President Trump, I ask you: Bring my son home, he said. I can't really make comments on what they said or their perceptions. I came back immediately, and I told Secretary Tillerson, Yun said. In the 15 years I've been negotiating with him, he's always been honest. Senator Portman and sources working inside North Korea at the time also stressed that the foreign ministry didn't know. Despite eventually having his release won by Jimmy Carter, Gomes was unable to escape his post-traumatic stress disorder, and seven years later burned himself to death. Her office's report said his body appeared "well-nourished." Details surrounding the death of Otto Warmbier, who died after being detained in North Korea for 17 months, were released on Wednesday. American media, including The New York Times, have widely repeated the claims that missionary Robert Park was physically tortured, but Park himself has reportedly said that the story that he was stripped naked by female guards and clubbed in the genitals was fabricated by a journalist. He was also no stranger to dangerous overseas situations, for in his current position as medical director for an elite air-ambulance service, Phoenix Air, he had evacuated Americans stricken with Ebola from Africa. After the bar, Gratton says, they celebrated the final hours of New Year's Eve with thousands of North Koreans in Pyongyang's main square. Yun and the North Koreans agreed that the Swedish ambassador could visit Otto and the three other Americans who were detained in North Korea. Or maybe it was a conscious strategy. Kenneth Bae, a Korean-American Christian missionary who was detained in North Korea in 2012 said, I was not treated with force. Bae was accused of conducting hostile acts against the government before being released in 2014. The president pushed this narrative. After the election, as Robert King transitioned into retirement, Otto's case was taken up by the newly appointed U.S. special representative for North Korea policy, Joseph Yun. Then they signed a largely symbolic document after North Korea promised to denuclearize and America swore to not invade, though there were no enforcement mechanisms in the document. They lived at his bedside until, six days after returning home, Otto died. Mr. Trump's tweet added to a series of recent accusations and heated exchanges between his administration and North Korean officials. In the past, North Korea has spun false confessions from small truths, and in this case they may have construed a conspiracy from a souvenir propaganda poster that Otto had bought, according to Danny Gratton, Otto's tour roommate. . On TV and social media, and in official speeches, Republican officials cited Otto's death as a reason Kim Jong-un needed to be confronted. The sleek luxury plane taxied to some hangars, where the Warmbiers waited nearby. Otto's parents weren't thrilled by the trip, but as his mother later explained, Why would you say no to a kid like this?. Since 1957, GQ has inspired men to look sharper and live smarter with its unparalleled coverage of style, culture, and beyond. When Otto was returned in a vegetative state, Fred refocused his zeal on getting justice for him. And why would the Trump administration allow these unverified rumors to flourish? Sadly, he passed away on June 19, 2017, at the age of 22. Three days after the Times published its claims, The Washington Post also cited an anonymous senior American official rejecting reports that Otto had been beaten in custody. Otto Warmbier died on June 19, 2017, at the age of 22, just six days after he was evacuated from North Korea. The Warmbiers were optimistic, up-by-their-bootstraps patriots, and they hoped that with American health care and their love, their son might again become the vivacious person he'd been when he left. There they were forced to plant soybeans or make bricks while living in spartan conditions, though, as Bae wrote, Compared to the average North Korean serving time in a labor camp, I was in a four-star resort. Certainly, it would have been more likely for any type of tragedyover-exertion under a furnace sun, a work accident, or even directed beatingsto occur in that barbed-wire-enclosed valley a few miles outside Pyongyang. Couple reportedly beheaded themselves in sacrifice with homemade guillotine, Russians defect to Ukraine to fight invasion, Italian police seize 2 tons of cocaine found adrift at sea off Sicily. The first that Governor Richardson, the back-channel negotiator, heard of Otto's injury was upon the young man's release, and he was furious at having been deceived by Pyongyang. He had long been curious about other cultures and had previously visited intrepid destinations like Cuba. The couple seeks damages in an amount to be determined by the court. In early November, Congress backed banking restrictions against North Korea that were named for Otto. The next day, as the Gulfstream rocketed toward the edge of North Korean airspace, all the Japanese air-traffic controllers could do was aim the plane at Pyongyang and tell the pilot to proceed straight for 20 miles, as there is no official flight path between the countries. To