Marina Mogilko, business and education creator with 6.8 million YouTube subscribers. We have email accounts, policies, and ways to contact us. While some influencers pitch PR reps or influencer-marketing contacts on LinkedIn, Lazerson goes straight to the top by DMing CEOs. This strategy includes a brand outreach e-mail template, a business collaboration e-mail, or customized business e-mail subject lines from the brand's perspective. I'm a micro influencer. - [insert your name here]. As a standalone feature, Instagram Direct Messages do not include the option to mass DM segmented lists of followers. I am a minor Instagrammer and influencer2+ years, as of 2019who does extremely selective affiliate and Instagram collaborations with brands. Brand collaboration with bad communication, execution. The gold is in their followers. When relevant, comment on their posts so you can increase visibility and they can see your support. Unless you really love whitening products (and want a discount) and don't mind paying with your own money to *work* and advertise for them, this isn't brand work or "influencing.". Address the representative by name, thank them for considering you, and provide the requested information. If you want to work with the brand and they havent offered to pay you, you can respond back with your Media Kit attached and let them know how much you charge per post and story. When the campaign ended, not only did I get paid my flat rate, but the company surprised me with a huge bonus for top engagement. You need to perfect your pitch! Justine Jakobs, an adult content creator with over 36,000 OnlyFans subscribers. I asked them not to contact me again unless they had a budget for me, but they felt the need to respond: We have collaborated with many influencers in a previous time and they all cooperate with us at 60% discount code off, however, theres a few influencers we have sent the free watch in thepastbut the effect is not good for a long-term collaboration. Others will see transparency as well. Jen Lauren, a YouTube nano influencer with about 7,200 subscribers. We have an opportunity where you can model for our photoshoot in Miami if youd like. I know. to work with you. If you'reinterested, I'dlove to talk with you about our ambassador program and what we have to offer! If you want to gain monetary value from these Instagram collaborations, then you must state that clearly in your replies. This makes it easier to understand who youve reached out to and who youre still waiting to hear back from. Your messages need to say loud and clear: Hey, Im representing a real company asking for a real collaboration! Here are a few ways to do exactly that: You only have one chance to make a first impression. I never recommend working or posting for free. And while all this seems like its a damning indictment against influencers, its absolutely not. Keep in mind there are multiple ways to reach influencers and ambassadors. Since you're also focused on healthy living, wed love to talk more in-depth with you about our mission and how we see you being a part of it. Something to do with sales or worse!!? "I will only partner with a brand if it will also benefit my community and organically fit in with my content.". But using a template can make the process so much easier. Instagram Giveaway Collaboration Pitch Template, 6 Email and Instagram DM Templates for Influencer Outreach, 3 Easy-to-Use Brand Affiliate Program Outreach Templates, How to Contact TikTok Brand Ambassadors + Outreach Tips, Explaining how you discovered their Instagram content and profile. Instagram Collaboration Scams Flag #3 Is Their Message Vague? Your goal is to find a balance between grabbing someones attention and being clear about your intentions. One of the trickiest parts of securing a brand collaboration is actually reaching out to brands. Their policies change: Well, actually this is a short-term, free international shipping deal for you and your followers.. With that out of the way, lets dive into the templates! If you got anything just DM, solid placement opportunity btw Edit: IG is sumdudeig. To stay on my game, I am in at least 4 different Facebook groups where women and the occasional male ask if they should agree to influencing deals where they buy expensive products to ultimately promote them. Low-effort emails reflect poorly on your brand. Dear lord. Getting a percentage of a discount on a brands item that they have asked you to purchase and showcase on your sacred accounts is not a collaboration; its a consumer purchase. You would not spend any money of your own. If you are simply " fine ", with free goods, then you must also include that in your response. DELETE. * Know that these rates are extremely low, and you can charge much more. 1. Dont fall victim to ugly Instagram collab scams. Time is money. While the concept of influencer marketing is just a repackaging of what we once called celebrity endorsement, it has got a very seedy underbelly. Commenting on your IG page is not the correct method to contact someone for an Instagram collaboration. Our advice? Just let the brand know that you appreciate their message. DMs encourage you to be brief and get right to the point. Just make sure to add your own personality and flair to our templates to make them really pop. An influencer's inbox whether it's email or direct messages on social media is often where that process begins. Youve had a direct message from someone claiming to be an influencer, who can grow your brand, promote you to their many followers if only you give them free dinner, accommodation or clothes. Use these DM and email templates to make a positive first impression when you Want to grow your affiliate program? Thats why it pays