BANS carrying away or taking fish from fish hatchery, fish trap or fish holding pond. Many of these pet spiders come in different sizes and colors. Also, in some states in the US, you need a special license to own one, so make sure you check with local registration before getting one. From small rodents to ever-clever chimpanzees, these ten exotic pets are legal to own in many places across the United States. If you are confident that you can properly care for one of the pets, then speak with a trusted breeder. EXCLUDES FROM WILDLIFE: domestic bison (bison owned by person), domestic cervidae (elk, fallow deer and reindeer owned by person), domestic fur-bearing animals (Fox, skunk, raccoons, mink, chinchilla, marten, fisher, muskrat, beaver, and bobcat used in fur industry) and fish, Fish prohibited in VHSV areas unless permit issued by Fish and Game, Fish need 1) import permit, 2) either CVI, Title 50 certification OR American Fisheries Society Certified Fish Health Inspectors Certification, AND 3) invoice or bill of lading, Poultry, game birds and ratites do not need permit but need CVI and either a VS 9-3 if from NPIP flock or negative Salmonella pullorum-typhoid in last 30 days if not from one, Zebras are regulated under Equidae and need CVI and EIA test. Yellow-Bellied Sliders are not exactly exotic pets, as they are found in the wild in Florida and many other states. Like Servals, Fennec Foxes are shy and nocturnal. An exotic pet must also be legal in your state, but you may need certain permits. Your Leopard Gecko should also have lots of heat and light, as well as a proper diet. Yellow Sliders are dark brown or gray on their heads and their underbelly and legs are bright yellow with stripes. One thing you need to consider though is their potential size. While these are the state laws, there may likewise be local, city, and county laws that also use. Frightening as it looks, the Burmese Python is actually among the most docile snakes around. Due to this matter, youve got to be sure youve got the expertise and enough patience when considering to buy one. Tracie/Flickr via Some animals (e.g. Yes, you can own an otter in Idaho, but there are a few things you need to know first. They are super social, but this can be both a good thing or a bad one. Mississippi Map Turtle 11. What makes tortoises difficult to care for is that they require consistent care to keep them healthy. Parrots are another exotic species that rarely face bans. PERMIT required to import, export, sell, transport, possess or release captive wildlife. This fox is similar to a small playful dog, but they are still wild animals and will have wild instincts. Copyright 2021 The state also defines all non-domestic animals consisting of wild cats, wild dogs, bear, and primates as live game.. Bearded Dragons typically grow one to two feet in length and are yellow to tan in color. Primates, venomous reptiles, bears, wolves, and other animals are restricted. Widely regarded as one of the world's most influential luxury blogs, Luxatic engages the finest connoisseurs with the content that speaks to their passions. Chinchillas are rodents as well, and are known for being among the more destructive ones. Firstly, it is best for their health if they have companionship. They should be kept in a tank with clean water and a filter. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Fennec Foxes are mostly found in the Sahara Desert. You might still own primates, monkeys, elephants, wolves, and non-domesticated cats without a permit or license. Hedgehog 4. All other animals not listed need a permit. They also like to run, and word goes by that theyre only outmatched in speed by their larger wild counterpart, the Cheetah. , Bearded Dragon. It is also illegal to own a venomous snake. They are normally purchased by someone looking for a small and unique pet rodent. Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Tennessee, Texas, Nevada, Idaho, Wisconsin, Alabama, North and South Carolina, West Virginia, North and South Dakota, Oklahoma, Arizona, Indiana, Pennsylvania and Maine. They are better suited to someone who has experience caring for a variety of pets such as rodents and other wild animals found in the United States. The Red-Footed Tortoise is a colorful pet reptile. No large cats, bears, and wolf hybrids allowed Michigan. In Idaho, there are a number of exotic pets that are legal to own. Milk Snakes are usually red with yellow bands, and thick black bands separate the red from the yellow. Many people love their small size and adorably oversized ears. It is common for Llamas to be kept in packs along the Andes Mountains in South America. Macaws do need a large space. But while most people go for either a dog or a cat or several of those two there are plenty of other interesting options out there. Their tank should be cleaned about once a week. Finally, the owner of the exotic animal must ensure that the animal is properly housed and cared for. You shouldnt adopt a Llama if you live in a city or town as they will not have enough space to be happy. I absolutely adore her.but shes definitely a high-maintenance pet that I wouldnt recommend for everyone. They have long necks, protruding lower front teeth, and can stand about six feet tall. Some of the animals illegal to own under this law are: Lions Tigers Cougars Wolves Bears Monkeys (non human primates) Marmosets Lemurs Cobras Rattlesnakes Crocodiles Alligators Do you have a favorite? Large Felidae. Exotic animals are illegal in Hawaii. Caring for exotic animals is difficult. They should live outside, but they can be brought into a house if there is nothing in the room that will be prone to breaking. Its like a Leopard in miniature, due to their extremely famous fur. 10. -- 003. How do I get a permit to own a monkey in Idaho? Despite their cute looks, they tend to be independent and not very cuddly. 