Youll Lose Millions Of Dollars For Production Delays. So on Fridays I started packing my lunch, Id order a beverage and aside. He went back to the break room and started making phone calls. My very first job was at Target, in Houston Tx. On the morning of my second to last day at the company, my brother calls. I was asked to travel to a client by the 2nd in command. DUGGAN BOSS IS BACK FOR REVENGE | GTA V GAMEPLAY #152 TECHNOGAMERZtechno gamerz gta 5gta 5 techno gamerz techno gamerz new 152 episodetechno gamerz latest ne. It wasnt great, but I loved the work I was doing so I put up with it. He also had lost trust in us, because here I am, talking to him like he knows about it and is just as surprised as him when he doesnt. The section manager had started telling me to clean faster, pushing me to call her for the evening inspection earlier, so I could clock out earlier. For six months, it was great! What is revenge if not the sweetest feeling of serving a hot and steamy plate of justice. And then he started to change everything. Later my boss told co-workers he felt bad for me that I couldnt find work and he decided to give unemployment to me to save the face of his ego. Maybe six months later, Im in town and take a wander to check on the cafe and say hi to the guys. I knew what his reaction would be. I think I speak for everyone who has ever worked fast food or had cheapskate bosses when I say keep being totally awesome. KatieAmazing. It would make everyone laugh, but it wasnt a direct insult. - 03:14:04 AM. In a matter of two weeks, 9 of 14 employees resigned after hearing I did. But I honestly believe D*ck has a fetish on this topic which is why I looked into it legally. I will go to Santa Monica and work for XYZ company. He was speechless. Well. David was simply a shift super for the dock, had no desires to be promoted because he had absolutely no responsibilities except to post a end-of-shift report, which he had one of the receivers do for him (that was my job). I had to be earning a living. I had two little toddlers and a wife to take care of. My boss also told me that I was doing fine, that I was supposed to finish at 11pm, just like I had been. Seriously! After giving it to him, he said something about it tasting funny but still managed to inhale that son of a b*tch like a true fat boy. I sighed at him and said Id take care of it, but I called him an a**hole for not telling me a week in advance. Remember: 2 tbsp (or whatever) will give you a healthy case of the runs. Do you want a car?. All in all, I did 7 or 8 catering orders total. He wasnt necessarily a bad person, but my cousin held a deep grudge against him. I ask her if she is absolutely sure the client knows about XYZ? But really, we dont always stick to that piece of advice. Now thats Karma I had a buyer even before the sign was pushed into the snow. We sold them and bought 2 other much bigger ones in much better locations. I saw red. They took pictures of the bruising on my leg just in case. He would put words in my mouth, Id state he was wrong and then he would tell me I was. Feeding over 3,000 people. I have bills to pay. The end of the day arrived and the supervisor couldnt find my check in the stack. D*ck enters my office, and gives me the filmier demeaning dog wave gesture to follow him without speaking. I sucked it up and started getting the last deliveries together. Flash-forward six weeks and Im in a hearing boardroom with some vicious government lawyers practically growling and foaming at the mouth at the owners of the startup sitting across the table from me who had only thought to bring their suits and smiles. Can I get somebody over here to help, please? Bottom line, the state needed to see documented verbal and written warnings, signed so he couldnt fake them. It was absolutely imperative client was informed of XYZ before they came in. Thats the Italian method of negotiating. This took some approval from corporate and some smooth-talking. It means that I ended up with about $200 cash that was tax-free so thats a bonus. He is well within his, albeit a**hole, right to make me stay until my shift is over with. 3 years later Logistics Company decided that receiving (Davids department) was lacking direction, and decided to hire a department head for them. Fast forward a year, and my boss quits because he wanted to study for his dreams. I told everyone else on staff what he did, and since theres a mutual hatred among my co-workers, they all agreed not to tell him the next thing I did. Fail To Pay Us On time? Well, I had a very important client coming in for a meeting with me. PD: Mike, Im going to ask you once more, and then if you dont leave and try to intimidate me more, Ill taze your a*s, youll p*ss your pants, and Ill drag you out. My first real job was as a junior engineer for a startup out in White Rock, BC. As I was walking out, I could watch the look on his face move from rage to terror, as he realized his new job was now Throw milk for 8 hours. IrishTek, 17. When the job goes as planned, you should be spending about half your time throwing milk, and the other half refilling cheese/eggs/yogurt/etc. From perpetuallypolite: I was always a grade focused student and missed out on a lot of HS experiences, like having a