to personalize your messages. Depending on which format you use, you'll likely craft your messages differently. I personally delete these messages and block the account. Covering both channels ensures that your messages are cant-miss. Shouldn't they cover all the expenses? Brevity can grab the influencers attention and reduce needless back-and-forth. Thankfully, I was able to find the block. Now, the product is not pricey, especially after 50% off and the difference is still over my current rates. In short, we match your brand with influencers that want to work with you. Free Product and Sample Product 4. Lillian Zhang, a TikTok influencer with about 22,000 followers. Brand deals are a top income source for many influencers. Think about how your message is going to look on a smartphone screen. Would love to work with you!" on Instagram posts that fit their criteria. We believe you would be a great fit as a Dusk brand ambassador! Jalyn Baiden, an Instagram influncer with about 5,700 followers. Invite to Venue for Influencer Event 5. See exactly how your alliance will work jointly. Fact: one-third of recipients will open an email based on the subject line alone. I wanted to reach out bescause you're crushing it on IG ;) and I think you'd make an awesome fit with our brand ***** and the IG***** . Ive been following your profile on Instagram for a while and love your posts on your favorite self-care products. Read This Before Using Our IG Collaboration Email Templates! We [insert summary sentence of your product/service and unique selling proposition]. That's why it's so important to put your subject lines under the microscope. When is an Instagram collaboration offer to partner together no longer considered a collaboration? Never be late to the party again with the best new book releases. DMs encourage you to be brief and get right to the point. The You may become an affiliate and earn a commission. But like all marketing options, they have had more than their fair share of bad apples that had tarnished the concept of social media influencing for everyone. That said, many Instagram influencers prefer to be contacted via email. First, what happened to the days of professionalism? Ramping up your messages. What exactly are you supposed to write in a brand collaboration email? Your collaboration emails shouldnt tell your brands entire story to influencers. If an influencer is trying to rush you into a decision by claiming that they have approached several of your competitors, then let them go to your competitors. These templates are for general outreach to creators about products. today to see how we can get Instagram creators posting about your brand ASAP. Review the tips below to fine-tune your pitches and messaging strategy. Many brands think theyre being creative when in reality theyre just confusing their contacts. Some influencers will send a media kit to every advertiser they work with. Again, keep in mind which platform youre using to connect with potential influencers. Most of my bad experiences are from brands who make you ask questions. But getting started is an important step when building relationships with brands. Book people are cool. Jack Betts, a college athlete with about 5,400 followers. Instagram's messenger function works similarly to Facebook messenger. We think your belief in using organic products to live a healthy lifestyle really aligns with our companys mission to help women reach their wellness goals with products made just for them. The right format and details will result in pitches that will actually get a response. Each one of them wanted me to purchase products from them. Customer Service Templates 3. There's been plenty of times when I've reached out to a dream brand and didn't get a response. Hmmmm, OK; so, you wont give me a free product or pay me to promote it now. Need more inspiration for your messages? I work with Pat Hundley (Grammy nominated/DONDA) also among other people. Using your brand account, follow the creator on the desired platform, as well as any other social media platforms they use. You dont want to sound clingy or desperate in the DMs. Thats because influencers get pitched all the time. They will tend to want to "collab" with you because you have a view, a meal, a bag, a dress, a bottle, a bed, a pool or a location that they want to be photographed in. Its just the reality of dealing with someone who seeks attention What's a collab (i.e. Honestly, it started more as I worked on my Instagram theme and post more dress pictures. Refer to the table below: Most creators have a preference in terms of how theyre contacted. Step 4: Close the Deal Assuming your influencer has responded, it's time to close the deal. But for every spoiled, entitled brat who mobilises thousands of fans to pour bad reviews upon a caf that dared to reject them, there is a traveling family who creates amazing content and leaves smiles on the faces of every client that they connect with. She shared two of the templates she used to land her first few deals. Influencer Tips. We think your appreciation for organic products aligns with our companys mission to provide healthier self-care products for women. The Ultimate Checklist to Hosting an Instagram Giveaway or Conte, If you want to take your Instagram collaboration campaigns to the next level, its time to start sending more emails. Explain the campaign youre running and why you think the influencer would be a good fit. Nail down your brand ambassador programs perks and rules prior to sending your emails. This is pretty much the max word count before your message cuts off. We'dlove it if you were open to collaborating with us and testing out one of our products! They have a contract drawn up with all the