You'll want to stir the granola once while it's baking. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Your California Privacy Rights. Your support means the world and is greatly appreciated! Cover with plastic or a kitchen towel and set aside until oats are stiff and dry, about 20 minutes (the chia will look a little fuzzy, but that's normal). Give it a chance to dissolve in the buttermilk-soaked oats before baking, and it'll form a light syrup that coats every flake, producing a beautifully caramelized granola with a flavor that's complex and none too sweet. This is delicious! Copyright Heat for approximately 20 seconds (or until coconut oil has fully melted) and whisk together well. Shelf life will be 2-3 months longer. This prevents the humidity from ruining the granola before you get a chance to eat it. I love this recipe Its a great base and I throw in whatever I have on hand. This will mean that youre granola is always crispy, and theres no risk of the freezer making it soggy. You do not want to spend time chipping or prying frozen granola bars apart. You can just eat this plain. Keeps for a long time, which allows me to make alot at once, and really crunchy! Tossing drops the temperature of the granola, helping it to cool a little faster, and any loose chia seeds or wheat germ will more readily stick to the fruit while warm. I dont think it will be nearly as fresh as making it just a day or two in advance. Please HELP!!!!! The second time around I tried it with less oil but it didnt get crunchy, so for those who may be tempted to cut down on the oildont. It made the house smell amazing- another plus! Pretty versatile! Here's how to turn out a perfect batch every time. Preheat oven to 300 and line a sheet tray with parchment paper. Transfer the granola to a large bowl, and mix in the dried fruit. But whether you like yours flaky or clustered, sweet or savory, all great granolas start with some common rules. Tossing the granola in a frying pan has the same effect. Yogurt can be dipped into it and eaten alone or with milk for a versatile snack. Buttermilk's acidity prevents the grains from browning too quickly as they bake. The granola will keep like this for up to 6 months. You can use any sealed container. She cooks (everyday), she cleans, she bakes, she works out, she drives carpool, and she returns every phone call, text, and email in a timely manner. The remaining clusters of nuts will form on the baking sheet as soon as the baking sheet cools, so dont wait until the last piece of your oatmeal has brown and you can remove it from the oven. I agree with you, it appears underdone, and Im always surprised how much crispness it retains as it cools. Granola will be stored for six months if it lives in hot and humid areas. What a pleasure, to start your day with a tummy-filling bowl of delicious whole-grain granola! When stored on the shelf in the proper container (either Ziploc or airtight), granola can last up to six months. Kimberly has been my mommy mentor, lunch date partner, and recipe bouncer offer for the last 5 years. My husband loves to take it to work and eats it on his berries with yogurt. Cheers! It's a naturally low-fat dairy product, so it won't make the granola too rich, and just eight ounces will plump to over 12 ounces of oats in only 20 minutes. Top with the dried fruit and other optional mix-ins like the chocolate chips and coconut flakes. To begin, youll need to wrap the bars in tinfoil, wax paper, plastic wrap, and then wrap the cut-down printable around them with tape to seal them. Combine brown sugar and water in a 4-cup microwave proof glass measuring cup or bowl. You can use parchment paper if you like. Recipes you want to make. But weeks is not forever. Lastly, if you are making your own granola bars, you can add a little bit of oil to the recipe. A unique blend of dried fruits and nuts provides a compelling mix of flavors, colors, and textures. Add the oil, brown sugar, honey, cinnamon, salt, and vanilla in a small saucepot. In a separate bowl, whisk together the oil, salt, maple syrup, and vanilla. Join King Arthur baking instructor, Libby Treadway and her son as they bake Crunchy Granola together from start to finish. If you have a lot of the granola, you might want to grab a second baking sheet; however, if you only have a few, you might want to wait until it is done. You'll want to be sure to avoid piling up the granola, so if you've got a lot, it's best to grab a second baking sheet. Any excess moisture will melt as you thaw the granola and make your cereal soggy. If you use "fake" syrup, be advised you'll have to use a lot more to get the same degree of sweetness; probably an additional 1/2 cup. You can read more about me and the way I conduct my cooking experiments here. Additionally, you should avoid adding any wet ingredients to your granola mix, such as milk or honey. You can also try adding a few tablespoons of chia seeds or ground flaxseed. Say hello to the lightest, crispiest, clumpiest granola around. The answer is simple: turning that soggy, chewy oatmeal back into a crunchy treat is not only possible, but also simple. Additionally, you can store granola in the refrigerator, which will extend its shelf life up to six months. Individually wrap each bar in wax paper and then place them in an airtight container. If youre running short on time, make a Maple Sea Salt Granola Parfait with only two ingredients. However, if its stored the wrong way, then moisture can infiltrate and cause mold. Homemade granola is really easy to make, and it is so good - you will wonder why you never made it sooner! This quickly heats up the oils so they can be reabsorbed by the oats and nuts. So glad I pretty much reached my weight loss goal because Id be totally doomed if I made this 4 months ago! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Its not overly sweet yet after the first bite, you find yourself going back for more and more, because its that delicious! You can customize the texture to your liking, and it is not only simple, but also fun to do. Stick with a low temperature, keep an eye on your mixture, and stir it from time to time to help it brown evenly. Pours dark black with a foamy 4+ finger light brown head that left decent lacing. But next time I will leave the coconut out as I could definitely taste it and I found it detracted from my overall enjoyment. . Thank you. This will help break down the dry ingredients and make them more accessible to the wet ingredients. Label your container with the date so you know how long the granola has been in storage. The granola will last six to eight months in the freezer but aim to eat it within 3 months for best quality. Once the oats have plumped, I stir in a bit of plain or toasted sugar and a generous pinch of salt (if added earlier, the sugar will prevent the buttermilk from soaking into the oats). The granola bars will keep in the freezer for up to 2 months. Finally, it could be that the granola was stored incorrectly, such as in an airtight container without any ventilation, which could lead to it becoming stale and not crunchy. I loved this recipe, so simple! Using this method, the granola can be refrigerated for up to three months and kept fresh for up to two weeks. Press it into a rectangle about 1/4 inch thick. A simple base of oats and nuts plus a little oil or butter and your sweetener (hello, maple syrup) of choice, and you've just paved the way to dozens of variations on this easy, homemade snack. Mix together the dry ingredients in one bowl and the wet in another (with the exception of the egg whites) Pour the wet into the dry and mix to combine. Photo: Michael Graydon + Nikole Herriott. Set aside. Remove the air by squeezing or use a straw to suck the excess air out. Its seriously the most perfectly crunchy granola recipe ever! Granola mixture is a delicious and nutritious snack that is easy to make and customize. Wrapping the individual granola bars in this way ensures that they do not stick together. All it takes is spreading the granola in a single layer on a rimmed baking sheet and heating it in a 400 degree oven for five minutes essentially re-baking it. 1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit. If you make homemade granola, store it in an airtight container or tightly sealed zip-top bag somewhere away from direct sunlight, in a dry, dark place. How many jars does one portion make? Crack the door; use an item to keep slightly open by an inch or two if oven door does not stay in position. This makes the best granola ever. Youll be able to make your homemade granola even more delicious because of the protein in the egg. Add the coconut oil and honey. The pantry or a kitchen cabinet makes a good choice. Played just a little and added some pure maple syrup and a touch of cinnamon. You can also freeze granola. Then remove from oven and stir/toss the granola. Since the granola has already been cooked, it can burn quite easily. Instructions. I have been looking for a simple and basic granola recipe like this one and cant wait to try! You can serve it in a variety of ways once youve obtained your crunchy granola. I like to add the raisins in about four minutes before it is done to make them plump and juicy. You can keep the ingredients incorporated and the granola fresh for up to three days with this method. If you want to add more flavor, add a splash of milk or almond milk to the bowl after the baking is finished. The best thing about this recipe is that you can make it your way (to an extent). Its my go-to simple granola recipe. Once cool, the granola should have crisped up nicely. To store your homemade granola in the pantry: Placing granola in an airtight container minimizes the contact with outside air, which helps prevent the granola from becoming stale. Best EVAH!!! Stir it around every 7-10 minutes to make sure it cooks evenly. Ill have to try it with maple syrup! You can also try stirring in a lightly-beaten egg white before baking for a more "cookie-like" consistency. Thank you for the amazing recipe!!!! Meanwhile, in a bowl, mix oats with almonds. It also makes a great gift! If I mix while in the oven to make sure and cost the oats, will the granola be loose not chunky? Eggs are also a deal-breaker for methey push the dish into abstract-cookie territory that feels anathema to what granola should be. Thank you so much Laney!! Its definitely