A Libra man will take his shot at any woman he finds attractive, but he wont chase a woman who shows no interest in him whatsoever. First of all, dont come across as needy or dependent on him. 10. Libra is an air sign, and the intellectual air signs arent the most comfortable with intense emotionality. This brings me to my next point, do you sometimes struggle to know what to say to your Libra man? 1. If you pretend to be cold without being cruel, hell take the extra effort required to try to gain your affection. Focus your full attention on him when you are together, flirt a little, ask personal questions, and listen keenly when he is talking. Related: 4 Libra Spirit Animals that Perfectly Represent the Sign. My name is Anna Kovach, and Im a Relationship Astrologer. My advice is to keep your jokes clean and appropriate, and hell be laughing with you for a long time to come. The best you can do is show off your confident side, show your sense of humor, and demonstrate your independence and creativity in all areas of life. Is Sleeping With Libra Man Too Soon Problematic? So if you can master this dance with your Libra man then you should be golden! Libra men find a confident woman intriguing and worth getting to know. Scorpio. You also dont want to do anything thatll make him feel like he cant trust you. It's very easy to surrender to your emotions when you're trying to get a man to chase you. Dont wait for him to make the first move; ask him out or initiate a conversation. At YourHigherJourney we want to show you how to see & read the signs in your life to unlock your full potential. Theyre usually surrounded by a group of friends who adore them. Libra men love to have fun, so if youre able to make him laugh and smile, hell definitely enjoy your company. If you try to be anything else, hell see your mask rather than who you are. If you are expecting him to succumb to your pressures and be a slave, it's a mistake. It may tell you exactly what you need to know. We talked about keeping busy so that a Libra man doesnt fret that hell become your whole world. This means that he might often find himself in situations that make him feel uncomfortable or wouldnt choose for himself because it makes someone else happy. If you know how to make a Libra man miss you, youre halfway to getting him to become obsessed. Mystery is alluring, fun, and exciting. It is why the Libra man is attracted to beautiful things and is always the best-dressed guy among his friends. Instead, a Libra man dreams of taking his musical talent on the road and gaining fame and glory. When a man genuinely feels like your everyday hero, hell become more loving, attentive, and committed to being in a long-term relationship with you. You may have to brush up on your general knowledge or do some research, but it will be worth it. Be it through Instagram or by catching you out at the club, seeing you have a great time alone makes him reminisce. These qualities reveal a balanced nature, and the Libra man strives for balance in all areas of life. Its your natural beauty hes drawn to, not your makeup or jewelry. Although Venus exerts dual rulership over Taurus and Libra, the planet has a different effect on the two signs. 1. When a Libra man is interested in you, hell still keep a low profile at first. Libra men can be so confusing! 3) Exude confidence. Related: 8 Clear Signs that a Libra Man Likes You. Dont make the mistake of asking him out the first time you meet him. Always try to remain even-keeled with him. So try to lean back in the times you feel like you are doing too much of the legwork, youll quickly see him making back the effort, dont you worry! Consequently, spending time complaining about everything from how your boss is a slave driver to how the lighting in a nightclub sucks will be a huge turn-off for the Libra man. When he goes quiet, it can be tempting to text him again and again. This is because the Libra man trait that most defines him is his Zen attitude towards life. This includes personal information about yourself, your feelings and even your plans for the future. A Libra man will seek out your company if he sees you are as social as he is. As you get to know him, think to yourself: is he good enough for me? When I say show him your hand, show him enough that will get him motivated. He wont give you more meaningful compliments about your mind, your strength, etc. You can find out more in Why a Libra Man Ignores You. The dynamic between you and your Libra man should feel like a dance. It allows mutual interest to develop and gives him the desire and confidence to chase you. Try to nurture any opportunity for deep conversations. From twin flames to psychics to dream interpretation, we cover it all. You have to be able to wait until hes ready. You might be sure about your feelings for him, but he might not feel the same way. The planet that rules Libra is Venus, the planet of beauty. If youre the creative type, make sure you put that on display in front of the Libra man! Dont double down on your efforts to get him talking again. Dont call him too often, and dont text him first all the time. Once he gets that idea in his head, he wont bother to waste time or energy to chase you down. With Venus (the planet of love) ruling this zodiac sign, the Libran male is inherently romantic and always seeks to be in an exclusive and loving relationship. When looking for a partner, a woman who is grounded, persevering, and full of life will catch his attention and inspire him to chase. The Libra man's most erogenous area is his buttocks. This post may contain affiliate links. We're not talking about blowing things out of proportion emotionally. If you can sit with the frustration of not hearing from him right away, all the better. Encourage him to keep auditioning. ). Hope you enjoy the journey with me. If you continue to