Unravel Two Co-op meets platforming segments in Unravel Two. I only paid $20 lol. The wizard character can even create boxes and platforms out of thin air. Your email address will not be published. As the game progresses and you move through each chapter, that need for tandem problem-solving increases, but every time you crack how to move a certain piece of scenery out of the way or use your yarn as a makeshift bridge or trampoline, the sense of achievement becomes all the more potent because you achieved it together. In the menu on the right-hand side of the party window, click "Share Play" and follow the instructions to turn it on. Unravel Two is not an entirely new game, but we're just glad to see it arrive on the Nintendo Switch, which seems like the perfect platform for a family-friendly puzzle platformer. However, I've been surprised to discover that, thanks to some clever design mechanics, Unravel 2 has been an enjoyable experience for both of us. //