The food contains just chicken and water no seasonings, no onion, etc. If you would like to thank Theresa for her helpful posts, she asks if you would please consider making a donation to one of her favorite local rescue organizations, or by making a donation to help the genius contributor, Ted from Bangkok, recover from his stroke. Also you might try some Gerbers #2 Chicken and gravy in the syringe. I have been giving sub q fluids by a syringe I git from tractor supply and using bottle water. Im on day 6 of at home treating my 3 month old for parvo. I did the activated charcoal in electrolytes and it worked on my 2 and a half month old blue pitt bull. Please, , if you havent tried the charcoal with Pedialyte, please do. Thank You Andrew and Qayn Sutton. for how long?? GIVE EXTRA LOVE AND ATTENTION!! Keep us updated! jail view madison county alabama As long as she does this, try to not force feed her. Do fleas like Pine Sol? for us. Start with 1 cup of electrolyte solution in a small jar with a lid; add 2 heaping tablespoons of AC and then put the lid on and shake to blend. Summary Apple cider vinegar is a type of vinegar made from fermented apple juice. or else they will be euthinizing him. She can get through this. Here are some bleach alternatives. And now its two days after since we got the fish amoxicillin 500mg, PRE and probiotics Scooby our runt of the litter is just as happy as can be. He stayed in vet. The researchers found that this spray . It has cured a dog by just giving a few drops for three days and he was fine at day three. Did that happened with your? "Most hair colors are alkaline, which opens up the hair cuticle, and applying an acidic solution may reseal the cuticle," notes Friese. If she vomits immediately after eating, there is a good chance she is not getting anything from the egg. To learn more about our cookies, how we use them and their benefits, please read our Privacy Policy, Posted by Asia (California ) on 05/09/2020, Posted by Tebogo (South Africa, Pretoria) on 01/02/2020, Posted by Rosendo (Visalia, Ca) on 09/16/2019, Posted by Tanya S. 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Puppy slept all day, had no more diarrhea and no more vomiting. thank you. and stick to it no matter what because dogs with parvo can look pretty rough before they turn that corner and start to feel better. He is too weak, he didnt eat, he always vomit and have diarrhea. Hope he will get better. Thank you so much!! Activated charcoal with name of "Blackforce Activated Charcoal" is available in Brigada News Fm or Brigada Healthline Clinic in your area. I made some rice with chicken broth and kept her near the firethinking she had eaten a piece of candy or something she shouldn't have. Morning after Oreo died (yesterday, Sunday), I read this post and went off to look for Activated Charcoal, bought Gatorade, Pedialyte, syringe. Shes not eating on her own yet but she has been going and drinking water. You can also ask your vet for a kit, though some do not provide them. Also clean all her bedding and minimize her activity. Have you contacted your vet about the recent change the nasal discharge and breathing issues? She wouldnt eat at first but came around and was acting normal. Glad to hear about Scoobys great progress. According to The Merck Veterinary Manual, 8th ed., it appears that some breeds, most notably the Rottweiler, Doberman Pinscher, German Shepherds, Pit Bulls, and Labrador Retrievers are at an increased risk for this disease. Pedialyte is also good because it contains extra electrolytes that regular water doesnt have. Charcoal had her back to normal overnight. Ideally, if you had some sub-q fluids that you could administer under the skin, that would be great because that way you could bypass her stomach and hydrate her organs more directly. Sugar to water ratio: 1 tablespoon of sugar per one cup of water, or scaled up to 1 cup of sugar per one gallon of water. And clean where the pups are staying. Can we get back home so we can treat him in the house o he will stayed in vet. After the first day of giving them the rice (and the puppy kept it down), try soft dog food the next day. That she is drinking and eating on her own is HUGE! God bless all of you for sharing your info on this very deadly virus. Symptoms include: vomiting, lethargy, diarrhea (usually bloody), and fever. Thank you for your response. Directions We were on a tight budget and couldnt afford the treatments if the test was positive so we took him home. Its best to give a small amount hourly. Keep feeding him good groceries to build his strength back up. I cannot thank this website enough! 8. Do it in steps and slowly. A dog can often be unresponsive for a week as the virus runs its course. Hes completely exhausted. If you have/can find a veterinarian who will let you hydrate via sub-q fluids (iv) at home, that would be great. Two weeks ago our dog Zoe was not active and didn't have an appetite. Yes every single hour. But the initial 10 ounces would be the target. Here is my story..We were getting a new Papillion and ended up with two, a half brother and sister, after we lost our family dog(a papillion) to trauma about a year ago. During that time, you need to hydrate your puppy on a regular schedule, say once an hour around the clock. If your pups stomach is upset, he will likely not want to eat on his own, so you will need to force feed him in small amounts. You saved our puppies and dogs parvo infected. Im struggling to keep my little dog alive at this very moment and it isnt looking so good. She was a stray. Do not give dogs cold water. Perhaps in smaller more frequent doses. Taking too much apple cider vinegar can lower blood potassium levels and may not be good for your bones. Great job! Apple cider vinegar is also helpful when combined with activated charcoal and and pedialyte. Apple cider vinegar is common in food flavorings and preservatives. My 4 month old puppy is very sick, I bought charcoal but she threw up clear with a little black, I've been giving her gatorade every 20-30 minutes ): any more advice ? Those are basically all the things I used. The vet gave me some medicines to take home and give him, I started him on the medicines and it seemed to have made him worse! and if i use electrolytes how much should i give to an 8 weeks old puppy a day ? What disinfectant is safe for dogs? You have to force feed them so don't be afraid to hold the sides of their jaws open & put the syringe down on the side to make sure they swallow it. I have disinfected but my dogs stay at my feet constantly and have been while Ive been trying to treat him. I