02.04.32 Rules Governing Poultry Operations 02.02.11 Rules Governing Eggs and Egg Products 02.08.01 Sheep and Goat Rules of the Idaho Sheep and Goat Health Board As adults, they reach up to four pounds in weight, which is not much, so theyre ok for smaller households. Bearded Dragons are the most popular pet lizard and the best exotic pet! They thrive with an owner that has an interest in caring for reptiles and has done their research. Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming. Most reptiles, including snakes and lizards, are allowed, with a few exceptions. They like to play a lot, trait similar to dogs, but also have the independence of a cat. 000. Hedgehogs can be housed like guinea pigs or hamsters in rodent cages. Website: Alaska, California, Colorado, Idaho, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming. They require an owner who is willing to dedicate their whole life to their pet. Idaho requires a permit for tigers and other x26quot;deleterious exotic animals.x26quot; Chinchillas, ferrets, bison, toucans, and hedgehogs, plus alligators, crocodiles, and one-humped camels (two-humped camels arent allowed). Kansas does not enable harmful regulated animals to be kept as pets unless you are a zoo, sanctuary, or other approved center. They tend to form a strong bond with their handler for up to 50 years. They are usually wild animals found in other parts of the world and are not domesticated. Tigers require a lot of food and veterinary care, and can cost thousands of dollars per year to care for. I also recently adopted a beautiful Kenyan Sand Boa (wild-type adult). Capybaras are group animals, and those that live alone do not live happy lives. It is best not to try and keep a wild porcupine. In Idaho, there are a few restrictions on what kinds of pets you can own. They can reach up to 40 inches in height and 60 inches in wingspan, so expect a lot of strength on their side. Their state site has a permit application readily available for non-domestic animals. From the newest supercars, amazing yachts, luxury homes and exquisite watches, to high-end hotels and resorts from all over the world and the latest trends in tech and fashion. 2023 Luxatic - Luxury Lifestyle at its Finest. It is not intended to constitute veterinary advice. Red-Eyed Crocodile Skink 9. As long as youre able to care for the animal financially, youve done homework on legality, and able to provide a habitat that is as close to what it would be in the wild for its enrichment, then sobeit. To own a primate, hoofstock, big cat, bear, or other unique pet noted by the state you need to get a permit and a vets assessment. They are friendly, gentle and easily trainable birds. In Hawaii, you can have a monkey as long as you are fully bonded. Reptiles and amphibians just need the CVI. Search the Idaho Statutes and Constitution Theyre beautiful and amazing creatures but exotic pet ownership comes with some exotic issues. 18-6602. PERMIT required to import, possess, transfer, sell, barter, trade, or temporarily exhibit deleterious exotic animals. The Egyptian Tortoise is a rare type of tortoise. Rodents: African dormice, African rope squirrels, African striped mice, African tree squirrels, brush-tailed porcupines, Microchip and leg band for birds; microchip for mammals, Records of transfer, sales, barters, trades, changes in ownership or changes of possession, Certificate of Veterinary Inspection for import, Primates and large felidae limited to AZA except capuchin, marmoset, spider monkey, squirrel monkey, facility description (map, description and location of real property, detailed diagram with fences/gates/confinement, fencing specifications exterior/interior fence, height, materials), Copy of local zoning approval if required, Description of animals by genus, species, sex, age, identification, Written statement of training and experience, Documentation of USDA, USFWS, AZA accreditation or license as applicable, Meeting propagation requirements if applicable, Proof of sterilization unless propagation authorized, Date available for inspection (must be at least 7 days prior to obtaining animals), Approval based on proximity to farms, ranches, wildlife migration routes; potential for unintended access, vandalism and escape; facility size compared to animals; whether laws are being met; applicants knowledge, name and address of owner