terms and a pay rate of 720.00 for 6 photos, creative freedom etc. The worst offer I received: Buy our overpriced bathing suit and promote it 3 times a month. Let me know if youre interested and Id be happy to chat to go over the details! Other creators, like TikTok star London Lazerson, take to LinkedIn. Yes, I wish other IGers would just say NO WAY! to these companies and stand up for themselves. Insider spoke with creators across social media on how they pitch brands. Since you are passionate about sharing your fitness journey, I thought I would reach out to see if you would be open to testing our product and doing a collaboration together! Hallo Christine, thanks for the very informative article. Insider has spoken with several influencers who all have different approaches to pitching brands. Length-wise, subject lines between 15 and 70 characters are considered good (~24 characters is optimal). Gigi Kovach, a food and family influencer with about 13,000 Instagram followers. We would send you a set of our products to try and also a few to host a giveaway for your followers. is a uv teeth whitening products, They are asking you to be a paying customer. Just how short, though? You also need to have a formal contract stating all of this. It's great that you emphasize self-care through each and every post in your feed. The motivation of an influencer is rarely about growing your business. Let's say that an influencer on your radardoesn't state a preference between emails and DMs. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(2507045, '540ef26b-7b55-4961-b3d6-3a3960c26031', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); Emailing influencers and brand ambassadors might seem intimidating. Instagram DMs allow you to be more casual and direct. Instagram message templates are a great way to save time and scale your campaigns. "I send them now to everyone I get in touch with. Copyright 2023 The Uncorked Librarian LLC. What's your take on this? We've been following your Instagram and love your posts on [insert topic]. That said, many Instagram influencers prefer to be contacted via email. 4 steps to respond to collaboration email. Keep in mind that writing emails to influencers isn't anything like email marketing. Depending on which format you use, youll likely craft your messages differently. Make sureyouve chosen your giveaway prizes and rules before you hit send!. You'll also learn best practices for writing and sending Instagram collaboration messages. Instagram Brand Ambassador Collaboration Pitch Template, 4. We'dlove it if you would collaborate with us [insert any collaboration specifics in mind]! Instagram Scams Flag #2 Lack Of Formal Communication Such As Cheap Comments and DMs From Brands Asking You To Reach Out To Collab. Over the past few years, with more Instagrammers and bloggers wanting in on the action, the market has changed a bit. Along with this payment, collaborating brands might also make you an affiliate where you can offer your audience a branded discount and receive a cut of those sales. Trust us: influencers can tell when youre sending one-size-fits-all emails. , [Name], we want you to be a [Brand Name] VIP! Fact: will open an email based on the subject line alone. I also understand my limitations: I am not the perfect influencer. 1. My name is Kristen and I work for Dusk. Templates also organize your pitches to make them more direct and benefit-driven. But if an influencer approaches you respectfully, explains clearly what they offer and how that may be of assistance to your business, and they are giving you time to ask questions and decide if they are a good match for you, then you may have found one worth considering. Ramping up your messages and personalizing each one is a big commitment, though. Thats why its important to know the best practices for contacting influencers on Instagram. Gigi Robinson, a creator with about 142,000 followers on TikTok. If they specify wanting a DM vs an email request for collabs - take your cue from that. Respond With Your Media Kit And Rate/Fees, Lawyer-Written Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, & Terms & Conditions For Your Blog/Websites, Why Register Your Blog & Business As An LLC, Blogging Courses We Champion To Up Your Game, How To Quickly Increase Your Blog Traffic, When Blog Inspo Becomes Copyright Infringement, A brand contacts you via a brief IG comment, The collaboration offer is vague, leaving you with questions, You are expected to buy the product and arent getting paid for the work, A brand isnt engaged with or even following you. Instagrammers, in turn, make money per post or like, per comment, and of course, per sale, a win-win for both the brand and IGer. For an influencer to get in touch with a brand, they . Many legit companies will have a contract for you, but sometimes smaller businesses expect a contract with terms of the agreement from you. They would need to follow both of our accounts and tag two friends in your Instagram post featuring our products. around. Instead, I feel like I need to clean up my business even more: Hashtags. Get in touch with one of our. You can also consider that their messaging and tone aligned with yours. Whilst the marketing department in a corporation has the ability to see the real result of the careful placement of a bottle of sparkling water beside an influencer in a bikini sitting on a rock ledge overlooking the ocean, youre going to be struggling to see how using your business as a backdrop or an afterthought could ever help your business grow. Business and education creator with about 13,000 Instagram followers affiliate program Instagram influencers prefer to be brief get. 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