these experts, it made much more sense that Otto was treated like all other detained Americans and that an unexpected catastrophe occurred. When the plane cleared North Korean airspace, the celebration was muted. Both sides of Otto's brain had suffered simultaneously, meaning it had been starved of oxygen. Imagine what Otto must have been feeling after hearing that he would spend the next 15 years laboring in what he probably imagined to be a gulag. Otto laughed, and then let himself be led away from Gratton through a wooden door beside the check-in area. Then Otto stepped through passport controland just like that, left the free world. When his boss called to ask if he would help rescue Otto from North Korea, he briefly hesitated from fear, but he decided he couldn't ask any of his employees to go in his stead. A meticulous planner, he filled a calendar hung on his dorm wall with handwritten commitments: from assignments to dates to bringing differently abled friends to basketball games. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Your California Privacy Rights. His father didn't respond immediately Wednesday to requests for comment. Without knowing about the revised time line of Otto's injury, experts I spoke to overwhelmingly identified some kind of accidentfor example, an allergic reactionas the most likely cause for Otto's unconsciousness. Otto was born on December 12, 1994, in Cincinnati, Ohio, in the United States. The U.S. imposed a travel ban on North Korea following Otto Warmbiers death in June 2017. Fred approached his son and hugged him. In an isolated second-floor ICU room, Flueckiger was presented with a pale, inert man with a feeding tube threaded through his nostrils. This was the period of fire and fury, and of Trump and Kim comparing who had the bigger & more powerful nuclear buttons. Portman answered that Otto appeared to have severe brain damage. Other signs of physical trauma were also lacking. When I met former detainee Bae in the Seoul office of his NGO dedicated to helping North Korean defectors, he told me, Being imprisoned was lonely, isolating, and frustrating. Otto was born on December 12, 1994, in Cincinnati, Ohio, in the United States. Though the Warmbiers declined a surgical autopsy, non-invasive scans found no hairline bone fractures or other evidence of prior trauma. UC Health doctors said in June that Warmbier was in a state of "unresponsive wakefulness" and had suffered a "severe neurological injury" of uncertain cause. Even if North Korea didn't beat Otto, that doesn't mean that he wasn't tortured, as the mental suffering the regime inflicted on him constitutes torture under the U.N. definition. Or when he declared, before the South Korean National Assembly, that Otto had been tortured. Perhaps those were just two more of the 3,001 false or misleading claims he advanced in his first 466 days in office, according to The Washington Post's Fact Checker database. 2. When Trump learned of Otto's condition, he doubled down on the order for Yun to rush to Pyongyang and bring Otto home. To keep foreigners entertained, the 47-story tower is furnished with five restaurants (one of which revolves), a bar, a sauna, a massage parlor, and its own bowling alley. Teeth in healthy condition with no evidence of the rearrangement Fred Warmbier claimed. He was accused of stealing a poster from his hotel and sentenced to 15 years of hard labor in March 2016. However, because the Trump administration re-instated North Korea to the state sponsors of terrorism list in November 2017, the Warmbiers could sue North Korea as citizens injured in acts of state-sponsored terrorism may take legal actions against countries on the list. Shortly before the plane was to land, a North Korean official announced to Yun that they had decided to release Otto. The story I uncovered was stranger and sadder than anyone had known. Private citizens are not allowed to sue foreign governments under American law. North Korea blamed Otto's condition on a combination of botulism and an unexpected reaction to a sleeping pill, an explanation that many American doctors said was unlikely. During his seven years as the special envoy for North Korean human-rights issues, King had helped oversee the safe release of more than a dozen imprisoned Americans, so he knew what would happen. We had less rights than a dog. And no matter how nice his suite, it was also a cell, for he would have been allowed out only for an occasional escorted walk. Listening to him deliberate on this, he sounded to me a lot more like a dad. But, the official said, we were very scared, for though the North Koreans eventually said the plane would be able to land, no one knew what kind of welcome the Americans would receive on the ground. He was one of those special young people we praise as all-American. The most used guesthouse is luxurious by local standardsdetainees can hear guards using its karaoke machine into the wee hoursbut Otto would have likely found its two-room suites roughly equivalent to those in a basic hotel. Gratton went bowling, and lost track of Otto. A coroner's report on Otto Warmbier's death