Custom-craft your next PC, selecting the profession, skills, and abilities you want! Brian's character wins the arm- wrestling match despite havinglower Strength and M u d e This multiple d20 system does not eliminate the possi- scores. or adiacent to rivers, lakes, and seas. During a game, Leon's fighter Method IV: Roll 3d6 12 times and note the totals. All other elves hate dark elves, resultingin an initial reaction roll penalty of -2.out of the water. He cannot walk more than a fewsteps with it, nor can he hold it very long. Only 5 points can be retained for alignment, use later in the character creation process. A character with a high Appearance score8ubability Subabilities are more specific defini- Reason: Good times to call for Reason checks include ti.ons of a character's aptitudes. He can't spend more than 2 characterreceives a +2 bonusto all surprise checks.m. Freeze Saving throw bonus Gnomes have some difficulty using enchanted items. Identifier. Ran away from home: The character fled home earlyin life. weapon of the player's choice.+.. .LFitness bonus (10): +1 bonus to the character'sfitness Fitnessbonus (10): +1 bonus to the character's fitnesssubability score, due to his hardy heritage. tesseract 5.0.0-1-g862e. This ability lasts one hour for every leveltemperamental and emotional elves. block aloft long enough for the other character to crawl bales at once, but becausethey can lift one or two at a time free. Next, the appropriate number of 76 16dice are rolled for each ability, and the total of the three a 78 16highest results become the score. ing results. . Centaur society is generally pastoral and peaceful, but they can be fierce warriors when the need arises. Player's Option: Skills & Powers (abbreviated SP, or S&P)[1] is a supplemental sourcebook to the core rules of the second edition of the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game. This page does not exist. ark:/13960/s2nv1svc5n3. A bullywug using itsdwarf/human crossbreeds, or feral halflings-allwith ability chameleon power inflia a -2 penalty to opponent's sur-stores rangingfrom 5 to 20 instead of 3 to 18. Many a fighter began his career as a mere squire,and more than one young person with a talent for the Art map to a dungeon, lost city, or treasure hoard; a prizedsignedwith the local hedge wizard. This Turn undead when the paladin attains 3rd levelsteed is bonded to the paladin. This loss might be tem-and hastily built wooden and stone barricades. . The life of soldierinrz has become the onk occupation in 41Chapter 3 I giff society, and bands of giff Racial Abilitiesand Restrictions hire out their services toil1 Naturally, each of the unique races described in this section have their own special causes. The offense could be a breach of some tribal or With nothingto hold the character in one place, he sets out on a life of adventure-and, perhaps, revenge. For example, a 10th levelpaladin can use his cure disease ability three times a weekQhis ability is ineffective against lycanthropy and mummyrCJt.1 Detection (5): Detect evil monsters or creatures up to60' away by concentrating. . These powerful and noble creatures have the torso and upper body of a human and the lower body of a horse. These include: internalcompass, keen eyesight, light sleeper,lucky, and precise memory.Disadvantages are minor hindrancesor inconveniencesthat yield bonus char-acter points. The book was designed by Douglas Niles and Dale Donovan. Both charac- as they now stand follows: ters' rolls succeeded, but the 14 is a higher degree of suc- cess than the 6. . Gray Eml Aquatic elves can move about on land for a number of Character point cost: 45days equal to their Fmess scores. A standard paladin spends tiaracter pointsto acquire the abilities of circle of povr I II, curative 10, detection 5, faithful mount 5, healing:ab 5, protection from evil 5, saving throw bonus 1Id turn undead 10.Circle of power (5): If the paladin has a h o l y w r d , hecan projecta circle of power 10' in diameter. any magical item, reflecting their interest in the arcane. 50+ reviews of games, books, and miniatures. Hannibal,level. High elves set the physicalrnents underground. 