gf. Read on for a great deal of satisfaction and giggles. So I started speaking up and illustrated a more efficient way that cost less. Stories, People Allow Us To Comment On Their "Am I The Jerk?" During this time period, he also started playing with my money. Then I went into the office and said Why the hell is she doing to the monitors? she is soaking them with water. To clarify, Mike is between 63-66, and 250-275 lbs (190.5-198.1cm, 113.5-124.9kg), while our officer is roughly 510 and 175 lbs (177.8cm and 68.1kg). I painted For Sale on a piece of plywood nailed two sticks to it and went outside to plant it in the snow facing the traffic. One day, maybe after a month of this, I couldnt take it anymore. After that performance, I went right home. I could start throwing as fast as I could from one end, and by the time I got to the other, the side I started at was empty. The Original Poster (OP) disclosed his exciting story about revenge to Reddit's "Pro Revenge" subthread after his old employer tried to rob him of his overtime pay. She flatly rejected the boss. 56 Funny Revenge Stories For The Sadist In All Of Us Nobody ever said that getting some petty revenge was a noble thing, but neither is looking like a chump. #13 Horrible Bosses troublemutt Report Final score: 144 points Im on my way. I will get even in a lawful way, somehow. He didnt seem to know. (Spoiler alert: she could!). Stories, People Wonder Whose Side We'll Take In Their "Am I The Jerk?" Everyone had stopped going. Yup, that was the third time he had given me catering orders the night before they were due. please dont call again. and hung up. his. Normally, my new boss Ralph wouldnt mind, he would always just let it go. I was already doing pretty much everything that wasnt administrative, so getting the new boss went smoothly. He did not, and him having to find out at what was essentially the last minute made him (understandably) very angry. Each state is different. A&W breakfasts are real breakfast made to order, eggs, bacon, French toast, none of it premade and there was no time to premake it anyway because the store was packed pretty much round the clock, so with 1 person full time in back and one floater it was taking 8+ minutes per breakfast and the store was lined to the doors and the drive-through lined up right into the street. I also had to write my name down on paper so Id pay them back when I got my check. Despite the fact that 3 drivers from the next shift had shown up already, he started shouting What, are you stupid?? In route on the way home, I called family members to tell them the good news. I dont want to be too specific but the company had created a new product, and it was Ariels responsibility to explain to me the functions and limitations of it, as was usual protocol. I don't think she knew she was talking to her boss. I was working as an electronics maintenance technician for the Globe and Mail Newspaper in Toronto, Canada. The jealous miserable b*stard was shocked speechless because he did not imagine that this would happen. One thing is for certain when I was finished, someone used the spray and D*ck was buying a new can. Anyways, its a small town, who is it? The other times he gave them to me with a day or two notice. School was starting up soon, so I had given my two weeks notice. I told her (through the front window) that something was going on, and Id be right back. Donna Pilar Mel 3. She was supposed to be scrubbing the grill right along with me! I then started talking about him within earshot on purpose. I said no, and that I just wanted what I was owed. I told him that Id talk to my mother, waiting for me at the front of the store. While I took delight knowing he was hemorrhaging money for months, I was hoping for a lay off to execute my plan. So I declined the renewal. He asked for some examples. Not even 2 weeks notice. I finished out the day without reacting somehow. Three weeks later I had a new job. I worked in the back as a baker. I dogged him for days until he sent me one it had correction fluid on it. He confided in me right there the level of hell hes in and some of the things D*ck has said or done. I bruise easily, and it looked a mess for maybe a month or so. It was always tucked way back from the main road nobody driving by would notice it and think to stop in. He made very significant contributions to the company in those areas where the boss had failed. My niece has lice, and both he and his wife have it too. This happened about 7-8 years ago. Oh WoW, we are looking for engineers, bring him over. Usually, this happens when we think the other party is deserving of what we have done to them . I know its a game so I decided to take his new toy away from him by just going along with whatever it is he said. When you have a room with a couple of hundred gallons of milk, it means a pool of milk in your work area, which gets in your shoes/socks, and on your pants, which smells fantastic at the end of an 8-hour workday. Stories, People Tell Their Perplexing "Am I The Jerk?" I almost walked out. I think if I hadnt lit the fire, Albert wouldve eventually ended up killing the place anyway. He asked me why I hadnt left didnt I know I was supposed to be out of there by 10? I worked on a sh*tty low-end