appears to conflict with his family's claims that he was tortured by the North Koreans View gallery In a Tuesday interview, Fred Warmbier said 'it. The Warmbiers grew frustrated that the world's most powerful nation could not take more direct, immediate action to help their son. Gratton thought the authorities just wanted to give the Imperial Enemy a hard time, and jested, Well, that's the last we'll ever see of you.. Warmbier, a 22-year-old American, traveled to North Korea in December 2015 and was taken into custody by North Korean officials at the airport Jan. 2, 2016. To revisit this article, visit My Profile, thenView saved stories. The North Koreans were unilaterally informed that an American plane would soon land in Pyongyang and that United States diplomats and doctors would get off. And when one takes into account that the entire sourced public case that Otto was beaten derives from that single anonymous official who spoke to The New York Times, the theory begins to crack. In the footage of his news-conference confession, Otto looked physically healthy, but as he sobbed for his freedom, he was obviously in extreme mental distress. The manner of death was listed as "undetermined.". But before he became a rallying cry in the administration's campaign against North Korea, he was just a kid. Christy Lee and Ahn So-young contributed to this report which originated on VOA Korean. No meaningful response. In North Korea's capital, border police confiscated cameras and flicked through each file on smartphones to make sure no outsider was smuggling in subversive materials. His parents Fred and Cindy Warmbier, have spoken out about the. The administration was informed of the correct time line, and it was well known among government officials who worked on the case. Still, afterward, his handlers reminded him, It takes 100 hacks to take down a tree.. For all the unknowns, one certainty is that the Trump administration allowed the narrative that Otto was repeatedly beaten to spread, long after it was clear those intelligence reports were almost certainly wrong. Bae, Ling, and other prisoners were repeatedly told that their government had forgotten them and were given so little hope that they only learned of their impending freedom an hour before being released. Diplomatic missions to North Korea are different from those to other countries, in which meetings take place across oak tables. His head was shaved, he was blind and deaf, his arms and legs were "totally deformed" and he had a huge scar on his foot, he said. In Manhattan, the North Koreans informed Yun that Otto was unconscious. The research organization Database Center for North Korean Human Rights confirmed a case of a factory janitor being prosecuted for bumping such a picture off the wall so that it fell and broke. His personal life is in shambles, Robert Mueller looms large, and it's never been trickier to be the president's son. In Pyongyang, rather, Bergman was squired around for four days to many of the same sites that Otto had touristedfrom the U.S.S. I love you, Otto, she said, then sang Happy Birthday.. He had two children and struggled to imagine one in such a state. The receipt was signed by Kim.. When Ling and fellow journalist Euna Lee sneaked over the North Korean border, Ling was struck as soldiers detained them. Until now, the next assumption about Otto's fate was that he had suffered severe brain damage by April, as the first brain scan sent back with his body was time-stamped. So with the Obama White House's blessing, Richardson and Bergman negotiated a visit by promising to discuss private humanitarian aid for North Korean flood victims along with Otto's release. Anoxic-Ischemic encephalopathy is medical terminology for brain damage resulting from the lack of oxygen fed into the brain by the blood stream. It's impossible to say whether or not Trump had seen or parsed the nuances of the intelligence reports before he tweeted about Fred Warmbier's Fox interview, supporting that Otto had been physically tortured. The lack of physical evidence of beatings was widely publicized. Meanwhile, the American military made preparations for a possible conflict. But when he stepped into the cabin cluttered with medical equipment, he found its source: Otto, strapped to a stretcher, jerking violently against his restraints and wailing. The previously unreported detail of when Otto was admitted to the Friendship Hospital changes the narrative of what could have happened to him. Otto, escorted at the Supreme Court in Pyongyang, where he was sentenced to 15 years of prison with hard labor. And both the senior-level American officials and the congressional staffer confirmed that the government never shared with them definitive evidence that Otto was beaten. Wearing an American-flag tie, Fred watched his son complete his journey home with a haggard stare. North Korea has denied torturing Warmbier. The international community is appealing for all incendiary rhetoric to be toned down. After two months of being constantly reminded that the American government couldn't help him, he probably felt that his family, his beautiful girlfriend (who called him her soul mate), and his Wall Street future were all lost. As Cindy told the United Nations in New York City, I can't let Otto die in vain. In April 2018, the Warmbiers, seeking damages, filed a lawsuit alleging that North Korea brutally tortured and murdered their son. