victory is short-lived as Xanathar's mind flayer, Ulquess, implants more intellect devourers in goblinoid skulls.6A. "Act II oversees the adventurers' imprisonment in Area 19and their eventual escape. Alternatively, it attacks the adventurers and29-32. HEART OF THE MOUNTAIN 27. And or fails to strike Wyllow down then and there, read theshe liked it for a timebut even this wasn't enough for following:my dearest Wyllow. You hear a sort of crackling.Your eyes dart down to your hands and with mounting transformed into a human by a magic circlet.horror you realize your body is turning to stone. Best Subclass/Build for 1-20 Dragon Heist/Dungeon of Mad Mage Campaign. Once seen, she confidently Cloakers, however, are intelligent creatures capable ofintroduces herself and invites the party to her tower to the Deep Speech and Undercommon. If theymind youcame to live and work with me two centuries kill her, Halaster is never summoned.ago, Wyllow fell to blue clutches. gawk. Dungeon of the Mad Mage is the second of two Dungeons & Dragons books set in Waterdeep. Three outcomes are possible: enthralled by the nagas. None, not even Melith or Thirza after the aboleth is defeated, after which the Mad Mageknow for certain what lurks beneath the water, but they grows bored and lifts the ban on the spell. If confronted over it, she mumbles Speaking with the Beasts. On a liar's tongue? Play thestranger to combat and abides by the tactics below. A character can make a DC 16 Upon the throne lies a tablet bearing a mosaic of aIntelligence (Arcana) check to ascertain a solution: mountain split in twain beneath a blue sky.casting mind blank on the giants. THE SHADOW OF GHNORSH If they do agree to stay, Maddgoth bides his time until Under this supplement, a third son has been added tomidnight. Is there a recommended quick-start DM guide to learning what I need to run a game successfully there (or tips for running this one in particular)? Armed with shovels, fourBones begin to move beneath your gaze. Certainly, you've learned that not allThe aftermath of the adventures' conflict with Wyllow, if that glitters is gold, and though life might thrive, it is nothey have one at all, depends on whether they felled the less cruel than the darkest of dungeons. 47ACT I. AMBUSHED! To screw with the duergar, players progression. None of the drow or kuo-toa know for certain with its own flawed concept of love. Personality. Dim but faithful to their creator, the trees canprovide the following cryptic messages. My peopleUndermountain, preferably in this order: need a hero. broken. Rows of fangs line its gaping maw andrequires no magic at all, but Noogaloop adds his own flair its tentacles gently caress your vessel. disease called chaos phage. resolves to keep a close eye on his new target, determined to meet them again one day without the protection of their Despite their wishes, the Gentlemen Bastards run afoul peers.of the stone giants. And we're running briskly on VTT. This character must make a DC 14 Charismasaving throw or be cursed with the following flaw, "I can'tkeep a secret, no matter how trivial or dire." DotMM Companion: Bundle 2 - The Dungeon of the Mad Mage Companion's second bundle hits the shelves, this time covering Levels 4-8 of Undermountain Epitaph of the Apparent Diviner. As the party flees from one stalker, they see it clearly in the5 dust, putting distance between them and it. All signs pointsick to fight. In, I beg ye, in!" My reward system will be offering credits which you can use for complimentary copies on my DMs Guild stuff; I'd also like to start self-publishing my fantasy-scifi and gothic-western short stories on there (since the folks at Clarkesworld Magazine won't touch 'em with a ten foot pole). I have only had the pleasure of reading the first 3 chapters, plus Skullport, plus Dweomercores chapter, but now that I bought the complete edition Ill get to enjoy all your other writing. Even if you fast forward through this Kuketh's head be brought back. Desperate to return to the fold, and nursing fantasies of leadership, Vool turns to If Wyllow issued the quest to slaughter the werebats in the adventurers for aid. 3. If you've seen the film It Follows, it should be reminiscent of that.AREAS OF NOTE THE PATHS AHEAD (IN SHORT)The following areas are of note: This level is nonlinear and that exacerbates your ability toAN ABUNDANCE OF EMPTINESS plan ahead. I willed the trees to grow, I birthed the "Halaster!" Once they do, read the Auvryndar. Always is there a feeling of longing. Thank you very much for the offer, however. A pair can wreak havoc on the party, engaging in a deadly hit-and-run.proposal, Maddgoth turns on the interior lights (middlelever) and plays music (Button 1). The others just wanted to go in and kill stuff, loot, and level up. I felt like a disappointmentyet every time I posted another chapter, I would be flooded with support, praise, and even gratitude. since Halaster snatched the entire thing from a halfling village a week's ride from Waterdeep. If one or morewithout ample foreshadowing to leave the players of the arcane spellcasters are one the "promising" targetsshaking. At one time a half-orc used it to characters' awarenessafter leaving the kitchen so theyblock a crossbow bolt, leaving a gaping hole in its cover don't see him using the somatic and verbal components ofand the first third of its pages. 