(Also note the fall of Israel to Assyria in 721 BC, on the 14th jubilee.). 3. 2:5. The Lordwith him! (Iahiveh imm) is a frequent formula in the chronicle, and is probably correct here. Note that the total time between the entry into Egypt in 1846 BC and the return to Egypt and Babylon in 586 BC are 1260 years, or 1290 years if one takes the literal 430 years in Egypt rather than the said 400 round number of Genesis. [25] Rabbinic (Talmudic) scholarship always assumed non-accession reckoning for kings, whereby the first partial year of a king was double-counted both for him and as the last year of the deceased king. (Part 2).. Israel has always desecrated its Sabbaths. (Daniel 9:24) When Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy concluded, the following points of scripture became fact. But the Law also spoke of a sabbatical year.Leviticus 25:1-7 provides instructions for the sabbatical year to be observed after the Israelites moved into the Promised Land. Jack Kelley published over 9,000 Bible Study resources here from 1999, until the Lord called him home in the fall of 2015. And I gave them my statutes, and showed them mine ordinances, which if a man do, he shall live in them. Hence, the prophecy of 30 jubilees actually ended at Christ and at the fall of Jerusalemboth. Sun, Moon, Star of David & "Sq-root of two.". Therefore, the 12 tribes would have begun working their land in the Autumn of 1399 BC. (d) Hilchot Shemitah Veyobel, c. 10. sect. The LXX, and ST, as apparently supported by the NT (Gal. As said Ellen Gould . The reason is that God will ultimately hold Israel to account for all its missing Sabbaths including those of the wilderness wandering. He worked six days and rested the seventh. It is purely economics. The following paragraph has been quoted verbatim from Wikipedia. For about 490 years from Davids reign to the exile, the land was farmed continually until it was long overdue for a Sabbath rest, in fact up to 70 years. The Hebrew Bible according to the Jewish canon ends with the book of Chronicles. Moreover, all dates are intersecting literal days with years of equal value. Seven days are in one week. Therefore, it is significant that from the time that Jacob covenanted to work for a wife (in 1929 BC) unto the climax of the exodus from Egypt in 1446 BC are exactly 483 years. They, meanwhile, shall be making amends for their iniquity, because they rejected My ordinances and their soul abhorred My statutes (Lev. Thus saith Cyrus, king of Persia.Comp. . In the following pattern, God clearly exacted the full amount of missing Sabbath years that the law required, even in all its ambiguity as discussed earlier in this document. And let him go up.Whither The sentence is abruptly broken off here, but continued in Ezra 1:3. In other words, from the time of Saul to the time of the Babylonian captivity, Israel had not obeyed this command of God. Jer 37:1 And Zedekiah, the son of Josiah, became king in place of Coniah, whom Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, made king in the land of Judah. 70 years. Seventy "sevens," then, is a span of 490 years. Messiah, the prince, would come exactly 483 years (69 weeks) after the command was given. 2Chronicles 36:12 supra.) Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. He is not a Jew which is one outwardly, but he is a . And what Gabriel puts into Daniel's lap is the Seventy Weeks prophecy, the . To bring in everlasting righteousness. Israel was besieged by Assyrian and fell between 725-722 BC. For more on this see Textual Variations in Bible Chronology Reveal Design. The bible gives us but one definite time for the end of the conquest in Joshua 14, and to add to this is to stray from the facts. They went into exile to Babylon and that paid that debt. The 490 years of the prophecy would be necessary to accomplish six things with regard to Israel and Jerusalem. ), The above 516 BC (or 515 BC by some scholars), plus anther 70 years equals 446 or 445 BC, (the decree of Artaxeres to Nehemiah to rebuild walls, which was 1000 years after the exodus/tabernacle. 1.) 490 symbolises grace. For 490+ years they refused to allow their land to rest during the Sabbaticals. The 70 years of captivity was at least, in part, God's punishment for their violation of the sabbath law. Jeremiah 29 v 10 For thus saith the LORD, That after seventy years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you, and perform my good word toward you, in causing you to return to this place. Assyria first began to conquer Israel in 738 BC, which was 70 x 2 to the exile of 597 BC (with Ezekiel), and is 70 x 4 years till when Ezra returned to beautify the temple after it was denuded in 597 BC. The reduction by 33 years from the standard chronology occurs if we take the coming of Jacob/Israel and his children into Canaan as the terminus a quo. Destruction of Shiloh. Leviticus 25.4 NKJV. This reckoning would give 47 years from the Jubilee mentioned in the 18th year of Josiah (Megillah 14b) to the Jubilee that took place 14 years after Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians (Arakin 12a), whereas the correct difference was 49 years (623 BC to 574 BC). These variables have led to three different chronologies among students of the bible. Personal updates from Samantha. 