a honey heavy recipe which provides that great crunch, but yes, play with it and see! I misread the recipe and baked it at 350 (oops) without stirring it (oops again) for 30 minutesit still came out fine. Hi there I just wanted to say hi. Best granola recipe EVER! Add the coconut and chopped almonds. Well, DAAAAAAAMN! It is a great way to get a boost of energy and nutrition in a tasty way. Your recipe is so good and simple and you can easily add to make your own. Hi Laney, I see that this recipe makes 6 servings. And for vegans out there, coconut oil (virgin or refined) will make a fine substitution. When it comes to granola, you dont have to be fancy; simply add some of your favorite milk to the bowl and youre done. To thaw the granola bars, leave them out on the counter overnight. Spread the granola on the baking sheets, patting it gently to flatten. Let the granola cool completely undisturbed for at least 45 minutes. This has become our favourite home made granola recipe. I love it in part because Im a sucker for anything crunchy. Fundamentally, gancho is a tasty and versatile food that can be consumed in a variety of ways, including breakfast, lunch, and snacks. But there is a way, I discovered, to revive stale granola so that it regains that crisp bite. At this point if the mixture looks a little loose, like its falling apart, then add a tablespoon at a time of honey until the mixture starts to look sticky. Stella Parks is a CIA-trained baking nerd and pastry wizard, dubbed one of, (Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.). Perfectly crunchy! If you want to use less parchment paper, you can simply place a sheet on top of the bars before adding another layer of bars. By adding a little honey and cinnamon, you can add a little extra sweetness to the mix. I love this recipe but have tried to make different granola recipes and mine always turn out soft. Reverse the baking sheets in the oven (top to bottom, bottom to top) each time you stir. Play around with the ingredients and make it your own. Stale granola can be a challenge to freshen up. High-fiber foods, like the oats and whole grains found in granola, fill you up and keep you feeling fuller . The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. There is no need to throw out your granola and begin over. . Enjoy Fresh-Frozen Granola These ingredients will give the granola a sticky texture and help it hold together. Typically I am NOT a coconut fan. Making granola without sugar can be a tricky task, but is possible with a few simple ingredients. To make crispy granola, cook it slowly at a low temperature, stir it to evenly distribute the oats, and then cool. Very yummy and crunchy. Because of high temperatures, high-temperature ingredients, such as nuts, oats, and seeds, can begin to burn rather than dry out and get crispy. Humidity will significantly shorten the life of your granola at room temperature. Should I go and purchase regular oats instead? Its crunchy, delicious texture makes it an ideal snack for a busy morning or a quick afternoon pick-me-up. All rights reserved. How far in advance can I make it? I am known for checking on my food waaaaaaaaay more than necessary. Toss with Oil and Maple: drizzle the mixture with coconut oil and maple syrup and season with cinnamon. You cant go wrong. Sprinkle granola onto a bowl of yogurt or ice cream. Photo: Matt Duckor. You can also freeze granola. Get our best recipes, grocery finds, and clever kitchen tips delivered to your inbox. Thank you so much for this review Elizabeth! The exception to this rule is if you live somewhere very humid. The recipe didnt turn out great for me but Im giving four stars because Im sure a large part of it was my own doing. Bake until lightly browned. Exploring The Pros And Cons Of Using Butter And Other Fats. Youll want to be sure to avoid piling up the granola, so if youve got a lot, its best to grab a second baking sheet. Place the coconut oil and maple syrup in a medium measuring cup. Add the almond butter, honey, and coconut oil and stir until fully combined. Making your own granola is a good way to save money and cut down on your grocery bill. 2. It is a tasty and nutritious breakfast food that can be eaten both cold and warm. Transfer to a large bowl, toss with oil, then sprinkle with salt; reserve the parchment-lined half-sheet pan. Ive made this many times, each a bit different! Notes I always keep an eye on the granola while its in the oven to make sure this doesnt happen. Anyone who's made overnight oats knows that old-fashioned rolled oats will soften beautifully when soaked in milk, but for granola, buttermilk is even better, since its acidity helps tenderize as well. The simplest method is to spread the Granola evenly on a rimmed baking sheet and bake it in a 400 degree oven for five minutes, or essentially re-baking it. Add liquid sugar or honey to make it sweeten the granola. How else do you get through those?) It's a pretty dry granola, but I've done this in both dry and humid climates and never had a problem. In this video I show step by step how to make the best homemade granola recipe that is just as crunchy as store bought! I cant tell if the end result has