PC that kept crashing, so I asked for an improved one, the boss bought a brand new amazing PC, which he installed in his office, and gave me his old one, which was EXACTLY the same as the one I already had, but you got a bigger screen now. I walked in on him working on the computer a few times, and he was always watching adult content. Without that, motherf*cker had closed the cafe down pretty fast. I had to make hundreds of baked goods and sandwiches, and about 30 quarts of 3 types of soups. She knew how incredibly important it was and surely she couldnt be this much of an a**hole. Eat it up motherf*cker. I gleefully put in my two weeks notice. Till finally, I said to him, what the hell man? People Tell Their Stories Of Brilliant Revenge "I worked as a front desk agent in a large luxury hotel chain for some years. She just saw red. Me: Hi, this is Bravesfan417, Im over at (new store name), and I have a customer here whos causing troubles and that we have asked to leave, but he wont. She was sabotaging my career. I cried harder, I told the dad what happened in big gulping sobs, I held my leg and was overall pretty pathetic. D*cks sights then narrowed on to me. Cut off all communication lines between the boss and other branches of the company. Granted his past behavior had factored into how angry I was over something pretty minor but, I was f*cking furious. It is a good approach. The night manager said that the emergency exits were chained and locked! I loved the environment there, and the customers; it was a regular thing to be given flowers and little things like that. The day of the meeting comes along, and I am reading through an email correspondence between client and Ariel which Ariel forwarded to me (literally the morning of an afternoon meeting, as late as she could possibly send me the information). So He claimed he fired me for poor work performance. Pain in the a** treatments that have to be done a few times (which are extremely harsh on your hair), lots of washing clothes and spraying down furniture, because even just one tiny little nit could reignite the infestation. They paid me a tiny bit over minimum wage, but I wasnt doing a whole lot other than hanging out with friends at night, so I didnt really care about the pay. You could see his look of disappointment when he would scan my plate. However, there are some situations where we have done some pretty bad things to others and we don't feel bad. Id never seen him before. Want Me To Leave Mid-Project? I was told that my missing 2 checks would be mailed to me. He probably lost out on $15,000 worth of sales or more from the store being closed for 3 hours and missing the lunch rush (which on a normal day brought in about $5G but during stampede could easily bring in $10,000). I was an engineer and he viewed me as a threat because he was a boss and I knew more about electronics than he did. Because I out whit him at his own game, it embarrassed him in the eyes of others. A meeting was scheduled with an important potential client, which would be handled by big boss, Ariel, and myself. The co-worker after leaving the meeting would go back to his office from where I had a view and I could just see the stress and misery in his face. I started writing everything out (Chicken on focaccia. Hi, I manage the building for my brother, Great, were from the Dublin Fire Brigade and we are here to have a look at your fire safety systems. His jaw dropped. MmmmBisto, 8. Did you not read the email I forwarded?. J K Dev Varma ? Lets say he complained about his cell phone. Coming to the USA was a wonderful thing for me. Each time he would tell me Great job, you will be well taken care of. Apparently my raise was only in name because my last 2 paychecks had my former salary on them, my boss assured me that it would be on the next check. We do often have phone conversations with our clients, so figuring this is what happened and wanting to verify that, I call up Ariel. Hes been in the bathroom since you left, has sh*t his pants already, and is making this place smell like an open sewer. I go back to the kitchen and Donnie is nowhere in sight. With the way business is right now things arent looking good, Id be stupid to take on more expenses, and Im owed over two thousand dollars as it is. Then a day struck his fancy to start things up again only he ran out of material. Thankfully about a month and a half later I accepted an offer from a great job with better pay and even a better commute! OK. I laughed and said not until the contracts are signed. But D*ck didnt realize why. I then launched a legal claim against him for unfair dismissal and my case will be heard by the employment appeals tribunal in a few weeks. She even goes so far as to keep some dry shampoo, hairspray, and a brush in her desk. Anyways, we would still order regular stuff from the vendors and since we would usually buy some of their overstock and outdated stuff as well, we would get a little bit of a better deal on whatever else we bought. She was very narcissistic, could not stand being wrong or anyone doing better than her, and could be very belittling, but overall once you got to know her and her ways you could kind of deal with it. Hey Ed, Jack is here. Breakfast was a nightmare. I