25:8-12). (Note: The seventy years' exile began in the fourth year of Jehoiakim, i.e., in the year 606 b.c., or 369 years after the division of the kingdom; see the Chronol. (2 Chron. We are not talking about the weekly Sabbath, for the Jews didn't have a problem with that; but they did have a problem with the Shemitah/Sabbath year and Jubilee. The message is plain: The nation under the Mount Sinai covenant failed to keep and will never keep the covenant to the satisfaction of God, thus the New Covenant in Christs blood is needed. It was 6.5 years after they entered the land, and then that chapter concludes, And the LAND had REST from war. To say that the land needed another seven years (14 in total) before it could enjoy its first real rest is to add to the text a notion foreign to it. The 490 years of Daniel's 70 sevens were not a judgment. The 1000 plus the 400 years in Egypt add up to 1400 years, or 10 times the 140the key number used in our calculations. You can also download them to your computer, phone, or tablet. Sabbath desecration is the failure to observe the Biblical Sabbath and is usually considered a sin and a breach of a holy day in relation to either the Jewish Shabbat (Friday sunset to Saturday nightfall), the Sabbath in seventh-day churches, or to the Lord's Day (Sunday), which is recognized as the Christian Sabbath in first-day Sabbatarian denominations. . (22) Now in the first year of Cyrus.This verse is the same as Ezra 1:1, save that it has by the mouth instead of from the mouth. The latter is probably correct. . Nevertheless, without the Sabbath truth and the Seventh-day Advent movement I would not have had the foundation I presently have for reaching thus far in my understanding. The last seven years of the 490 years is also highlighted by the prophecy as 483 years plus seven. Cyrus even returned the gold and silver that Nebuchadnezzar had sacked from the Temple in 600 B.C. They were in Egypt a round 400 years, 10 generations of 40 years, or 4 generations of 100 years as it says in Genesis, You shall be in a strange land 400 yearsin the 4th generation I will come to you. Hence, 700 + 300 = 1000 equals 3 generations + 7 generations = 10 generations. Throughout all his kingdom . To seal up the vision and prophecy. For 490+ years they refused to allow their land to rest during the Sabbaticals. But the house of Israel rebelled against me in the wilderness: they walked not in my statutes, and they rejected mine ordinances, which if a man keep, he shall live in them; and my sabbaths they greatly profaned. The pattern of failure explained in chapter 20 is as follows: (For more on this see, A Look at the Amazing 430 490 Pattern, and, Those Amazing Jubilees! as posted on forum. The land will Sabbath rest for 70 years to make up for the 490 years of no Sabbaths. (to be exact, nisan 458 to nisan . . To make an end of sins. "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 2010-2021 by ourCOG.org. The thought is this: By the infliction of the punishment threatened against the transgressors of the law by the carrying of the people away captive into Babylon, the land will obtain the rest which the sinful people had deprived it of by their neglect of the sabbath observance commanded them. and ate that year what grows of the land without cultivation, autumn 1400 to autumn 1399 BC, Josh. . Its breakdown is as follows: 70 x 7 = 490 days/years, which is further broken down as: The 490 years (or days) of the prophecy in Daniel 9 is broken down as units of seven-times-seven days or years (49) x ten (= 490), and is also made up of seven and seventy-year units. Daniel studied the prophecy of Jeremiah and knew it was time. I believe it continues without interruption every year, as does the . Find & sort all our resources. Of course, the length of the exile was set because of their disobedience to the Sabbath, but this wasnt the primary reason for the exile. Men like things black and white because it is easier to prove or disprove, but Gods goal is to communicate information about Himself and His ways, and by creating alternative (symbolic) dates God has increased the amount of information communicated by these numeric patterns many times fold. All this, therefore, ties in well with Ezekiels temple vision in 574/573 BC, Tishri/Nisan 10th. The seventh Sabbath rest (7x7=49 years) of the land was a Jubilee year. However, the phrase, and in the land of Canaan