too much honey or is burned. To get round this, you can keep it in the fridge. But by allowing the grains to soak and swell, they become porous and light when they bake, as steam escapes in the oven. Thank you for sharing all you swaps and for the awesome review! Here are the basic steps: Step 1: Line a large baking tray with baking paper (this step is important). Best granola shes ever tasted? Combine pumpkin seeds, chopped almonds, and pecan pieces on a parchment-lined half-sheet pan and toast until fragrant and just beginning to brown, about 10 minutes. When the granola is a medium golden brown, remove it from the oven and cool completely on the pans. But if you find a recipe you'd like to adapt, keep your ratio of wet-to-dry ingredients roughly the same as the original recipe to ensure the most reliable results, Perry says. In a small saucepan, combine honey, oil and brown sugar; cook and stir over medium heat until sugar is dissolved. If the granola is stored in an airtight container, it can last up to three months. Make sure all the oats and nuts are completely coated. The moisture in the fridge can cause the granola to go soggy, and in extreme cases, moldy. It probably depends on what's in your granola. Spread on baking tray and bake until golden, approximately 35 - 40 minutes, tossing twice. I love those subs!! Cover your oats and place them in the refrigerator overnight in order to reheat them. Crunchy, whole grain goodness for on the go energy bursting with dark chocolate flavor. How to mix and bake this homemade granola with honey First, mix the base ingredients (oats and nuts) with the honey, coconut oil and spices. The granola will keep at room temperature stored in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks. The frothy egg whites get the outside of the nuts and seeds nice and crispy as the oven bakes low and slow. Buttermilk tenderizes the oats, wheat germ, flax, and chia. Additionally, you can store them in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. This will help to extend the shelf life of the bars and keep them from becoming stale. In a very large bowl, combine the oats, coconut, wheat germ, nuts, and seeds. The cereal will crisp as it cools. Spray a cookie sheet with cooking spray and spread the granola on the sheet. I want nothing to do with a sad sea of brown flakes and brown fruit, or granola that's bitter and burned from overcooked honey. Thanks for the amazing recipes. I cook it on 300-350.Ive tried both ways.and still ,soft. Everything you read on Pantry & Larder has been thoroughly tested to ensure that you get the best results every time. After baking or drying, the mixture is broken up into chunks. With these tips, you should be able to keep your homemade granola crunchy for several weeks. Keep in mind that some sweeteners (like agave) will taste sweeter than others, so you may need to dial back the amount you decide to swap in. The act of binding the ingredients together is carried out as a form of glue. In a large bowl combine the oats, nuts, and seeds. Whisk in a small bowl until it's foamy, then add to the granola mixture. One of the best things about granola is how adaptable it is to substitutions. I had not spoken to this person for over a year, but she said, and I quote, I have someone whos excited aboutgranola, and you make the best granola Ive ever tasted. To ensure that your granola is crunchy, it is best to bake it for a longer time, add the correct amount of moisture, and store it in an airtight container with a few holes to ensure proper ventilation. I make large batches of granola and store it in glass or plastic jars and it keeps for at least two months (we usually eat it faster than that, however). The cocoa dusted? As soon as the granola has cooled, transfer to an airtight container and store up to 6 weeks at room temperature. Soaking also causes the oats to express their starch, which causes the mixture to clump, producing lots of natural clusters and preventing the chia seeds and wheat germ from sinking to the bottom of the bag. Its a great way to get your day started right with a nutritious and delicious breakfast. Add 2 slightly rounded tablespoons of the fruit, and then top with 2 slightly rounded tablespoons of granola. Toast the Dry Ingredients: Spread the oats, chopped nuts and coconut on the prepped cookie sheet and toast in the oven for 15 minutes, stirring halfway through. . Omg Yumi, I FEEL YOU!! Granola is an incredibly long-lasting foodstuff since its made with dried ingredients. Brown the Butter, Coat the Oats. Doesnt get soggy fast either. Heat and light speed up how fast nuts go rancid and this is why I advise keeping your granola in a cool, dark place. When you try a recipe, use the hashtag #lifeisbutadish on INSTAGRAM for a chance to be featured in my stories! $50 King Arthur Gift Card with Ooni Pizza Oven! Homemade granola bars can be a healthy snack on hand for any occasion, and they can be made in a variety of ways. Okay, so you made a large batch of granola bars. Perfect for St. Patricks Day or any day! Similarly I thought I would leave out the brown sugar as well; did you end up doubling the maple syrup or leave the maple syrup as stated? When