chase your Libra man then you might be pushing him into a relationship he doesnt actually want. This is because this sign is all about balance and too much of one thing freaks him out. They have superb powers of observation and can read people by their actions, body language, and micro-expressions. How can you stand out from the rest and make him smitten with you? Add some special nuances to give your own personal flair to the picture. Hes an easygoing, charming, and romantic fellow. If you didnt know this about your Libra man, then it is about time that you do! Instead, focus on making a good friendship with him and his friends. Once he knows that you are really interested in you and that he knows he can trust you, he is likely to chase you. Give Him Space. While there is no such thing as a perfect man, the Libra gent comes very close. Hell bask in the energy youre giving him and if he finds you attractive, hell be thinking about how he can get to see you next. Because hes so wavering, you really need to avoid putting pressure on him with needy behavior or you might thwart his decision-making, resulting in him getting overwhelmed not making any decision at all. Give him lots of attention, affection, and consideration and hes all yours. When a woman is deeply focused on developing herself and building a unique, high-vibe life, it always creates a positive reaction and pursuit from men. The more you talk about him and his endeavors or basically listen to what he has to say, hell appreciate it and think that you really care. To make a Libra man miss you, you should basically go about your business but give the Libra insight into what youre doing without him. Its okay if you make mistakes from time to time, but lying to a Libra man about your true feelings is a big no-no. Libras can be indecisive at times. Do you want to know how to make a Libra man jealous? As mentioned before, Libras are drawn to objects of beauty. If anything, standing out from other women will make your Libra man chase after you like a prized jewel. Hence, to get this kind of man smitten by you, confidence is a good starting point. Disappear right when he expected you to be there. The bottom line is that if you want him to chase you, be yourself. You best believe, a Libra man will eat that up. Also like in the story, hell come searching for you. Invite him to hang out with your friends or for a night out. Your practical nature may kick in and try to discourage him because you want to spare his feelings. Give him the space to show you who he is and also to get to know you on a chilled and relaxed level. If you play a little coy (without coming across as manipulative) your Libra guy will get a rush of motivation to chase and figure you out. Libra men like to discuss everything with their buddies. That you were okay before he showed up in your life, and that youd be okay if he left it. Libra men love a bit of adventure and spontaneity. You also cannot tell him too much or he'll lose interest. Want a Libra man to pursue you to the ends of the earth? Encourage him to go out with his friends and let him know that youre not jealous. If you play a little coy (without coming across as manipulative) your Libra guy will get a rush of motivation to chase and figure you out. You may be wondering how to make a Libra man jealous, but this is not a game you want to play. Just by answering a few simple questions, I discovered shocking details about my man (which have proven to be 100% correct so far). Don't rush to text him/reply back after a great date. This may seem obvious, but for Libras it cant be overstated. Youre doing all the work for him. When you want to make Libra man chase you, make him think that someone else is even more charming than he is. Libra guys arent impulsive chasers. Gush about the charming and agreeable personality of another man, and perhaps even directly compare him to your Libra guy. All Libras are naturally hesitant and indecisive. But I am.very confused with his behaviour sometimes he is so introvert so.cold he never received my call nor text me for 10-15days (I only tried 1-2days than I also stop giving respond) like I m.no where in this life. Natives of this zodiac symbol not only love to talk, but they also like to hear what other people have to say. This will encourage him to pursue you on his own terms. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. Dont show how you really feel at first. You ask a question and then share additional information about your situation. I wouldnt try going silent or ignoring him though because hell just think you arent into him. Youll be able to connect with him on an intellectual level. Hello Astrogirls! These guys are also really into romantic relationships, so it shouldnt be difficult to get a Libra man to fall in love with you, but it might take some work to get him to chase you at first he tends to be a little passive. Neediness conveys low self-value and that youre desperate for romance. The trick is to make him feel like a hero in an authentic way. If youre in a relationship with a Libra man, dont show any jealousy or possessiveness when he talks to other women. Heres the thing: Libra men dont like possessive and jealous women. If hes into collecting antiques, ask him what types of antiques hes got, and then flex any knowledge you have about them. Libra men tend to be the most affectionate, doting, and relationship-oriented guys around. Libra is the sign represented by the scales, meaning that they are always looking for balance. The charming and intelligent Libra men are attracted by women who know their worth. Instead, you want to come across as self-contented and patiently assessing him for compatibility. The simple truth is that understanding the unique traits of a Libra can help you better connect with him on an emotional, spiritual, and even sexual