is left out of the (presumed original) Hebrew text. This was originally written as a private letter. the words of Darius: Saith Darius the king :By the grace of Ormazd I am king; Ormazd has granted me the empire.. Then the earth will have a Sabbath rest for 1,000 years in the millennial reign. To summarise: 70 year exile for Israel and kingdoms round about of Jeremiah25 and 2Chronicles36:: 609Tishri (last missed Sabbath in North) - 539Tishri (Cyrus takes Babylon) (The NT sometimes supports the inferior readings of the LXX {Septuagint} and ST {Samaritan Text}). This is the fourth post in a series on the Investigative Judgment, for the previous entry please click HERE. In addition to the weekly seventh day of rest, the term "Sabbath" and its related form Shabbaton occur elsewhere in the Pentateuch, referring to some of the festival days and to the seventh "Sabbatical" Year, on which the land was to lie fallow (Leviticus 16:31; 23:24, 32, 39; 25:2-6; 26:34, 35, 43). (Comp. Thus, the prophecy of Daniels seventy weeks is borrowing from the language of the jubilee system as explained in Lev. All rights reserved. read more. He is the author of all the teachings here, and all materials are available free of charge! My understanding has been that the 70 years Israel spent in exile in Babylon had to do with the Sabbath years that the Lord had commanded them to observe when they came into the Promised Land. [Jeremiah 25:11-14; 29:10] c. As per the prophecy of Daniel 9, 70 x 7 years are decreed. The 490 Year Land sabbath rest: 605-536 BC. This 483 years is seventy-times-seven years less a seven-year period. 8:14). So some MSS. (605 BC exile/plunder of temple) + 20 years (586 BC exile/destruction of Jerusalem and temple) + 70 (Zerubabbels temple) + 70 (Nehemiah, 445 BC); or, (605 BC) + 70 (leave Babylon and begin to rebuild temple) + 70 (Ezras return to beautify temple) + 20 years (Nehemiah). 1399 BC, the first Sabbath year. Total missing Sabbaths and Jubilees over 1000 years = 80 x 2 = 160. The context of the prophecy in Daniel 9 itself makes this connection certain, for the prophecy came to Daniel upon completion of the 70 missing Sabbath years as earlier prophesied by the prophet Jeremiah. (Israel served Baal, and put up their own temple to Baal in Samaria.) Read Daniel 9:26. (This was Aut. The 490 year period during which the Israelites failed to keep the Sabbath for the Land and incurred a 70 year penalty in Babylon was the third one. 99 views, 5 likes, 2 loves, 15 comments, 1 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Freeport Bible Church: Please pray with and for us today at noon. There was still the matter of neglecting the 4th commandment and not obeying the Sabbath and keeping it holy. Each year of captivity represented one seven-year cycle. Total missing Jubilees for the land over 1000 years = 10 x 2. Amazingly, 1290 is found in Daniel 12, and 1260 in Revelation 11 and Revelation 12. The connection between the prophecy of Jeremiah and the provision of the law is to be understood theologically, and does not purport to be calculated chronologically. So it was also an exile from the law, since one cannot obey the law without access to the temple (Modern Jews please note!) For 490 years they did not take the 7th year off. "But in the seventh year there shall be a sabbath of solemn rest for the land, a sabbath to the Lord.". (See Revelation 12 with Daniel 9 and 12.). The Judeans were exiled was to allow the land to enjoy its Sabbath rest until seventy years have gone by, it will keep Sabbath throughout the days of its desolation. (2 Chr 36:21). 11For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. . The king of Judah does not keep the agreement with Babylon and they rebel. It is ironic that Israel took 490 years to rob the land of 70 Sabbath Year rests and God, in answering Daniel's prayer, revealed a different 490 year prophecy that is represented through 70 weeks. Therefore, 70 X 7 = 490 years. Yet, there would be some justification for this given these words, in the beginning of the year , which indeed would normally refer to the Day of Atonement that occurs just after Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year), but here it more likely refers to the anniversary of when Israel entered the Promised Land in Nisan 10, 1406 BC, in accordance with the religious New Year used throughout the rest of the book of Ezekiel. He called the seventh year a Sabbath. 3:7) is ambiguous enough to support either of the three chronologies (including the correct one that follows the MT), however from the NT text itself the reduction of 215 years appears to most likely be what Paul had in mind, that is, the view that the 430-years spanned back to Abraham himself. I believe the Shemitah year judgment mentioned in Daniel 9:24 began then. 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