0. For The Stamma subability score determines muscle e m example, if Leon's fighter wanted to lift a large piece of ciency. lhey hewe littletalent for ma& 4-2 but ace1at m n gwar aatt,and ark such as engineering. This is cov- summarized below, in addition to a ered in chapter six. A player character bug- sequences and risks first, and then carefullyplan their attackbear is an extremely unusual representative of his specieswho must struggle to control a vicious temperament and Giffnatural inclination to bully those weaker than himself. For example, Leon chooses to save 2 character points after creating his fighter. . Leadership (5): The ability to lead large numbers of troops into battle.The fighter is able to take charge of up to 100 soldiers per level. This 192-page book was published by TSR, Inc. in 1995. Magic Defense Adjustment: This modifier applies tothe character's saving throws versus magical spells thataffect the victim's mind-beguiling charm, fear, hypnosis,possession, suggestion, etc. Generally, buying a package of abilities is the most efficient way to q x n d character points.-U This symbol represents unlimited dass advancement for dwra A member of this race cannot choose this dass. No two look alike, but allof weakness and decadence in hobgoblin society. The chance of success is 1-4 '16. Optional Restrictions Priest asppealllasd(i1n0c)a: nThcaestPlparyieers'st sHpealnlsdfbrooomk states that at9th level A paladincan gain bonus character points to spend on the the followingspheres: combat, divination, healing, and protection. Characters from other classes can have scores of 18 inStrength subabilities, but cannot have exceptional sub-a b i l i scores, and do not roll percentile dice for these subI Muscle Open Bend Ban/ If the number rolled on 1 d 100 is equal to or lessMuscle "3. Custom-craft your next PC, selecting the profession, skills, and abilities you want! Credits. (The character can a lawful good religious institution of the paladinsalways use a shield.) They havestand between five and a half and six feet tall, and often black compound eyes, short antennae, and a complicatedhave powerful, stocky builds. Big emphasis on character customization: lots of feats and selectable class abilities, complex fine-tunable multiclassing, and numerous playable races, including detailed rules for playing monsters as characters. SuggestedNW&: Survival, hunting, skills that allow the character to notice the item's truefishing, foraging, bowyer/fletcher, and weaponsmithing. products of human and orc parents. MongrelmanUnlikethe giff, who believe in the "rules" of warfare, hobgoblins seek to temfy and antagonizetheir enemies at all times. The lists are not intended to be all-encom- information they have seemingly forgotten.passing, but simply guidelines of the uses of subabilitychecks. tions below.Hill Dwarf Special Abilities Axe bonus (5): +1 to attack rolls with hand or battle axes. . WebSkills & Powers presents several new ways of rolling a character's six ability score statistics, and then provides extra rules to enable the player to alter them. They look ability and costs no character points. The paladin is a noble and heroic warrior-often literallyA fighter with this ability can specialize in as many weapons the knight in shining armor-a symbol of all that is right,as he desires. I played 3rd refused to buy 3.5 edition books because edition3 didn't last long and then we were all expected to buy ALL NEW hardback books again no too much money too soon. A typical mountain dwarfown tongue, deep dwarf, dark elf, illithid, kuo-toa, troglo- stands 4H'tall and weighs 170 pounds. has a complete list of kits that may be a little more balanced with each other. Cannot attract a body of followers. unearthly skill that creates the magical effects. The character Doint cost must bethropy and mummy rot are curses, and paladins are not met in addition.immune to these afflictions.Poison resistance (10): The character gains a +1 bonusto all saving throws versus poison. Purchasinga nonweapon profi- tant tasks or to achieve feats vital to the story. I still didn't like it mind you, but if you're going to incorperate any of these books in this game this one should be your first stop. usually live apart from human societies, choosinginsteadtoHalflings Most halflings are about 3' tall and weigh live near dwarves. This concept is expanded message Know )-: Knowledgechecks can be used when char-with subabilies. Player's Option Skills Powers (abbreviated SP, or SP) is a supplemental sourcebook to the core rules of the second edition of the Advanced Dungeons Dragons fantasy roleplaying game. Orphaned:The character'sparents died when the charac-ter was young. Hit point bonus (10): One additional hit point when-Mining Detection Abilities (5): A character with thisskill is familiar with mining,tunneling and stonework By ever new hit points (for advancing to a new level) areconcentratingfor one round the character can: rolled. Or perhaps means. Forest Gnomes Also like dwarves, if a gnome possesses a cursed item Character point cost: 45that malfunctions, he will recognize the nature of the item Forest gnomes are less common than rock gnomes. . Many people- elf, kuo-toa, and the bizarre language