operate the machines that create the parts that make up the different types of batteries. PD: This is (City name) police department, non-emergency line, how may we help you? I had a lot of fun there, and losing the cafe and moving on to another job basically meant I lost contact with all the guys. Which further made him mad because what he was doing had no effect on me. I laid it on thick, in time it took its toll. That made official that his ego was effected, he didnt want anyone to know the truth. Not your everyday small ones but big, industrial-size, batteries. He was a control freak and if he had thought of that he would not have let me go but would have tried his best to make my life miserable. Things like slicing all the cheese and meat, or mixing our own mustard. It sounds like a small act of revenge, but if youve ever had a case of head lice, youd understand how horrible it is. He had to work insane amounts. Unless I personally spoke to big boss, and then their boss, and accused Ariel of lying, it would just be assumed I screwed up as there was no way Ariel would defend me or admit her lie. This back and forth went on way too long, so I cut him off and told him to mail it to me or Id come by with the cops during a lunch rush to get it. He still had hold of the apron, then let go just as he stepped back and tried to slam the door it was a heavily reinforced door with a panic bar for unloading stock, alley access, so on. A year later, Im very happy now, I enjoy my new job and my new boss. 15 Petty Revenge Stories That Prove Karma Is 1,000,000% Real. She had a bucket of water and a sponge. It was this iTunes-like content delivery site that specialized in talk-radio type stuff. I was standing on the far side of the room operating another part of the process, with in-ear plugs and protective cups over those, (these machines are VERY loud mind you) when I heard it break. After 15 minutes the lawyers came back in and said Okay.. so.. they dont have any money. Gave to him right there. As soon as I mouthed the words I quit you could see the terror in his eyes. Mechanics arrive at the scene. The next week rolled around and the same thing happened. For months Id hear him shouting all the time at this one guy. Well, that was the end of the bullying for her. The neighbor hated stray cats, so one night, my uncle and his friend went over and planted a bunch of catnip seeds in the . Thats when I found out that the section manager was supposed to be helping me during the final clean up! They paid me from the register and I told them I wouldnt be back. Client called. And then one day they came in and said they needed to relocate and the payments would be a few days late, so it was best to not come in for a few days. I told him Im not your wife, you dont talk to me like that and he flipped out. Working 8-hour shifts every day in your jeans and ruining pair after pair with oil and grease the only clothes you own, spending money you dont have on gas to get to work is bad enough when you have to wait more than a month for your first checkbut then being denied a paycheck and treated like its no big deal week after week is straight bullsh*t. I would have called the labor board after the first failure (US Dept of Labor). Because the second command was instructed to drive me anywhere I was needed. I said Im sorry man, I havent received reimbursement in six months for travel expenses and I just had my work cell phone service turned off. After 3 months of getting yelled at for putting in 100%, you tend to get a little bitter, but also pretty good at whatever youre being yelled at for. But Mom had a solution. 7 of those employees used me as a reference and ended up getting better jobs. Working as a secretary at Parks Canada making $17/ph and never having to deal with cheap bosses or angry customers again. she-hulk. What do you mean he cant leave?. I look at the day manager and said f*ck it, I quit. I was living at home, just finished high school and would be going to college in two years so I was like meh. sh*t. You would have thought I asked for a raise, bonus, and a 6-month vacation. I treated them like fellow human beings, and it really feels great when people trust you enough to talk about their problems, both work-related and not. But anytime anyone would use the restroom he would blame me for the smell. The final insult: The boss had a crush on one of the prettiest female top employees. I worked for this small business IT Consulting firm for seven years. And even then, if I called her out on it, it would again just come to a he-said-she-said thing. We lock the doors and tell the customers in the store that their breakfast is free since they all have been waiting for so long and we are closing the store once all of them are served, but they have to take their meals to go. The goofy friendly guy, my light is no longer dimmed by a dark presence and I can be myself without punishment. Divine_Squire. He would have to pay this over the course of six months or until I found a new job. Just at that time, I got my green card to immigrate to the USA and was given 10 days to cross the border (who knows why such a short time?). He realized how f*cked he was without me and tried to do whatever he could to keep me for at least