and operators of exhibit, physical address and map of each exhibit location in state, Transfer to agency in sealed container for identifying or reporting, Exempt species (New Zealand mud snail, Asian clam, bullfrog) except Transport Permit needed when outside established area, piranha (Serrasalmus, Rosseveltiella, Pygocentrus), Proximity to agricultural operations, and environmentally sensitive lands and waters, Potential for vandalism, adverse weather and other events. Tarantula. But all in all, theyre adorable creatures. Hyacinth Macaws need an owner with lots of experience in exotic bird husbandry that wants to help preserve the species. As they are used to living in dry environments they need regular dust baths. BANS possession, transport and shipment of wild-caught wildlife unless legally taken. The Wallaby looks much like a kangaroo, so thats how they got their nickname as mini kangaroos. Ownership of an animal gotten in another state must reveal confirmation it was lawfully obtained. Capybara 12. Permits are needed for poisonous or large restricting snakes. This makes a capybara very easy to feed! As adorable as they might be, Chimpanzees can be difficult as pets. This state enables specific counties and cities to create ordinances regarding exotic pets, for that reason depending upon where you live in North Carolina, you might or might not have any regulations. 11; Idaho Admin. For those fascinated by the world of creepy crawlies, Tarantulas are a great option. If you think an exotic pet is for you, continue reading below to see which are legal in your state. Harmful animals include big cats, coyotes, wolves, bears, and toxic reptiles. Like most reptiles, turtles also need UVB light and heat source. Most turtles, tortoises, and birds can live for over 50 years. A zebra is an illegal pet in Nevada and many other states. The law forbids any animal or hybrid that can be a threat to animals, the environment, farming, or wildlife. You need an entry permit from the State Veterinarian for bringing in skunk, fox, raccoon, non-domestic cats, coyote, marten, and brushtail possum. California They are active tortoises and like walking throughout the day. They can quickly become sick with an owner that is unsure of how to care for them. Idaho is a rural state and has a low population density. P.O. Find out what your states exotic pet laws are here with these exotic pet law summaries but be sure to double check with your local government before getting your pet to make sure the laws havent altered. (22 Idaho Statutes Ch. Finally, you need to make sure that you have the financial resources to properly care for your tiger. This includes big cats, non-native dogs, and non-human primates. Animals are categorized into classes. Delaware, Florida, Maryland, Montana, South Dakota, Utah and Arizona. Summary: This is a short overview of Idaho Great Ape law. This includes having a large, fenced-in area and a swimming pool. In Idaho, all exotic animals, including spider monkeys, must be kept in an enclosure that is at least 50 feet wide and 50 feet long. Red-Foots are more popular than the previously mentioned Egyptian Tortoises because they thrive better in captivity. Inherently harmful animals as defined by the state are listed as Category 4 animals and require a permit. Milk Snakes are great beginner pet snakes because they are relatively docile and easy to take care of. They are not for beginners and it is not always easy to care for them. Shes such a gorgeous, sweet snake. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. , Pot-Bellied Pig. Required fields are marked *. Otters can be quite expensive to care for, so you should make sure you have the financial resources to support one before you decide to bring one home. They like to eat vegetables, fruits, and even sometimes various dog or cat foods. They are not for everyone, especially those living in Hawaii! It is legal to own a serval without obtaining a license in Alabama, Idaho, Nevada, North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. Otherwise, they are prohibited from owning as pets. They are becoming increasingly popular pets for experienced herpetologists. Ideally, this bird should be kept in a large aviary. Egyptian Tortoise 13. They are very happy living in sandy, dry, desert-like environments. If you are thinking about getting a pet, be sure to check with your municipality to see if there are any restrictions. On the other hand though, their energy seems to be infinite and they love to play a lot. 2023 Idaho State Legislature. AUTHORITY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND THE DIVISION OF ANIMAL INDUSTRIES. Usually legal to own in most states, there are few, like Missouri, Minnesota and Washington, where they're illegal. Their natural environment includes water, so make sure you provide them with places where they can swim around freely. NEW Repealed ban on holding reindeer for domestic purposes north of Salmon River. Information Center: P: 208-332-1000 Just make sure youre a night owl because Hedgehogs are night creatures. Not technically they just need to be well fed and cared