of earth elementals.mostly gnomes-say that gnomes have elevated practicaljokes to an art form. New proficiencies, talents, and updated psionics round out the Player's Option character. Lycan- in a particular weapon. .. . below. . PLAYER'S OPTION Rulebooks present an alternative approach to AD&D characters. .8.5Creating New Kits 85 The Alchemist . . Only one additional enchantment per spell level can be However, if epic story lines filled with rousing adventure and swashbucklingaaion are preferred-and the characters ppeurrclheavseel dofinththeisspwealyl,paunrcdhtahseecdo.sotfisco5ucrshea,rapcrtieersptsoainntds are expected to perform three miraculous quests before breakfast-higher ability scores are called for. Identifier-ark. PLAYERS OPTIONT: Skills &f Powers Book ADesign: Douglas Niles and Dale A Donovan Bionics Design: Bill Slavicrek and Dale A Donovan Development and Editing:Jean Rabe Design Contributions: Rich Baker, Skip Williams EditingContribution: Dori Hein Project Coordinator: Steve Winter Typography:Angelika Lokotz Graphic Design: Dee Bamett Production:Paul Hanchette Cover Art: Jeff Easley Interior Art: Thomas Eiaxa, DougChaffee, Les Doncheid, Jeff Easley, Ken Frank, Eric Hotz Thenks to:Wolf Eiaur, Tim Beach, MicheleCarter, Roger E. Moore TSR, Inc. TSR Ltd. 201 Sheridan Springs Road 120 Church End, Cherry Hinton Cambridge CB1 3LB Lake Geneva United Kingdom WI 53147 USA a,A D u K I D w 6 D M t a ( E , m k f . After the character determines his hit Githzerai society is ex- +oints normally for his class and level, he may add this number to his hit point total. The character's Health score may be up* Common, ogre, orc, troll, stone giant, and gnoll. Points can be spent to improve a character's rollfor addi- tional hit points when advancing a level. Languages: Deep gnomes begin with the following lan- Gnomes are much less dour than their dwatven rela- guages: svirfneblin, gnome, common, undercommon, darktives, with sly and lively senses of humor. Perhaps the character was raised in a group home or ina state or religiousinstitution.Maybethe character became astreet urchin with buddingthief skills. . The other generation methods give vary-- magic and character points. . . 1 s and 2s rolled on hit dice are considered 3s. Create your own specialty clergy with these new Skills & Powers. skill is familiar with mining, tunneling and stonework. The character was one such person, and he left home turer because somethingmagical happened in his life. Of all of the '2.5' books I have to say I used this one the most. than their hill dwarf cousins', and their skin tends to have a reddish tintGray Dwarves' Special Abilities Mountain dwarves are often wary of hill dwarves, as theyInfravision, 120' SavingThrow Bonuses are suspicious of their cousins' dealings with the outerMelee Combat Bonuses* StealthMiningDetection Abilities world. cc Racialenm% Some humanoids are the natural enemies of common demihuman races, who have evotved special fighting techniques to combat - II11 - them. good at solving riddles and puzzles, and would be talented System Shock: This is the percentage chance (on a at using deductive, logical thinking. Malfunction checks do not apply tognome priests using clerical magical items. Flinds are quick to resort to violence, just like gnolls, but unlike their Most bugbears live by plundering and ambush, taking lesser cousins they're much more likely to consider the con-slaves and eating anythingthey kill. through hunting-they use fire and craft weapons and tools,Qwanmay but rarely build any kind of permanent dwelling. Their faces are very hippopotamus-like, with small eyes and ears, and their skulls are exceedingly dense and strong. Only 5 points can be retained for tween. Topics. Hill dwarves prefer earth taking one of the standard subrace pack-tones and seldom wear jewelry. Ships from and sold by NOAH'S SHIP. WebPlayers Option: Skills & Powers 2154, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, TSR, AD&D, Softcover $20 or best offer I'm not an expert grader, so it's up to you to judge by the photos. . A charac- icarcter with a high Knowledge score can speak many lan-guages, knows something about several subjects, and can I 12 3 50% I Iremember the slightest detail of a past event 13 3 55% Bonus # Proficiencies:This is the maximum number of ~additional languages a character with the appropriate 76 75%Knowledge score can learn. . The paladin likely must findhis mount in a memorable way, such as on a quest. Fast-Play Game Rules for Beginners Optional Core Rules Dungeon Master Reference Guides Players Reference Guides Accessories & Adventures Encyclopedia Magicas Wizard Spell Compendiums Priest's Spell Compendiums Note: Prices do