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. . All King could do was wait for weeks while the Swedes' e-mails and calls were stonewalled. But the North Koreans were still not ready to release Otto. Knowing that he would soon be laboring over spreadsheets, he decided he wanted an adventure over his winter break. The restricted area in the Pyongyang hotel from which Otto allegedly removed a framed propaganda poster. Who is to blame for Otto Warmbier's death? FILE - Otto Frederick Warmbier, a University of Virginia student, has been detained in North Korea since early January, is taken to North Korea's top court in Pyongyang, North Korea, March 16, 2016. Finally, Yun persuaded the North Koreans to let him see Otto. At a top-ranked Ohio high school, he boasted the second-best grades. The goal wasn't to extract the truth but to construct the fabulation that Otto read off handwritten notes at his news conference. This week, a federal judge ordered North Korea to pay the parents of Otto Warmbier of Wyoming and their son's estate more than $501 million for fatally mistreating him and causing the death of. Traductions en contexte de "parents, Otto" en franais-anglais avec Reverso Context : Ses parents, Otto et Edith, ainsi que sa soeur Margot posent, eux aussi, visiblement avec plaisir. Read about our approach to external linking. Fred and Cindy had so despaired during their long vigil that at one point they allegedly told friends that Otto had probably been killed. They had not spoken to their son Otto for a year and a half, since he had been arrested during a budget tour of North Korea. I don't believe Otto was physically tortured, Andrei Lankov, said in his office in Seoul. Koch estimated the minimum amount of damages based on the average salaries of University of Virginia graduates and the maximum amount based on what Otto Warmbier would have earned if he had followed his intended career path to Wall Street. That day, Yun engaged in several rounds of intense negotiations with North Korean officials, trying to win Otto's freedom. Still, Cindy knew her son was not through danger yet. Charges filed against homeowner in shooting of Black teen, U.S. diplomatic convoy fired on in Sudan as intense fighting continues, Ohio officers won't face state charges in fatal shooting of Jayland Walker, Family in mourning after deadly Sweet 16 party shooting in Alabama, Nikki Haley's first-quarter fundraising came in lower than campaign claimed, Justice Department to seek longest sentence in any Jan. 6 case so far, Poll: Most say congressional GOP should let Trump probes run their course, Ron DeSantis unveils legislative move targeting Disney, U.S. arrests 2 over alleged secret Chinese police outpost in New York. He took as his theme a quote from The Office: I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days, he told his peers, before you've actually left them.. Of course, Otto's best days seemed ahead: He attended the University of Virginia with a scholarship, intent on becoming a banker. Doctors detected no signs of botulism, North Korea's explanation. In their first interview since his death, they told Fox news that they "felt it was time to tell the truth about the condition that Otto was in". Otto Frederick Warmbier (December 12, 1994 - June 19, 2017) was an American college student who was imprisoned in North Korea in 2016 on a charge of subversion. Otto Warmbier was transferred to an ambulance upon his return home to Cincinnati in June 2017. All rights reserved. September 27, 2017 / 8:48 PM Whatever it was, the misrepresentation helped push the U.S. closer to war with North Korea than it had ever been. Declarations from his pediatric dentist and the dentist he transferred to as an adult, suggest otherwise, as does a declaration filed by the neurologist who led Otto Warmbiers care upon his return from North Korea. But despite the experts' doubts, none of them could disprove the intelligence reports indicating that Otto had been beaten. I'm assuming they were in chaos over there. Many experts pointed out that though North Korea is often portrayed as irrational, the Kim family had to be both brutal and smart, as Lankov said, to maintain its relative power on the world stage, especially for such a small, impoverished country. From that point on, the White House no longer focused on Otto's tragedy. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. After failing to cut his wrists, Aijalon Gomes chewed open a thermometer and drank its mercury, later explaining that he had given up on America's ability to free him. North Korea would later release grainy CCTV camera footage of an unidentifiable figure removing a framed propaganda poster from a wall in a restricted area of the hotel, claiming it was Otto. Otto, the bright, curious, ambitious student went to North Korea on a group trip in December 2015 but was detained from returning home, accused of stealing a political poster from a restricted area of his hotel, per CNN. FILE - Family members watch as Kenneth Bae, right, freed during a top-secret mission, talks to reporters after he arrived at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington, Nov. 8, 2014. So, shortly after Christmas 2015, Otto met the other Young Pioneers in China and boarded an old Soviet jet to Pyongyang. But Otto's alien keening only continued, impossible to comfort. Nor is it to imply that the senior government official lied to The New York Times about the intelligence reports, as some analysts suggested to me; that person seems to have correctly described them. But King had no leverage over Pyongyang. A senior American official asserted that, according to intelligence reports, Otto had been repeatedly beaten. He had been arrested in North Korea for allegedly trying to steal a propaganda poster from a restricted area in January 2016 while visiting the country on a sightseeing tour. The Americans were chauffeured through the farmland outside Pyongyang to an opulent guesthouse complete with marble staircases, chandeliers, and a full staff, even though they appeared to be the only guests. Flueckiger and Yun were shuttled to Friendship Hospital, a private facility that often treats foreign diplomats living in Pyongyang. His first book, The Last Whalers, comes out next year. They said his teeth looked as though "someone had taken a pair of pliers and re-arranged" the bottom row, and said his arms and legs were "totally deformed." . In a private meeting, Trump showed Kim a Hollywood-trailer-like video that laid out the choice between economic prosperity, if he gave up his nukes, or war. In interviews with VOA Korean Service, former American detainees in North Korea have said they were subject to harsh treatment but denied being physically tortured. Then the radio chatter faded out, and only static filled the airwaves for ten minutes. Pueblo to restaurants. After only 15 minutes, though, each prisoner was escorted away. Great interview on @foxandfriends with the parents of Otto Warmbier: 1994 - 2017. Halfway up the airplane's stairs, over the whine of the still-cycling engines, Fred later said, he heard a guttural inhuman howling and wondered what it was. At a top-ranked Ohio high school, he boasted the second-best grades. Yun explained, The North Koreans said we could send a delegation to see Otto, but that we would have to discuss some of the conditions of getting him out once we got there. And so Yun raced to assemble a diplomatic and medical team to save Otto. Pneumonia, a blood clot, kidney failure or sepsis could have killed Otto Warmbier, but he almost certainly never had a chance of recovering, neurologists said Monday. To Fred, the evidence of torture seemed clear. The once vital young man was severely brain-damaged. They often beat us, and we were so hungry we would catch mice in our cells to eat. She saw six to eight fellow prisoners die every day. He joined a fraternity known for its kind of nerdy dudes, and one of his college friends said that academics and family always took precedence over everything else, from partying to tailgating at football games. The Hamilton County coroner said Wednesday she found no signs of broken bones on Otto Warmbier's body, nor did she find that his teeth had been disfigured while he was imprisoned in North. In June 2017, he was released by North Korea in a vegetative state and died soon afterwards. As Toms Ojea Quintana, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on human rights for North Korea, said, Otto's rights were violated on every level.. The Americans returned to the hospital, and a North Korean judge in a black suit commuted Otto's sentence. On New Year's Eve, the Young Pioneers went drinking at a fancy bar, though according to Gratton, no one got belligerently drunk, as some reports would later suggest. When Otto finally opened his eyes again, he likely found himself at a guesthouse, which is where the State Department believed he was probably kept. When making a case for a forceful response against North Korea to the South Korean National Assembly, in November 2017, Trump said their common enemy had tortured Otto Warmbier, ultimately leading to that fine young man's death. In his January 2018 State of the Union address, Trump pledged to keep maximum pressure on North Korea and to honor Otto's memory with total American resolve, while the Warmbiers wept in the gallery. What else could he look forward to but physical and mental suffering? Fred Warmbier, right, listens as Cindy Warmbier speaks of their son Otto Warmbier, an American who died last year, days after his release from captivity in North Korea, May 3, 2018, at the U.N. A person believed to be Otto Warmbier is transferred from a medical transport airplane to an awaiting ambulance at Lunken Airport in Cincinnati, Ohio, June 13, 2017. Stepping from the boat, Otto was a little bit shocked, said Danny Gratton, an impish British 40-something greeting-card salesman who was his roommate for the tour. Mrs Warmbier said North Korea sent him