for and enough space to at least roam around you, they dont need a whole jungle. What Is a Serval? Large carnivores (lions, tigers, and bears) are prohibited from owning. Your email address will not be published. Permits that require proof of sufficient knowledge and housing for the animals wanted are needed to have primates and other exotic pets, consisting of insects and amphibians. Tarantula 2. Overall, owning a Fennec fox can be a rewarding experience, but its important to do your homework first to make sure that its the right decision for you. Overall, they are docile, friendly snakes. I.C. Oregon, Idaho, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Michigan and Delaware allow monkeys, but you must apply to the their divisions of wildlife to obtain permits, which may or may not be granted. Hyacinth Macaws are also known to be very affectionate. What exotic cats are legal in Oregon? Public Records Request: P: 208-334-2475 Hamsters, gerbils, rabbits, and other small rodents are allowed, as are most birds. Some cities, such as St. Paul, Minnesota, and New York City, also prohibit the pint-sized, nocturnal marsupials. Fennec Fox 16. No person might have an inherently harmful animal. Where are sugar gliders banned? They can also be a source of income for the states economy. , European Hedgehogs (although American Hedgehogs are o.k. There are no laws in Idaho that specifically prohibit owning a spider monkey, but the states Department of Fish and Game does have some regulations in place that could limit your ability to keep one as a pet. Overall they are great pets for any level and can live for seven years. Like this post? This exotic pet is not for an inexperienced cat owner. How much does it cost to put caps on cats nails? In Idaho, it is illegal to own a wild animal as a pet. A 2010 law forbids importing, offering, and launching non-native types. Before purchasing, breeding, importing or in any other way possessing a deleterious exotic animal in the state of Idaho, you will need to complete a possession permit application and contact Animal Industries at (208) 332-8540. Rodents, with the exception of domestic mice, rats, gerbils, guinea pigs, hamsters x26amp; squirrels not otherwise prohibited by federal law. Due to this reason, theyre considered a great exotic pet. It may take a while to get used to handling them safely. Theyre unique and will give shivers on the spine to most people. This includes wildebeest, wild hogs, raccoons, skunks, opossum, porcupines, monk parakeets, prairie dogs and primates. Glad to be able to share my skills and experience, as well as advice on caring for and adapting these critters and birds. You must meet the inspection requirements for enclosure size and required amenities. EXEMPT: Insects and land snails no longer listed. Porcupines are rodents found throughout most of the United States. Wild animals are not enabled to be kept as pets here. They will have plenty of experience and knowledge about the animal that they are selling and can advise on your suitability as a keeper. Despite all of this, exotic pets are becoming more and more popular due to their unique appearances. First and foremost, otters require a lot of care and attention, and they are not appropriate for everyone. A DMIN. Unfortunately, they are still considered endangered species, so the cost for one can get very high, somewhere close to ten thousand dollars. Zorilla ), Pygmy Goat. They usually are in a good disposition and they only need simple care, so its an easy choice to make. But if its love, its gonna be a long one, because tarantulas live between 10 to 25 years with proper care. Licensed exotic cat lovers can keep servals as pets in Arizona, Indiana, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Pennsylvania. Code 02.06.09), REGISTRATION with division of animal industries required to breed, own or control or hold in captivity domestic cervids (fallow deer, elk, reindeer excludes red deer) on farms or ranches for breeding or useful purposes. They are very popular due to their handleability and ease of care. Red-Eyed Crocodile Skinks are small lizards and do not need a lot of space. And caring for one is similar to caring for a hamster or guinea pig. The Serval is a superb cat, but nothing like the ones youre used to seeing around. No hazardous wild animal is to be possessed, owned or bred in Iowa. Illegal animals are described as inherently dangerous animals. With a deep and honest fascination for the open road and the places that get left behind, hes often wandering off the beaten path. It is likewise illegal to possess bears, non-domestic cats, and primates. However, it is important to check with your local municipality to ensure that there are no restrictions on keeping axolotls in your area. It is now illegal to export them from their habitat, but they are one of the most captive-bred reptiles in the world. Given the prevalence of wild squirrels in California, it may surprise you to learn that keeping one as a pet is illegal. Exotic pets can be a lot of fun, but it is important to make sure that you are aware of the laws and regulations