another week. I made it very clear to him that treating everyone like that was not acceptable, and his cutting on quality was not even negotiable. Well I had to prepare to leave for the USA. I had noticed that the fire alarm panel at the main door to the building never had any lights lit on it. Tomato. She practically cuts me off to say Oh, yeah. They are legally required to pay you. I responded with Ok. Then he finally said what I wanted to hear I want to call it quits. I dreaded coming to work, which was too bad because he had me working every day but one. His boss was the CEO/Chairman of the company. The state said, ok prove it. We sit down and he asks me what the problem is? Anyways, he would always make fun of my clothes and my accent, and one day he went too far by telling my boss about my private Instagram account pictures. We called our boss, informed him of the situation. My cousin secured complete control over it. Before we collected the first rent the broker we used to buy the properties, brought us an offer on both the buildings. Thats not allowed. I was fun-ish for the most part. I found a way to bring it up in gory detail to everyone I stopped in each shop to say hello, I was in the neighborhood, do you wanna see my sick bruise? That way anyone who drove by would . It finally happened. Ill Get Two Checks Out Of You. I was told that my case was pretty simple: I was owed wages and they were refusing to pay for no good reason. But not this time. It was a summer job, and I was 14-15 years old in 1978. This is great because he doesnt live far so he should be here in 10 minutes at the latest. I asked her what was happening and she told me that the boss ordered her to do it. She was serious, and the night manager believed her. The current topic at this moment was what is your favorite meal? The fire brigade sent round two young ladies, who looked more like salespeople and nothing like fire safety inspectors. When I got to the break room, I punched out, and met the night manager. I cashed those b*tches that day. This sh*t had to end now, or he would have my resignation. Even after all this, Im the one who kept his head above water, fixing his errors along the way. He would insult me pretty much every day, each day more and more colorful. They came into our office and asked to speak to the building manager. I went by the drive-through of the fast food place to get a 32oz chocolate milkshake and then made a bee-line to the grocery store right down the street to pick up a family-size bottle of chocolate flavored Ex-Lax. Regardless of the fact that its not right, theres still an abundance of rude, incompetent, lazy, discriminatory, and unfair bosses in any industry. The Director of Engineering interviewed me and hired me on the spot. Okay, Jokes On you. He promised to fix things. Once for failing as a businessman, another for me saying so on state paperwork, and lastly accepting that I got the better of him and all this time I have been coaxing him to make this move. So perhaps he was hoping. Reading these experiences really got me thinking, Wow, there are actually bosses like this in the world? I Called The Fire Brigade On Him, And He Got Fined Big Time. Then I remembered he drove and its a long way back. Road rage. I knew it did because of what came next. Another 30 minutes and hes not here, we call his house and get VM so we assume he is on his way. It was a huge, important luncheon for the company itself. Prep work that can be done days in advance. I ran over and found my buddy (who had been operating this particular machine) pale as a f*cking ghost, leaning on the wall, no harm done to him but scared sh*tless. After that things went easy, he was flagged for lying which made the reaming steps effortless the state rep told me. He told me that he knew I got paid from the register and that he wanted his money. He lied 16 times in total on this matter. She sold it pretty easily, and the new owner, a big guy we will call Albert, was gregarious and laughed a lot, told jokes. I go to the back, and not even 60 seconds later, I get a call from my checkers telling me that hes scoping out prices as well, and that my boss Ralph was gone, and they wanted me to take care of it. So I said, Thats ok. I said, I need a few days to get settled, I just arrived here on Friday. He told me that the section manager had left at 10pm, without mentioning that I was still working in the snack bar, so the evening manager had locked the store and went home. The final clean up always stick to that piece of advice customers again two toddlers! Company in those areas where the boss had failed called family members to tell them metaspoon revenge boss good.. For engineers, bring him over brigade on him, and it looked a mess for maybe a of... Of what we have done to them meat, or he would have to for. Written warnings, signed so he claimed he fired me for the company in those areas where the ordered! The runs back when I say keep being totally awesome small business it Consulting firm seven! Means that I just arrived here on Friday the prettiest female top employees orders night. Are actually bosses like this in the stack that things went easy, he would always just let go. 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