home because "they didn't want him to die on their soil". He was draped in the linen blazer that his son had worn during his forced confession. Please enter valid email address to continue. Warmbier's family said. During the televised confession, Otto would read from a handwritten script that he had put on his quietest boots, the best for sneaking and attempted the theft at the prompting of a local Methodist church, a university secret society, and the American administration, to harm the work ethic and motivation of the Korean people and bring home a trophy. Many of the confession's details didn't squarefor one, Otto was Jewish, not affiliated with a Methodist churchmaking experts suspect the words weren't originally Otto's. US citizens are now banned from travelling to North Korea. The unlucky are tortured to death. I told the North Koreans we would leave with or without Otto. That the reports suggested that he was beaten repeatedly when there was not time for that showed they were unreliable. Jeffrey Fowle, a father of three children in Ohio, was detained in North Korea for six months for leaving a Bible in a restaurant in Pyongyang during his tour of the country in 2014. They were likely unaware of Ottos condition. Ad Choices, The Untold Story of Otto Warmbier, American Hostage. Warmbier's parents told a Fox News TV show Tuesday that North Korea tortured and "destroyed" him. The origin of Otto's injury remained a mystery. A busload of soldiers escorted the Americans off the tarmac, and the aircraft returned to Japan. On 13 June, Otto Warmbier returned to the US after 17 months of captivity in North Korea. Otto Warmbier died at the University of Cincinnati medical center less than a week after returning from North Korea. However, a senior-level American official who reviewed the reports told me, In general, the intel reports were wrong, as the medical examinations have shown. In North Korea, disrespecting one of the ubiquitous propaganda posters is actually a serious breach of the law. We're never going to know, Sammarco said, unless the people who were there at the time it happened would come forward and say, This is what happened. . Early on in Pyongyang, Otto and the other Young Pioneers were led aboard the U.S.S. The death of Otto Warmbier last year amid allegations he was brutally tortured by the North Korean government became a catalyst for President Trump's June summit with dictator Kim Jong-un, but the circumstances of his death may not be so clear, Doug Bock Clark writes for GQ. As the Trump administration and North Korea spun Otto's story for their own ends, I spent six months reportingfrom Washington, D.C., to Seoultrying to figure out what had actually happened to him. Michael Flueckiger was used to calmly fixing horrifying situations, having previously saved countless patients from gunshot wounds and car crashes during 31 years as a trauma-center doctor. South Korean intelligence, generally considered the spy agency with the best sources in North Korea, found no confirmation that Otto was beaten. When asked about his son's health, he said grimly, We're trying to make him comfortable. Sometimes he slipped into the past tense when talking about him. Someone heard third- or fourth-hand that Otto was sick, and that person decided he was beaten. North Korea has claimed Warmbier fell into a coma that resulted from botulism and a sleeping pill. I think, without Otto, this would not have happened. Then he said twice, as if it was doubly true or he was trying to convince himself: Otto did not die in vain.. The coroner found no evidence of bludgeoning on Otto's body. Declarations filed in support of a lawsuit filed by the parents of Otto F. Warmbier, the University of Virginia student who died after returning to the U.S. from 17 months in captivity in Pyongyang, may raise new questions about how the college student was treated while in North Korea. Though, each prisoner was escorted away to imagine one in such a.! Living in Pyongyang, Bergman was squired around for four days to of! Cincinnati, Ohio, in the 15 years of prison with hard labor a haggard stare damage from... 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Of style, culture, and beyond fellow journalist Euna Lee sneaked the! Radio chatter faded out, and i told the United States administration and North Korean in! For four days to many of the ubiquitous propaganda posters is actually a serious breach of rearrangement., the evidence of the rearrangement Fred Warmbier claimed been trickier to be toned down non-invasive! As `` undetermined. `` our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Statement! Why would the Trump administration allow these unverified rumors to flourish years i 've negotiating! `` well-nourished. in 2012 said, i was not through danger yet with... Bigger & more powerful nuclear buttons on June 19, 2017, he sounded me... Military made preparations for a possible conflict alien keening only continued, impossible to comfort 19... Added to a series of recent accusations and heated exchanges between his administration and North judge. 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