woke up at 5am to find my boy had thrown up several times and did not want to eat or drink. You may find good results with a homeopathic product "Parvaid" by Amber Technologies. Now we have found this website and we are going to try this remedy with these other two puppies and we don't want lo loose them. Generally a dog with parvo will not eat or drink because it just makes them sick, so while your pup is eating and drinking on her own, I would just stay the course and see if she will continue to eat and drink. So feed and hydrate her on a regular schedule all day and all night if you can. Generally, a healthy dog will drink between and 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight each day. The next day, their dad was sick with it. Small enough that he will hopefully keep them down. Your email address will not be published. Dropper Please help,,, This is my baby! They relieved but they did not cure. Im so sorry to hear about Octavia and Cora. This remedy is great! It is effective at fighting itching and scratching from allergies or bites. Thank you all for the help. About 3am she woke up crying wanting me to sleep in my bed so I did she was being a wild sleeper as she usually was before she got sick. With vomiting and diarrhea, this amount increases to cover the loss. I would bring her home. My vet is calling me this morning to check in, anything i can ask him for? Thank you ALL! 1. The organs need to be hydrated to function. My buddy drank it right up and not even 30min. I'm so thankful. She weighs 1kg. So keeping your pup hydrated is the most important thing right now. Make sure your clean up the area where Zuma stays with some bleach solution. Eggs. 3.Activated Black Charcoal (i used nature's way) If its thrown back up, go back to eggs and pedielite for 2 more days. I couldnt bare watching another of my babies go through this horrible thing so what should I do to stop it now, before it gets to them ? Also read through the comments below this post. If that same 10-pound dog is vomiting and has diarrhea, that amount would increase to accommodate for the loss. What are his symptoms? Was sick within 3 hrs of getting her. If she is small enough (because a small dog wont eat as much as a larger dog), you could see if she will eat Gerbers Baby 2 Chicken and Gravy the ingredients are only chicken and water. After treating my pitt Oreo activated charcoal caps as well as pedialyte through the turkey baster, today he woke up waggin his tail, not throwing up, and ate a some rice! Should i bring her home and try this remedy on her or is it already to late. Activated Charcoal for Pets ( Foot Soak. What kills fleas on contact in house? I think the most important thing is creating a schedule for feeding/hydrating and sticking to it no matter what. Since I couldnt find activated charcoal yet, I opt to use apple cider vinegar. She is on iv fluids 3 times a day, no more vomiting yesterday or this morning, only 1 time of diarrhea this morning. So a 30 lb dog would need about 30 ounces a day. Manypeople have kindly shared what has worked for them. Diagnosis is Parvo! Just stick to it no matter what because sometimes it gets worse before it gets better. If there's anything else we can try to make her better please let me know. I spent over $1,000 to have them in the animal hospital for fluids, only to have my heart broken when they sent them home and they passed away. His death however gave me the strength to fight for the remaining three, had two who were very weak on IV for 1-2days. We are on day 2 of parvo with our 8 week old border collie, she had her 1st shot. And its working! I have an 8-9 week old puppy. Mouth inflammation can also occur. Congrats!!! I want to try the pedialite or Gatorade. This natural remedy works and I'm so thankful for these posts because without it I probably would have lost my little boy. I think he is not dehydrated for now because his skin came back normaly if I try to pull it gently and his gums is color pink but he is still lethargic and from what I see is worsening. Thank you everybody and this method does work!! You can see that the amount they need each day will increase with vomiting and diarrhea. The shampoo draws on apple cider vinegar to cleanse, peppermint oil to refresh, and shea butter to soothe. That is very important. Small amounts will have a better chance of staying down than large amounts at one time. I have several other dogs and I want to stop it before it gets to them. All Rights Reserved. I had my husband purchase Activated Charcoal powder, a bottle of Hydralyte and a small bottle of colloidal silver for me whilst I was on my way home from the vet. Gerber makes a Chicken and Gravy, Step 2 (2nd Food) also called Sitter. I feed pedialyte, raw eggs, honey throughout the day. Well heres the update on my 4 pups. Please help!!! I thought that was it. Im so sorry that your pup is going through this. He isn't eating on his own yet, but he is getting back to normal. She may not have experience with a particular issue, but she will research it to the best of her ability and share what she finds freely, in the hopes that you can heal or improve your pet's health. She had an antibiotic shot and another shot to help with vomiting all for 24hrs. I waited 2 hours to give her some more & here come my nieces they opened the door to my room and once she saw them she began to wag her little tail which she hadn't done since a week ago she was being playful so I decided to make her something to eat I made her a scrambled egg & fried some ham for her I didn't add anything to it just cooked it . I would definitely use charcoal to prevent parvo. Next day he dont have any improvement. need to talk to someone with knowledge preferably one who wrote this colomn..i have a 15 month blue nose pit..hes my therapy doh and due to someone else negeligence hes co tracted this virusive seen many dogs pass from it so im hoping this will work to save my loyalist and most bestest friend i have questions i need help with money is an issue and i have no one but this article to help meAndrew J. Sutton. Please note that we use cookies necessary for the functioning of our website, cookies that optimize the performance. I also gave him the childrens pill form of Pepto 3 times a day. Most dogs need about an ounce of fluids per pound of body weight per day, so an 10-pound dog needs about 10 ounces of fluids a day. It contains enzymes and minerals that are all natural, and are extremely beneficial for your dog. Optimize the performance large amounts at one time while Ive been trying treat... 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