I think answering these questions for yourself might help. At this point I think Im going to have to shell out the $3,000 for a local trainer and hope that helps. Every time. You must must be the alpha so he/she knows you're in charge, that you will handle the situations that he/she sees as a threat. He is leash reactive but is fine meeting dogs in a large dog park. Fluoxetine can be used to treat several conditions in dogs. I'm sorry to hear you are going through this. At our shelter we have a 2.5 years old Aussie mix who is sometimes totally lovable Then, suddenly, you see him give you the "side eye" and he will snap/bite or attack. 2 other ones had to be put down as well. we go around the block with no leash, we started with short distances after adulthood and he slowly learned to just stay by my side. He has been adopted out 3 x and always gets returned because of this. Before I address how I treated Cuba, lets discuss medications. But never had this problem. Diazepam Free to Autoship customers, Connect with a Vet lets you chat directly with a licensed vet between 8am and 11pm ET to answer questions, receive advice, discuss concerns you might have regarding the health and wellness of your pet, and even get referrals to your local vets or emergency clinics. Maisy now competes in various dog events and attends seminars. I don't know what to do. We did not see any changes, so they increased it to 30 mg (she weighs 45+ pounds). We are just avoiding those situations to keep from ingraining the habit of aggression. She's almost 3. Other good calming essential oils are Bergamot, Vetiver, Ylang Ylang, Sweet Orange and Roman Chamomile. It does not seem to be helping her. He hides and somethings is visibly shaking. Sad face. Ill talk more soon about what was covered at Cubas vet visit, his treatment plan, and about the stigma related to using meds to help those dogs and humans alike suffering from mental illnesses. He is impulsive and we never know when he will get aggressive. I also have gone through the same situation. Your dog may be experiencing pain more than anxiety, just something to think about. Wow! I really fell in love with her, so smart so loving!! I, Kate! We have been bitten multiple times and he bit our dog walker on the butt, all bites breaking skin. Then they wean the dog off the drug until they can manage the condition without the use of medication. Has your dog ever taken fluoxetine? Fluoxetine (Reconcile or Prozac) Indications: Separation anxiety, aggression, compulsive behaviors, impulsivity. He absolutely suffers from PTSD and increasing noise phobia exacerbated by my loud neighborhood in East oakland. He is 2 weeks older than her and both are 18 months old now. It takes a lot of time and patience with aussies. It really helps to know we are not alone. My 10 month old female spayed Aussie is so intense! Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) family. Unfortunately he has bitten my niece and nephew 9 and 3 and my daughter age 22. She now gets plenty of training and exercise. He also bit a friend while we were at a local coffee shop. Good luck! If none of the above yields any answers you need to consider it a behavioral problem, and find a reputable local trainer who can give you their opinion on this behavior firsthand. Small steps over and over. He is now 7 months old. I love my baby boy but I fear he will get out and hurt someone, me get sued, and him put to sleep. He really is an incredibly smart dog and trained well. Dogs are no different. She is an awesome dog and yours will be too. We also have issues with. The methods I use are sound - I have friends who train service dogs and who have used much the same protocol with great success. She pulled me over and hurt my knee requiring surgery when I was trying to walk her, she jumps up continuously despite correction. If not, get one. It seems like a nervous breakdown but I am not finding much of that on the internet! Some diabetics live happy, long, and healthy lives through dietary and lifestyle modification alone; similarly, some dogs respond well enough to training without medication. We adopted a year old male Austrian Shepherd. I also realized im the only one that he really wants to be with, he never takes to others, vacations are tough, and im sure if i had a baby, jealousy would kick in. Thank you for your suggestions. When youre describing it in the yard having that frozen freeze sort of response , That has me thinking the dog is being sedated and is not able to actually move its body in response to the fear or the pain is experiencing which may not actually be beneficial in a holistic way. He is fenced in but it is chain link. what dosage have you all been given, and how often. Probably rare but still it can happen. I have an Australian Shepard named Abby. I never had to muzzle her, but if your pup bites all the time, and doesn't settle, then a muzzle will protect other people, and ultimately her. These are working ranch dogs. Dogs are pack animals. I have had several Aussies and have never had this problemand it IS a problem. Even if the dog acts out, you should be able to have enough control to be able to make the dog stop immediately. We did. This breed is very very very challenging, exhaust all of your options, be positive with the breed they respond to enthusiasm and redirection much better than negative reprimand, that being said sometimes force is needed. Hes the biggest baby at home so long as nobody else is in the house. He can not stand the vet. It works by inhibiting reuptake of the neurotransmitter serotonin. look up CARE dog training. BUT take a step back, look at yourself. She also barked incessently at black people, so awful. Is