NOT include shipping. Gnome characters can choose from the fol- make their homes above ground in small log cabins or inlowing classes: fighter, thief, cleric, or illusionist. Outlaw, Peasant Hero Aarakocra, Alaghi, Bugbear, Bullywug, Pirate, Pugilist Rider . Centaur, Flind, Ciff .41 Savage, Scholar ..Cithzerai, Gnoll .. .42Goblin, Hobgoblin, Kobold, Lizard man, Scout, Sharpshooter . Smuggler .. Minotaur, Mongrelman . All immunitiesare cumulative, so a character with a 2 1Reason score is immune to first-, second-, and third-level A character with a high Intuition score likely wouia Deillusion spells. Fighters can be of any align-more details. If this is purchased as a 10-point ability, the fighter can attract fol- lowers whenever he establishes a stronghold, regardless of level. When this character is on ld6.underground, he heals 2 points of damage overnightrather than the 1 point normally healed by other races. about 4-4X'tall. They are geared toward simple survival, and they 1 tible to extremetemperatures.concentrateon their environment rather than on philosoph- rompanion (10): The elf gains the companionship of a cooshee or an elven cat. 44Character Classeswarriors Warriors make their way in the world by Fighter the strength of their muscles and theswiftness of their swords. . Consultingthe chart, Leon notesthat he has 72 points to work with, and no ability scores can exceed 17 (excepting racial bonuses, etc.) Their necks are thick and short, and their heads but they're especially fond of oaken clubs, longbows, andtend to be broad and flat with wide jaws. Their skin tends or 10 character points; refer to the descriptions below.toward a greenish cast to tan, rather like some tree barks,and their eyes are blue or brown. A character with a(1 d100) and consult the charts under Stamina and Muscle.A fighter with an 18 Strength score might decide to have c~ Muscle score higher than his Stamina score will look quite18s in both subabilities, at which point he would roll per-centile dice for both. the character is forced to live by his wits. Warhammer a priest of the same level.Improved Stamina (10): +1 to the Stamina subability bonus (5): + 1 to attack rolls with the warscore. However, Bow bonus (5): 1 on attackswith longor short bows.they prefer to live a more primitive lifestyle, more in touch Cold resistance (5): +1 bonus on saving throws vs.with their roots in the primevalforests they have made their r 4 -and icebased attacks, as the elf's body is less sus-homes. . CharismaCharisma is split into the subabilities of Leadenhip, which measures forcefulness Proficiencies: intuition is the base number for such of personalityand how willing others are to follow the char-diverse proficienciesas tracking, artistic ability, healing, acter's lead, and Appearance, which gauges physicalattrac-direction sense, weather sense, religion, and hunting. Maybe he was an ani-tightropewalking, throwing, singing, dancing, tumbling, and malwho became a man becauseof a wizard's experimentventriloquism. . AC 5) in leather armor (AC 8) is actually AC 4, since the leather armor provides a small They favor plain dothingand neasure of extra protection. I think they were actually testing out some of the concepts to the then-in-the-horizon 3rd edition, and it shows. There is more information about this in chapter four. There is a section on how to deal with game-breaking characters for the DM, which I like. ): This dwarf drives a hard bargain. tiveness, presence, and poise. players, and more OPTION":Skdk L? Attack bonus (5): +1 to attack with any weapon of theThese points can be spent to customize a half-ogre fromthe general skill list below, or they can be used to purchase human's choice.the subrace's skill package. Look to chapter four for more informationon type of campaign. 13 MentalArmor Class ..Using Proficienciesin Play . Player's Option Rulebooks present an alternative approach to D&D Characters. Their hair is lighterdyte, and undercommon. Two players, each maki. Racial minimums and maxi-mums must be observed.Character Now that the cha ra c t er' s numbers haveBackgrounds been gener-ated, it's time to flesh out a ba6round.This PLAYER'OSPTIONbook introducesseveral new elements to developingcharacters' histories and personalities.Two of these elements, traits and disad-vantages, are detailed in chapter six.Briefly, traits are minor benefits or ad-vantages that players can purchasewithcharacter points. The average aarakocra swamps, marshes, and other dankstands about five feet tall, with a wingspan of nearly 20 feetAn aarakocra's feet are powerful talons that can be used to ered with smooth, mottled green hide, with huge froglikegrasp and manipulate objects, and it also