level. Discuss Do Libras Chase? Start your strategy ASAP Although being patient is key, the timing of your strategy to make a Libra man miss you is very important. Once you know his hobbies and favorite things, you can talk to him about his interests and ask him questions about what he likes. And for this, you need the opposite of needy behavior. Anything you do should just be an extension of your own beauty. This is especially true for Libra men. While youre cooling off and acting less in love than you feel, take some time to refresh your wardrobe and makeup routines. Encourage his ambitions. In this day and age, women dont need someone to rescue them. If you see signs a Libra man has lost interest, you may have shown him too much emotion or commitment right from the start. All you need to do is simply let him know you dig him and youd like to get to know him better then let him take it from there. They will bond him to you. On the darker side, a Libra man can drag his feet in a relationship for years. In many cases, Libra men tend to become emotionally immature because they get too comfortable. If youre in love with a Libra man, Ive got news for you: youve got good taste! He will appreciate it if you are able to talk to him and communicate what you are thinking effectively. 1. If youre in love with a Libra man but cant seem to make him fall for you, dont lose hope just yet! When a Libra man sees that youre putting effort into your appearance, he doesnt need to know youre trying to entice him. To make a Libra man go crazy about you, love him the way he is. Libra men show a great sense of independence themselves, which is something they'll like to see in their women. They get stuck in a comfort zone. Dont chase a Libra man, no matter how tempting. This will make him chase you. Feel free to share some in the comment section below. Let him suggest the dates but if he doesnt, you can suggest getting together soon but let him nail down the date and time. Although you want to bring polarity to the relationship, dont go too far. Pursuing a Libra man can be a little tricky because it is very easy for things to backfire if you seem a bit too interested in him. Making a sexy game of cat and mouse is a Libra mans ideal. Light candles, play soft music and bring a little sensuality into the air, all of which will inspire you. Just do it. And its all down to knowing how to trigger these innate drivers that motivate men to love, commit, and protect. The hero instinct is an instinctive need that men have to step up to the plate for the woman in their lives. The Libra Scales of Balance The zodiac star sign of Libra is depicted by a set of scales that indicate balance. Just freshen up your style and pay more attention to looking your best. When I say show him your hand, show him enough that will get him motivated. Being sexy to a Libra man is all about being cute and flirty with just the right amount of forwardness, without coming off as raunchy. You want him to see that you pursue whatever creative expressions light you up inside and that you have a strong sense of value and self-worth in the world. He loves smart women who can handle their own and still push forward with success. You also cannot tell him too much or hell lose interest. To make a libra man chase you, you need to pay attention to him, flirt with him, show intelligence, let him lead, show that you are interested in him, and seduce him. Your 30 secrets helps me alot to understand him during early days . Libras forge connections through intriguing and intellectual conversations that get their mental juices flowing. Here's how to make a Libra man miss you: 1. If you want to make a Libra man chase you, you should be independent. Hey. Not only will this make him feel comfortable around you, but itll also give you two a lot to talk about. They are drawn uncontrollably to women who are full of life. This is one of the reasons why I would never recommend chasing a Libra man too much because it will make him feel off kilter. Related:Why are Libra People So Good in Bed? Keep things relatively light, positive and fun. I know what youre thinking, but theres actually a psychological term for what Im talking about here. And its as simple as knowing the right things to say to trigger his hero instinct and make him into the man hes always wanted to be. This can be unnerving, but it is a critical part of the process. We sometimes include products we think are useful for our readers. Does he deserve me? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 10 Secrets To Flirt With Your Sagittarius Man in Texts, How to Seduce a Libra Man in 10 Easy Steps, How To Address Wedding Invitations To a Family, How do Libra Men Show their Love and Affection, 10 Important Signs a Libra Man is Not Interested in You. You want to be a little coy in a flirtatious way. This means hell feel pressured to settle down. If you want him to chase, you dont want to seem overeager or begin chasing him. Hes actually a gentle soul who wouldnt want to hurt a fly. If youre wondering how to get a Libra man to stop ignoring you, whatever you do, dont pursue him. Libras have a bit of an ego, and they like to think that theyre the most charming, interesting people around. Hint at things but dont reveal everything. Divulging everything up front is admirable, but it will bore a Libra man. Remember, a Libra man loves honesty, and if hes getting fake vibes from you, hell reject your advances and try to push you away. And this is exactly the approach you need to take when youre after a Libra man. You need to convey a take it or leave it attitude. Unlike in Taurus, where Venus rules the material world, the planets influence reigns strong over personal taste, aesthetics, and relationships with Libra. 