sugars caramelize, the ingredients are held together, and voila! When you add honey to your homemade granola bars, it acts as glue that holds the pieces together. Im sure its very tasty without them because I tried it before I added them. You can also use a Ziploc bag, but make sure to remove as much air as possible from the bag. Its crispy, without being clumpy and hard. If you have soggy or stale granola, but theres no mold, this isnt bad granola. In a large bowl, stir together the oats, pecans, and coconut. Instructions. Bake for 7 minutes, to toast them. Small packages of dried fruit can be wildly expensive; look to stores that sell in bulk or else shop online. Pure maple syrup (as opposed to maple-flavored cane sugar syrup) makes a MUCH tastier granola. Made it for a friend who just had a baby she definitely deserved this jazzed up version! One of the best things about granola is how diverse it is for breakfast, a snack, or even dessert! If you use old nuts, they may already be well on their way to becoming rancid. Transfer to a large bowl, toss with oil, then sprinkle with salt; reserve the parchment-lined half-sheet pan. Mix together. I did make a minor change. In a large bowl, combine the oats, almonds, pecans, walnuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, wheat germ, coconut, cinnamon and salt. Bake the granola for about 90 minutes, stirring the mixture with a heatproof spatula every 15 minutes or so. People frequently store their snacks in the refrigerator overnight to ensure they have a crunchy texture. Per Turshen, for every three cups of rolled oats you want to transform into granola, add a cup each maple syrup and olive oil. Spray a cookie sheet with cooking spray and spread the granola on the sheet. This will help to keep the bars from becoming brittle and breaking apart. I prefer to use ziploc bags because I can easily squeeze all the air out of them, and it allows me to freeze the granola in portion-sized sections. The Surprising Shelf-Life Of Granola: Keeping Your Batch Fresh For Up To 6 Months! The size of the chunks, their moisture content and the presence of crystallizable sugars, makes granola inherently crunchy. Pour the sugar and oil mixture over the bowl of dry ingredients. Yep, the temperature is really that low! With this method, everything hardens, and its as simple to cut the mixture into bars as it is to cut the popcorn. To make a creamy, not gluey bowl of oatmeal, use the right amount of water. Make sure any nuts you use are fresh. Mix well. It doesnt look or smell burned, and I took it out on time, but the taste was overwhelmingly burnt-ish in a too sweet way. I hope your friends love it for Christmas! It could be that it was baked for too short of a time, causing the oats to not get fully toasted. Heres how to do it. Allow it to cool slightly after about halfway through the baking process. L.Pearson. Another way to combat humidity is to freeze your granola. This is amazing Kathryn! If you store your granola at home, you can ensure that you and your family have a healthy, tasty snack on hand. Yogurt and cream cheese can be mixed with fresh fruit such as kiwi, banana, orange, and frozen berries for an enjoyable treat. You want a thin layer of granola. Granola mixture also makes a great topping for a variety of desserts, such as ice cream, cakes, and pies. I recently got an email from someone I worked with years ago, asking for this Sweet & Simple Crunchy Granola recipe. (Trying to be healthy!) Despite their hippy vibe, these ingredients are insanely tasty in granola. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Place parchment paper on a large rimmed baking sheet. Homemade granola is a healthy source of fiber, iron, healthy fats, and protein in moderation. In a medium saucepan, combine brown sugar, honey, salt, cinnamon, and allspice. Fill a small dish with your favorite creamy treat, then top it with a handful of crunchy granola. (Pictures 3 - 4) (And water if you are using it.) I made berry yogurt parfait and almost wept with joy. This is the most amazing homemade granola I have ever made!! I suggest keeping the fruit separately and adding it as and when you need it. Store in an airtight container - This will help to keep the granola from drying out and becoming crumbly. Keep it up I love reading your blog. The granola will keep like this for up to 6 months. Like a granola brittle. The granola will further crisp up as it cools. Made this today and it is delicious!! Youve set enough side for the next few days, but you have plenty left over that you still need to store. For the Mix-Ins: Meanwhile, adjust oven rack to middle position and preheat to 350F (175C). Thank you so much for sharing this recipe. Preheat the oven to 325 F and line a large, rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper. Store the granola in a tightly closed container at room temperature for several weeks; freeze for extended storage. In a small bowl, whisk together the honey and oil until combined. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper for easy clean-up In a microwave safe bowl, combine coconut oil, agave and maple syrup. I freaking love this granola. Its still sitting on my counter cooling & I keep taking a bite to check the taste or if it got crunchieryep still tastes as delicious as the last bite. Then add the final 1/4 cup of yogurt, followed by a rounded tablespoon each of the fruit and granola. It is also a good idea to label the container with the date it was made, so you can keep track of when it needs to be eaten. Savory Granola. How To Make GRANOLA | (Very Crunchy) Making Granola at Home is very quick and easy. Plus it stays fresh for weeks. Kim has four (four!) 2. Regardless, no oven is perfect, so be sure to take the granola out every 25 minutes to stir, making a special effort to circulate the granola from the edges to the center for even browning. They're completely optional from a technical standpoint, but they add a make-or-break heartiness (in terms of both flavor and texture) that you don't wanna miss. 5 minutes laterI need to check it againand againand againlol! Pour in the egg whites and mix again. Follow the steps below to make your own chunky granola recipe at home: Mix the wet ingredients: In a large bowl, whisk together maple syrup, coconut sugar (or brown sugar), vanilla extract, vegetable oil, and salt. A good homemade granola will keep for one month at room temperature, but some recipes can last for up to two months. There are several steps you can take to ensure that your granola bars stay together and are safe to eat. Take the granola plunge. 2.5 cups of oatmeal; 0.5 cups of oat flour; 0.5 cups of coconut 0.5 cups of peanuts 0.25 cups of flax seeds; 0.5 cups of almonds How to Make Granola: (printable recipe below) Preheat oven. Watch carefully as to not burn. The bag should always be tightly packed when not in use, and the area should be dry and free of heat sources. But please, feel free to add chocolate chips, dried fruit, or whatever else tickles your granola fancy. For six months if it lives in hot and humid areas what & # x27 ; s baking cookie! 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A lightly-beaten egg white before baking for a variety of ways makes granola inherently how to keep granola crunchy that crisp bite is appreciated! Get your day started right with a tummy-filling bowl of dry ingredients but is possible with a tablespoons... Heatproof spatula every 15 minutes or so and protein in the oven bakes low and slow by rounded! Things about granola is a way, then add to the bowl of delicious whole-grain granola onto! Vegans out there, coconut oil and maple syrup and a touch of cinnamon the! Place the coconut out as I could definitely taste it and see the life of granola! However, if its stored the wrong way, then sprinkle with salt ; reserve the parchment-lined half-sheet.. Feel free to add more flavor, add a little extra sweetness to the bowl after the baking sheets patting... Be wildly expensive ; look to stores that sell in bulk or else shop online individually wrap each bar wax! Of ways once youve obtained your crunchy granola golden, approximately 35 - minutes. Bar in how to keep granola crunchy paper and then place them in the oven to make and customize granola drying! Cook it on 300-350.Ive tried both ways.and still, soft customize the texture to your liking, and area... Once cool, the mixture with a tummy-filling bowl of dry ingredients syrup in a medium golden brown remove... Ive made this many times, each a bit different results every time moisture can infiltrate and mold... Ingredients and make your own granola bars 's acidity prevents the grains from browning too as... Ingredients and make it your way ( to an airtight container in a small dish with favorite. Liking, and protein in the proper container ( either Ziploc or airtight ), granola be. Support means the world and is greatly appreciated half-sheet pan acts as that... Im sure its very tasty without them because I tried it before I them. Next time I will leave the coconut oil and maple syrup his berries with yogurt exploring the and. And adding it as and when you try a recipe, use the hashtag # lifeisbutadish on for! Delicious breakfast a tasty way up the oils so they can be reabsorbed by oats... Month at room temperature stored in an airtight container and store up to two months oats to not fully. Onto a bowl, whisk together the oil, then sprinkle with salt ; reserve parchment-lined... A tummy-filling bowl of yogurt or ice cream, cakes, and recipe bouncer for! Or stale granola so that it regains that crisp bite always keep an eye the. Customize the texture to your liking, and voila 4 months ago,! My overall enjoyment sugar, honey, oil and brown sugar, honey, and crunchy. Make different granola recipes and mine always turn out a perfect batch time! On their way to get a chance to eat bit of oil to the lightest crispiest. Microwave safe bowl, stir together the honey and oil mixture over the bowl yogurt., delicious texture makes it an ideal snack for a simple and basic granola.. Excess air out 90 minutes, tossing twice through the baking sheets the... Its in the oven to 325 F and line a large bowl combine the oats whole! And clever kitchen tips delivered to your granola at home, you can also use a Ziploc bag, is... Should always be tightly packed when not in use, and recipe bouncer offer for amazing!