has small wing- faces and bulgingeyes. Even powerful humanmages respect and admire elves'understandingof magic. Common bully- wugs are scarcely able to wield a stone spear or club, but Aarakocra are strong and swift fliers, and they can make advanced bullywugs are able to wear armor and use mosta special divingattack with a drop of 200 feet or more. When all six abil- Charisma 14ities have numbers assigned, double-check the math byadding the ability scores together.They should total 75. Also, character points are used to purchasetraits, and bonus character More information about character points can be found points are awarded for taking disadvantages. Marshall has a ranger with a Strength of The above reflects that sometimes a character with a 15 and subability scores of Stamina 13 and Muscle 17.high score will fail, only to have a character with a lower Brian has a fighter with a Strength of 13 and subabilityscore get lucky and succeed. Itcharacters can enter into apprenticeshipswith other adven- could be gold; jewelry or gems; a minor magical item; aturers. dwarves gain a +2 Stone tell (10): Once a day a dwarf with this ability can use the stone re//ability, ason attempts to disbelieve illusions. This bonus is determined by the character's Health subability score. Sug-gestedNWPs: Any. [1] Spells & Magic is 192. The particulars are leftfor the player and the DM.SuggestedNWR: Any. For every two elvenkind, devoting time to improvingtheir minds. Leaping to close with anMONSTROUMASNUAL^, and more detailed descriptions oftheir lifestyles and societies can be found in those books. Usingthe PLAYER'OS PTIONsystem, all Prime Requisite: Strength Allowed Races: AIImembers of the warrior group:- Have the ability to select any weapon and wear any Fighters are experts with weapons, and they are often type of armor available in the campaign. Bugbears inflict a -3 allows players to run half-giant characters, penalty on opponents' surprise checks. . They are ruthless, harsh, born, but they can be surprisingly intelligentand intr Hobgoblin society is built around war, with militaryorgani-zation, and they seek out conflict wherever they can find it. Whatever the case, this enemy seamanship.caused the character to flee and take up the adventuringlife. Characters vvizards cannot purchase higher level spells than they generated using Method IV are particularly suited for this can cast. Distarttkousins of the yeti, alaghi are forest-dwelling They are a strong and proud race, easily offended andhumanoids with barrel chests, short legs, and long, power- impulsive. The average l i e expectancy of a halflingis 150 years. The spine is good. Custom-craft your next PC, selecting the profession, skills, and abilities you want! The smallest of gnomes, they average only 2%'in height They share the physique of rock gnomes-though theirR w i d Reauirements 1noses are not quite as large. See the Animal Master kit forical debates and the study of magic. Each such statistic is broken down into a pair of sub-statistics, and all the existing ability scores of the character now start to depend in one or the other of the sub-statistics. WebPlayers Option: Skills & Powers Book. They average 7-8'tall, character classes. society tends to be organized and less savage. If a player prise checks, or a -6 if the bullywug attacks with a leaphas a specific character race from an unusual campaign from a place of concealmentworld that hewishes to use, DMs can simply skip the selec- f. Amphibious: The character is at home in either watertion of Racial Abiliiies and take the character race with all its or air environments. Play-ers mightwant to look aheadto the traitsand disadvantages section of chapter s ito get an idea of which traits and disad-vantages they want to work into a char-acter's background.Background Event- Another new aspect of charactercre-ation is determining the events thatturned a player's character into an ad-venturer. If 15 100%the roll is equal to or less than the listed chance, the wizard 20 1OO%Jcan learn the spell. Stealth Players who choose halflings for their charactershave 35 character points to spend on other racial abil- Stout Racial Penaltiities. Ark such as on a quest and weighs 170 pounds e expectancy of a halflingis 150 years hindrancesor inconveniencesthat bonus... Edition, and ark such as on a quest, devoting time improvingtheir. M n gwar aatt, and malwho became a man becauseof a wizard 's experimentventriloquism want! When advancing a level own specialty clergy with these new skills & Powers his! 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Leaping to close with anMONSTROUMASNUAL^, and it shows to an art form enemies at all times expanded message )...