32On Khodnar. 31LEVEL VII: MADDGOTH'S CASTLE"A while back, I crafted this castle for guests. Sweat clings to you like aHALASTER'S GAME desperate child. Characters that swallow the river God Statue. All characters must make a DC 10 Dexterity Speaking with the Dead. He makes no effort to hide his Otto's Game. Going through Area 2 leads directly to Area 15, putting them in contact with Skella Ironeye, perhaps a bit too early. Explore the mega-dungeon of Undermountain in this adventure for the world's greatest roleplaying game. "I read sometimes. Quickly! Maddgoth makes this the stage of his last attempt to kill the46. Remember that these malevolent spirits are intelligent undead and speak the As if it to answer your question, there on the pebbled languages they knew in life. No bard would ever share The Gentlemen Bastards are detailed below; their this tale, and no listener would ever believe it.statistics are included in Appendix B. Halaster can also remotely activate it the adventurers' existence aloud and together. If wounded, the stalker retreats to attack an hour later repeat ad nauseum. sight of some angelic grotto lit by a swollen moon. desk sits nearby, and on closer inspection, you can see that it's made entirely of books engraved with sigils and other Read the following once the spell is triggered: symbols of arcane study: spellbooks.You turn the knob, finding it unlocked. His surprise breaks into a warm smile.her gratitude, once returned to her brethren in Area 11, "Well, hello there! PICK AND CHUULS determined by Illuun), hauling grappled characters into the water and paralyzing them with a Tentacles attack. No wounds neck to view them, a bit of water drips from above,can be found. This level has a lot! Is your party going somewhere in the dungeon or trying to clear each level as they go? Spells of sending and the like can only be"Halngaloon" tore them from the River of the Depths and transmitted to creatures within Level 4.imbued them with power, giving them the power to speak An exodus occurred, but ended in ruin. WYLLOW'S THRONE ROOM 6J. In the eons since, Ghorn has come to regret his decision and 28wishes to be free. This is fantastic work, and you deserve any good that comes your way because of it. As a last- Jalen's Spare Spellbook. Assuming his guestssecrets of lichdom with him. HEMISPHERE OF HORRORS this chamber. Or, a sparrow under the effect of an animal above. A roughhewn tunnel leads to darkness,Additional Loot. LOOTED RELIQUARY Skella's a "woman of her word," they promise, and trust her to offer the party peace.The reliquary lies in ruin. Despite all attempts to steel yourselves, the Mad Mage Where. BLOCKING THE PATH7. Shh, it's all right. One-click unsubscribe later if you don't enjoy the newsletter. She wrought our doom. The Mad Mage whispers to you, his voice slick with Perhaps, if the party takes too long to return to the Lost sadism:Level, other adventuring parties make their way to thisplace and find themselves also trapped in the Mad Mage's "Fear does awful things to a man, and the worst venominfernal game. Undermountain. TACTICS "The water has been fouled and the fish suffer under a dirge. Every hour a creature exposed to the attack the adventurers. We need the scarlet. 152. The Dungeon of the Mad Mage Companion's fourth bundle covers Levels 14-18 of Undermountain. VALDEMAR'S LAST-DITCH EFFORT from the water to greet the party, inviting them to her tower for a "more formal audience than this." My rivals and I came to an impasse. Alert now, you scan the treelineand flitting between the trees is a wisp of ivorylight. It also comes up with a bunch of ideas to flesh things out so theyre less empty rooms and hallways - it adds special events and new factions and interactions. The next guide for Dungeon of the Mad Mage will take us down to and through DL6, and I'll tell you right here that DL4 and DL5 can be amazing settings for adventures that start, play out, and end all in the course of a single part of the dungeon. rfefrs tm ok Oppfkjgx, fgtdfr me tdf me tdf, afvfa me Vkjfrbmuktogk. First. with the rusted trophies of conquered foes, all glaring in the light emitted by those quiet, quartz pillars. I've very recently started DMing a DotMM campaign for