regarding their ownership. even their own waste. Well you better have a whole jungle for it or you are technically abusing it. Address: 53 N 260 E. We sell red kangaroos and griffons. Fennec Foxes need large outdoor enclosures and plenty of space to exercise. are legal exotic pets and can survive and live a long and happy life if their owners do their research first. Ball Pythons are one of the most popular pet snakes in the United States. They tolerate handling very well, and some even like to perch on their owners shoulders. Fennec Foxes are very sociable animals if trained from a young age, so they can make for perfect furry friends. If you would like to be added to the exotic animals breeder directory, complete the exotic animals breeder form. Every state has different exotic pet laws. Other unique animals must have a one-time entry license and health certificate. As long as you own 2.5 acres, you can keep many types of animals in Florida, including bears, large cats, rhinos, crocodiles and chimpanzees, and more. They do not like be handled, but they are very fun to watch. E:, P.O. The list of banned species is longer, and includes all indigenous wild species in Alaska. Inside The Exotic Animal Trade. Code For partnerships, advertising or media inquiries, you can always contact us at contact[@]luxatic[.]com. That, on a daily basis. Box 83720Boise, ID 83720-0054P: 208-334-2475TTY/TTD Call: 7-1-1 Dwarf Pigs are simply adorable. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. These animals and hybrids of these animals are regulated under IDAPA 02.04.27, Rules Governing Deleterious Exotic Animals.. They use their tail for climbing around and can be very social and well behaved if raised properly from a young age. Squirrels eat nearly anything, which is partly why they are illegal to keep as pets in California. Marsupials, with the exception of the Virginia opossum, bettongs and sugar gliders. Pythons can be fussy eaters, so they may require an owner that is more patient. All Rights Reserved. We carefully research, review and endorse only the products and brands that we adore and believe you'll appreciate as well. They use their teeth to eat a diet of timothy hay. Secondly, you need to make sure that you have a large enough area for your tiger to roam. 1. REGISTRATION with division of animal industries required to breed, own or control or hold in captivity domestic cervids (fallow deer, elk, reindeer excludes red deer) on farms or ranches for breeding or useful purposes. Some states have more restrictive laws than others, while some states have no laws at all. This state needs authorizations for wild mammals and hybrids. One of the most common breed found as pets is the African Pygmy Hedgehog. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. . Like many exotics, they are not especially affectionate and can be territorial, so they will try to defend themselves. Non-native dangerous snakes are illegal to keep. These animals are closely related to sheep, goats, and alpacas. An authorization to own native animals is needed; however, there are no state laws concerning primates, reptiles or large cats. They may look scary, but Tarantulas are actually tame and docile spiders. All are legal in my state, do you cover these monkeys??? BANS take as pets. Compared to many of the exotic animals on this list, they make great pets, especially for those who have done their research and are ready to dedicate their time. Very common in Australia, they can be seen in other parts of the world as exotic pets. Affectionately known as Beardies, these reptiles can live for 10 to 15 years and are very easy to care for. They are more cuddly than many other exotic pets and can be cared for by beginners, but you should watch out for their quills! BANS take as pets. It is sometimes called the Gem State because of the many gemstones that have been found there. Fennec Foxes are very sociable animals if trained from a young age, so they can make for perfect furry friends. Red-Eared Sliders are closely related and also make great pets. Breeder of Mini Teacup pigs. 6 states do not ban or regulate keeping big cats as pets : Alabama, Nevada, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Delaware, and Oklahoma. Simply get authorization, and you can own whatever animal you d like. All rights reserved. While the law doesn't specifically call out sugar gliders, they DO list animals that are legal to own Gliders are not on the approved " clean list. Theyve got an average lifespan of up to 10 years if cared for properly. Only several birds and aquarium-dwelling species are legal exotic pets in this unique state, with peafowl (a.k.a peacocks and peahens) being considered poultry. They are very social animals so they prefer living in groups, so its advisable to get a pair at least, rather than a single one. They love company. Luckily, they are much tamer and smaller than pet crocodiles. Housed and cared for reptiles in the wild in Florida and many other states allowed! Includes all indigenous wild species in Alaska and light, as well a. 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