13 ways to win his heart back after hurting him, 12 ways to win someone back who doesnt want you. If youre the top of your class or a top worker in your job, tell him. Make it clear you wont be the only one reaching out. Libras are known to remain impressively chill in the face of difficult situations. He may be used to women wearing dresses and heels but finds you refreshing. Lets look at the 14 practical tips to make a Libra man chase you: Libra men are naturally charming. Dont change yourself for a Libra man, he wont find that attractive. is buddhism orthodoxy or orthopraxy; has mary ever appeared to a protestant Hell be impressed and possibly turned on by how smart you are. Your Higher Journey is bursting with free guides and articles on Astrology, Numerology and more to help you decode your destiny, discover what was written in the stars at your birth and how it affects your personality and your life. Dont think too much about it and dont ask him for permission or advice before you go ahead with it. This is why your biggest challenge is to give him an emotional challenge. Being independent is one of the fundamental qualities that will make a Libra man fall in love with you. Hes a cerebral guy who loves communicating, so conversations are pretty important to him and what he finds attractive in a lady. He wants a woman who will inspire him to be his very best. You cannot withhold too much about yourself or hes going to lose interest. Does he have good qualities to offer me in a relationship? Any emotionsnot just the ones you feel for him. A Libra man might be one of the most romantic signs in the Zodiac who is on a constant journey trying to find love, but the truth is love can be a little daunting for him. Try to quickly find topics hes really interested in talking about and then engage in conversation around those topics. So while you want to be emotionally honest, you just want to temper your feelings around your Libra guy. Do things like touching him flirtily and giving him sly looks. Always, always pay him adequate attention in conversation. Click the link above and dive in now, or learn what types of bait to use with a Libra guy below. In reciprocation, he will want to spend more time getting to know you as well. Once a Libra has his eyes set on someone he'll attempt to swoon her until he finally wins her over. Talk about the things that really interest you then ask him questions about what hes into. Sometimes a Libra man just hasnt decided if hes serious about a relationship. A Libra man will only be superficially flattering to you (You are so hot) if hes in it for the physical only. At the very least you want to match his ideals. When it comes to relationships, he likes his women beautiful and elegant. So ask him questions about his life and his interests. To attract a Libra man, you must pique his intellectual curiosity and give him the ability to express his secret rebellious side, even if it is only vicariously. He needs time to weigh the pros and cons and decide if he is really attracted to you. A Libra man in love is often deemed a 'hopeless romantic'. The above are top tricks you can use to learn how to make a libra man obsessed with you and think about you most of his time. So shake things up once in a while and make your place (or his) a destination. You can even try to stump him with some complex topics. Show your authentic, playful self. People get attracted to those who look, speak, and act with confidence. 6. Dressing up elegantly and radiating confidence will get you in the crosshairs of a Libra man. Give him a chance to get curious about you. Related:Why are Libra People So Attractive? Come across as playful and easy-going. Similarly, do not rage out if he does not call or text as often as you would want. If youre looking to find out all my tips and tricks on how to get a Libra man to chase you then keep on reading. In my experience, a Libra man loves when someone is authentic with their words, actions, and feelings. He might always be questioning in the back of his mind if he is making the right decision or not and this can be very overwhelming. In summary, Libra men are hesitant when it comes to selecting a romantic partner. Trust me, the less available you are, the more he will want you. Engage him in deep conversations where you pay very close attention to him. My libra man 22 october 1987 Libra men like to chase, and they like to be chased. These guys need to have clear and balanced discourse in their relationships more than most men. Whatever the Libra guy is texting, whether it's longer paragraphs or short and sweet sentences, respond the same way. Here are some tips that can make your libra man chase you. Men also want their partners to be smart, attractive, and determined too - extremely sexy traits. He wants to know that you care about him and his feelings, so make sure that youre extra sensitive when youre around him. Keep your emotions under control. Show him your sweet side, show him how considering you are, how outgoing or social you may be, talk about intelligent things, and most importantly, be yourself. The best you can do sometimes is to do nothing. You want him to see your inner core so that hell understand that youre the perfect match for him which will then motivate him to want to spend more time with you or spend time talking to you via phone, text, email, etc. This will relax him and give him plenty of room to chase you. We're not talking about unnecessary drama. Venus is romantic and feminine, so play to that type of aesthetic for a Libra man to swoon. Drivers that motivate men to love, commit, and hell be laughing with you be pushing into... Dont make the mistake of asking him out the first time you meet him him. Dont double down on your general knowledge or do some research, but it is a good friendship him. Instead, you need to know how to make a Libra man then you should be!! 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