four players. The game features multiple scenarios and challenging quests. how this turns out. Roleplaying Qurrok. curiosity seems a little too piqued. Reward the player that recognizes "Ghorn," one of King Melair's elite bodyguards whothat reference with Inspiration. In! With his guests convened for dinner, Maddgoth begins to revel in this newfound opportunity. Alas, goblins have claimed the territory for their own. A belt of dwarvenkind has been added to twisting down towards the bowels of the earth.this location. That's why she'll spend her life frolicking in these gloomy woods and you'll rest amongst the graves ofFinding Tearulai is the culmination of one of failed champions. It attacking a single target. Could they ever predict their fall? The way forwardthe following: is conveniently buried. frsokj, Paoyfrs Dokjhmml, Bmkstfr Bokuoa, Sgzorjs me tdf Imost prmjuit kobfs, okj tdfgr rfspfitgvf amcms orf. His spellbook lies open, arcane sigilsengraved into stone. Do not tell your players on the past antics of your players while they were there,anything, just force the roll. CAVE BEAR DEN Roleplaying Obsidia. (This refers to the duergar lumberman that the Don't forget legendary and lair actions! See Area 13B. to drink the poisoned wine (see Area 27). swoops down and attempts to grapple the weakest Tactics. See Halaster's Visit in "Special Events"under Areas of Note for more details. Please." If the adventurers take the swordas their own, however, prepare for the campaign to take asharp turn. He casts mind blank andremain invisible as well. heart of this lightless grotto. While she's resting in Halaster's Lair, treatWyllowwood to the same fate detailed in "Aftermath" of Read the following:Level 5 of DotMM. are left up to you, though they ought to be high considering the party is 8th level. An image of another giant chases Speleosa notongue. Read the following: 356. Severalnothing but darkness. This bundle contains Levels 1-3, Skullport, and Halaster's Game. It is vital that the Gentlemen Bastards are notforgotten in combat, as their firepower is necessary to So, what if the adventurers fail to free themselves, or cantsurvive. Equipment. You'll need to rely on hand gestures, crude drawings, body language, and narration17. Khodnar conveniently retires the start of his next turn. It's up. They're largely neutral and self-serving. skull, the dragon promises its wrath if the party confronts Once the adventurers meet Wyllow at her tower, she Wyllow. The name confuses him but seemsfamiliar. . Its left eyeTearulai awakens and attacks. 44LEVEL VIII: SLITHERSWAMP The Bastards' leader, Grel Momesk, is featured in the Out from Under the Rod event. episodes of roleplaying and intermittent attacks by or on the Blacktongue bullywugs (which could even just be You catch more flies with honeyand so the thralls narrated to save time at your table).aren't hostile. Sarka's her name vials, bottles, alembics, distillers, and other alchemicaland she sputters out, It listens from the tide, before equipment. FACES OF HALASTERfolk is blunted by his desperate search for "the mosaic. This magic costs him a 2nd-levelidentified as a standard blank tome handed out to the spell slot. Share it: Copy. If infected, that character can that encircles the kuo-toa, spiriting them into the air. All say, "Free me. Inevitably a force of six enslaved kuo-toa, an enslaved Noogaloop's dreams are haunted by the tyrant. It will Area 21. The shavings fall like autumnal leaves. A band of grimlocks are spearing fish Your surprise is immutable, the splendor of this placealong the river. Otherwise ignore Neither Otto the faerie dragon or Maddgoth's them. VOOL'S REFUGE "You're fools to brave these woods," the creature tells you. I will make it your discretion, the Mad Mage has shut it down so as to strand the drow (see Halaster's Game below). no longer. She invites them to her tower after a brief our people and stolen our home. When the adventurers approach It Speaks. When the demon reaches out, read the following:A voice slithers into your mindand for once, it isn't the 33. After the adventurers leave, the ettin Lost in Translation. When they approach this area, the duergar shout,your eyes but up your spine and into your brain: the "Hurry! Rhodos is curious and tolerates small folk. I'm thinking of writing an demiplanar gauntlet called Deathcube (based on the Cube movie franchise), but I also want to chill out and write some fantasy-scifi short stories. The Language Barrier. A memory of Maddgoth hauntsShallow pools of water are fed by the disparate rain Qurrok. "Pretty Please." During dinner, he When below half health or when he fears his life is in plays with his food (the adventurers) by asking probing danger, Maddgoth casts teleport to escape. 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