he growling when he bites? Ollie's aggression towards my husband continued barking, growling, air biting and biting, even though the bites did not break skin. Have you considered a shock collar? Their boundless energy and high intelligence make them fun, entertaining, and hardworking. She will nip or bite. My house was secure with him home. Going forward he was extremely animal aggressive. best to you. talk to your vet about trazadone, we use it with our 1 year old when she needs to get groomed or be around kids. And for understandable reasons are becoming increasingly aggressive with other dogs.We have tried everything because the pent up aggravation will at times turn them on each other and after trying everything else have started them on Prozac. She is beautiful and 1-year-old. We started bringing treats on walks (these treats are different and tastier treat then the ones we use for trick training) and honestly it helps. My wife and I raise Aussies and when buying into breeding a person needs to go back 3 or 4 generations and look for champions and grand champions and blood testing to see the quality of the dog you are buying. please give me suggestions, i'm desperate. And I, like some of you, have been on meds for mood as well. I think he can feel a little boxed in at times when he is tied up on a leash. Hello! For the most part Jake is super playful and loving to people and dogs. He could not go anywhere near the waters edge without snapping at the water constantly. When walking, every time you see a person or another dog, make him/her focus on you and give the dog a treat. He is generally still accommodating when on walks we walked him 4-mi a day previous to this (he cant go that far now he is super tired and just wiggles on his back or aims to nap under bushes) and takes treats only outside the home. They are a little crazy, unstable emotionally. We picked up the dogs and they had been shaven. I am a dog lover, my dogs own us and our home!! It seemed from what I read, the good traits outweighed the potentially bad traits. My dog just started Prozac this morning. In general, aggression in dogs can be caused by many things, such as fear, dominance, territoriality, and/or excitement. We live in the country so she has lots of room to run. She was a shy puppy when we got her at 8 weeks old. If you have friends coming over and your dog is exhibiting unwanted behavior, then you need to crate him and let him get used to seeing the people in the room - then let him out and clip his lead on and have him sit by you. They were both unrecognizable to us and they were unrecognizable to each other. That is a dangerous dog , I would seek professional trainers help asap - they may be able to set you up with a dog behaviorist also to assess things. Not all Aussies, obviously, but I have heard this with other owners as well. Is your dog afraid of male people or female people? She is apprehensive about some people, mostly people that don't have dogs. I am considering a shock collar for just when she meets people. Our Australian Shepherd started "nipping" around a couple months of age, and then uncontrollably digging into the ground, in a way that I dont think he could hear me. In hind sight, our puppy displayed aggression upon our arrival to bring him home. This is how I fixed it when nothing would work. At night they were busy raising the human children in the family, so Sammy was lucky to get a 20-minute walk a few times a week. She is a wonderful dog, that loves to go on daily adventures and loves other dogs. Have you found relief? Was she like this with them? Hes learning to trust us but its a process. can you get the lab out of the home for a week or 2 to see if her behavior changes? He is the best dog in the world to me though. I want my dog to stop barking at everything. He is now a few months shy of a year old and has gotten worse. Is it herding behavior? He just turned one and I have to say is getting better. Abby has not been spayed yet. It was extremely difficult to redirect him and my kids started to be afraid of him. Thanks for being brave! But she has suddenly become viciously aggressive toward my 12-year-old Toy Poodle. If you see signs of a severe allergic reaction, then you must get your dog to an emergency vet right away. She is very trained and hasnt ever done this before. Stay happy and smile (even through the difficult times) and you'll find that your dog will want to listen more. I kept a Home Depot bag on my hips filled with treats on my walk. I have had hercat 3 different trainers & she is still reactive towards other dogs. The dog weighs 66 lbs. Have an Aggressive Dog?Check out this introductory dog training video Join in and write your own page! I think i feel this way, cause i personally am quite sensitive to medication. He's an amazing dog. Keep looking for answers and give the dog gentle calming kind affirmations, tapping on its sternum, rhythmic rubbing behind ears for soothing etc. Her general-care vet prescribed Valium as treatment for separation anxiety. The problem is, separation anxiety is a clinical diagnosis, and Sammy manifested none of the signs (no mutilation of self or property, no absence-induced anorexia, no excessive vocalization, no inappropriate elimination). Hemp for Australian Shepherds: 5 Vital Things To Know Before Giving Your Australian Shepherd Hemp Oil or Hemp Treats Giving Hemp to your Australian shepherd for the first time can be confusing and intimidating. However, the MDR1 gene mutation can be fatal when affected Aussies are exposed to medications like Trifexis and Ivermectin for dogs (among many other medications). A big key factor is lots and lots of exercise. His behavior has gotten worse as training has increased. My new Aussie is 11 weeks right now and he bites me continuously. They're fine!" My dog also silently will walk up behind both of of at any time and bite the back of our legs or hands. They're built rather low to the ground-remember, they were bred to run around herds of sheep!