more alive and varied. Increase the damage inflicted by your Claws trait to 2d6 + your Strength modifier. While trolls come in many forms with different traits and abilities from world to world, there are some common characteristics that most of them share. Look at some homebrew-sources like this: Half-Troll (5e Race) [ (5e_Race) ] After that, just create your character. They have both elven and orc-like characteristics with their fierce tusks and long ears. Your size is medium. These societies produce masterful hunters, mystic leaders who call upon primordial spirits for aid, and menageries of trained primordial beasts ready to tear apart any who stand against their troll masters. The amount of food you need to consume each day is doubled. The jungle near Booty Bay in the Eastern Kingdoms is infamous for its many aggressive jungle troll inhabitants. It is also worth taking note of troll senses because they play a large role in their behavior both in and out of combat. There is another variant of trollalbeit not a subspeciesthat far exceed the normal size range, these trolls are called dire trolls. Over time, as trolls gathered in great cities, their influence was lessened. Most trolls outsize the typical adventurer. Creating a Half-Troll. Your Strength score increases by 1 and your Constitution score increases by 2.Age. Some of them however grow fur too. Most leave the child with the other parent. If you want your trolls to have a few more options on the battlefield, it is also an excellent option to take the rock action from the Hill Giant since it is of a similar challenge rating as the troll. Still puzzling over deformities. Age: Trolls have lifespans equal to several human lifespans. **Weight = base weight + (height modifier weight modifier), And +2con +1str enormous lake filled with uncertainty can usually handle the strain feature until... To improve your experience on our site Large-sized weapons ( which do double the,. 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