-and have high-set, forward-flopping ears. I took full responsibility for letting the biting get out of hand and I sat my kids down to make sure that this was everyones responsibility. Thanks and happy day with your balls of energy. Its been a rough 2+ years. Is there anyone in South Carolina that might be interested in Abby? The vet prescribed Prozac (along with anti-anxiety meds BuSpirone and Prophanalol). He does have a slight tremor about the mouth that is new. So I always told people to let her come to you, don't try to pet her. Now my question, I fell in love with the breed and I have a chance to buy a puppy from this same woman, different genetic line, are all Aussies aggressive? Would like to hear your opinion and how did you find it? We have a similar situation with our pup. Certain things need to remain in place, ie going in the back yard for potty and play and then coming in. He has no fear of showing his dominance with our 125 lb lab who smacks him to the floor and holds him down. Every time I passed someone (never too close) I would tell my Aussie to "Look at me!" Started about 5 days ago. Crystal said that the meds helped make Maisy more responsive to learning. Good luck! The thing I noticed that helped him was my body language during his acting out. Ive noticed for myself that when Im uptight my dogs are too. Because I thought I did an excellent job socializing Cuba, I turned to excuses as his reactivity worsened in adolescence. With all that said my Aussie does better with other dogs (he seems to like most people) when he is off leash and can maneuver. Always stand in front or between the barking direction. He never had any problems with strangers, and then one day he flipped out when someone walked by us, and has been aggressive since towards anyone he doesn't know. We have been doing the training with her to stop aggression with no luck. Could there be something that is encouraging or stimulating his aggressiveness? If your Aussie is biting then you need to correct it NOW. We have them separated right now. 2. I'm sorry to know about your situation! She comes from champion herding lines so the instinct to herd and protect are strong in her. Ill be interested in hearing how it goes for you and your dog, Melissa. Over time, Ollie has seemed to "overcome" his rocky beginning with my husband. Her old age behavior of literally screaming for food, throughout the day and during the night, became dangerous for her high anxiety, and unbearable for us. By Nicolas Angione, Published 12/02/2020. I've been desensitizing him to a muzzle, and hoping that will give me some piece of mind. also, I have tried using the training collars and that seems to help when walking. I tried. However, for those diabetics who need insulin to survive, it is not doping her up but correcting a chemical imbalance in her body. Very much appreciated. I have to choose their vaccinations first. Given her anxiety, we have worked with various trainers, tried different supplements, calming collars, CBD etc with little success. I have 2 rescued boxers each coming from deplorable situations. Now, me nor my wife can go in the backyard without him getting too excited and attacking the female, at first playing, then gets violent! In a horse 3 generations back will show what the mares all foal. Everyone in my extended family wanted her put down. I go bit in the process. The Australian Shepherd is one of the best herding dogs, both skilled in herding livestock and dedicated to any assignment. Sediu: Strada Petru Rare, Nr. It's almost as if she zones out and goes psycho. Build their confidence and don't be discouraged. I never really gave it much consideration, I was joyously in love with my adorable new puppy. I had a standard poodle who would not go around here. I'm not sure if getting another dog for him to play with would help or not. Any suggestions? I have to say that these changes happened over night one day he was scared but manageable and normalish lounging around with lots of naps pets and walks and the next he was a hot mess. The most common breed associated with MDR1 mutation is the Collie, but generally, herding breeds are affected, and that includes any mixed breeds you might find at the shelter. i had a red tri for twelve years. I've used leather gloves to help with the biting. Click here to buy fluoxetine for your dog with your vets prescription! She's loving and smart. So I am rehoming Abby as soon as I can find someone that I would like to see her with. Aussiedoodle live for up to 11 or 12 years. There has been no change in his appetite or his activity level. I made such a terrible choice in selecting this breed. Because something larger is happening. We had noticed he was becoming antisocial (normally he was sweet and loving). It's maybe the 3rd time he has done it first time aggressively. I didnt have a clue aussies had this side to them. At the dog park he will play ball and swim in the lake for hours having the greatest time.Once in a great while I will see that look come over him like hes about to attack but all I have to do is call him to divert his attention. If you see the followingsymptoms, then you should contact your vet right away: As with all medications, an allergic reaction is rare but possible. The Australian Shepherd, or Aussie for short, is one of the most popular breeds in the United States. I am experiencing the same thing. My 14 lb. My dog has been the same. We weren't going to keep him because we didn't need another dog and he sheds so much but we feel in love with him. But to own a dog like that and perhaps taking it out for a walk or it getting loose, it could attack another animal or person. So I got a personal trainer and spent 3 months several times a week with the trainer and myself, a prong collar and an e-collar. I agree with all the previous comments. Anita, Same here with my dog. Good luck. My kids were 8 and 10 at the time. Aussies have the greatest personalities. All that, whether youre cognizant of it or not, flows right down that leash to your dog (figuratively speaking). All Content Copyright 2006-2023 by Anton Hout. Nipping, nipping all the time. But inside, as he meet our small family he loves us all. I love Eli but I cant have friends over unless we take several walks . Also it takes him extra long to bathroom, turning easily for 3-5 minutes, lowers his head and waves it side to side like a trapped tiger. However, this week, he is getting even more "nippy" and "mouthy". I have always trusted my dogs unless they give me a reason not to. He has bitten someone. are often inappropriately prescribed. When she starts to care, BALL TIME. She sleeps quite a bit now, but I have to face her slow decline due to her age. I agree with Marlin on all counts. I love the little mooch and want him to find a family, but need to know what we can do to help his behavior. Our 2+ year old male Aussie has his "issues" as well. He nipped a lot. Ive learned that some dogs when they are spayed too young and up with a noise sensitivity that makes it so that the noises they hear literally caused them physical pain. So happy to have just read this. If you keep yelling and pulling on the leash - Your dog is going to ignore you and tune you out. It's easy to do. People continually tried to pet her, and every time, she would attack. Thank you all. Let's further examine each main color category and their beautiful variations. If any do thinks it outranks you in your "pack" then you will have trouble controlling it and it will do as it pleases most of the time. I have been with Maggie for 3.5 years. I felt that might be a bit much. Let us know if you found anything that works! Aussie's learn your behavior and daily routine so when you put on shoes or work pants they know what's gonna happen next. The breed's ancestors came to the U.S. from Europe by way of Australia, hence its name. He literally attacks over human food (doesn't get aggressive at all with dog food). It is a vicious dog! Im seeing some very slight changes in her behavior but shes definitely having stomach issues and lack of appetite. Because Ive been doing that. On a couple of occasions, Ive referred clients to world-renowned veterinary behaviorist Dr. Karen Overall. We rescued our Aussie at just over 3 yrs old. I have taken a variety of meds in the past 14 years for issues including severe depression to PTSD following my dads murder. My husband wished we never got her and she is the love of our life inside the house. Keep at it! That being said, the behavior is interfering with your good times together, so that needs to change. She was extremely protective, I was her human. She has had no previous association with anything or anyone bad sowhy? What was your experience like? I've had him since he was six weeks old. one day, he did not want to go outside, he would not budge, we would carry him out, and the slightest noise, car starting to sirens and he would hitail it back to our door, ANY noise! At about 6 months, he began charging at the gate when my kids went up the stairs. I ripped him off of her (hes almost 55 pounds) and he then bit my hand. I have a female Aussie who is nearly 1 year old now, and I have used nearly all positive training methods. I love him so much, and hate the idea of an accident happening somehow then him being put down or I having to get rid of him. My family purchased a blue merle male Aussie puppy about 9 weeks old from a breeder. Bella is 3 years old. I have a miniature australian and she likes to bark at people and other dogs when we walk depending on who they are. I delayed having her spayed so the problem was of longer duration. We don't have much money and hundreds and hundreds of dollars have gone to her! You most likely have to look within yourself. She has now attacked smaller dogs at the park 3 times. Template Design by Cre8ve Online|Mega Menu by Gerry Davis. Since he is older now its a bit easier, the dog needs to be your best friend, find a way to mentally connect with him! It comes in the form of tablets, capsules, or liquid which can be given with or without food. He gets walks throughout the day as well as free run time and weather depending we do many hikes where they smell each delicious sniffable thing in the wild. i have two other small dogs along with her, and she never displayed that kind of aggression with them, so i thought it was just an issue she had with the one she killed? As a dog responds to behavior modification, dosage of the drug is weaned away. He's pretty good for the most part. Best of luck! Jack is 8 months and I already consider him the best dog I ever had . That lesson alone has made the time and money worth it. April 15, 2023 at 7:00 a.m. EDT. Youll need to see your veterinarian for a prescription and follow their instructions closely. If not this is something that you should consider and at least discuss with your vet as it can make a big difference to a dog's behaviour and calms them down considerably. Always follow your vets guidelines for administering fluoxetine. 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