I walk about 14K steps or more a day so thats the only thing working for me right now. The only thing I liked about Nutrisystem was that my food was prepared for me. How about kicking this one upstairs to the head of customer service? There are a few tests on the market that can give you an idea of what foods trigger unpleasant symptoms for you. Stomach acids themselves and the way your body processes food down the digestive tract (including the intestine) may be affected by anxiety. The gastrointestinal tract is sensitive to emotion. My sister and I along with 2 friends and my husband all joined together, and we all did remarkably well. Cajun, Mexican, broccoli, cucumbers, peppers, no problem. It comes in powdered form to be mixed in water. Anyway , a year later I said enough is enough! I will try to restrict calories on my own. Jonathan Bernstein already. I write this on my fourth day of NS, and I am experiencing increasing nausea, stomach cramps and diarrhea. According to a recent survey, saving money can make you very happy. The only answer I received was an automated answer because I flagged the message to notify me when it was delivered. . I called and canceled my NS immediately. Then the nutritoots started which was followed by very loose bowels enough of an issue that I went to my doctor who immediately told me it was the Maltitol they use as a sweetener. 2023 CNET, a Red Ventures company. They are both getting chemotherapy. Its also very embarrassing because at work the last couple of days it was as if I smelled gass all the time even when not obviously releasing it and have noticed my stomach has been making regular gurgling noises. Thank you, Jonathan!! In severe cases, food allergies can cause life-threatening reactions. She kept saying you want to cancel because you couldnt signin? She was condescending which made me even more frustrated and angry which is SOMETHING NOONE SHOULD HAVE TO PUT UP WITH FROM CUSTOMER SERVICE!!! And oy, did they start! Unfortunately we didnt notice soon enough, and she was uncurable. It isTHEE best way to lose weight and keep it off. The information provided on this site is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Two months later I woke up one morning and noticed two lumps in my right breast. I am calling tomorrow to cancel my NS. ALSO, THE PERSON THAT HANDLED MY CALL SHOULD BE FIRED FOR LAUGHING AT FRUSTRATED CUSTOMERS AND BEING RUDE ONLY THROWING GAS ON A FIRE THAT SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN STARTED IN THE FIRST PLACE! I have spent a good amount of time in the bathroom. Once you are actually on the diet and your body has become accustomed to the change in carbohydrate intake, you will likely experience the opposite effect with your mood improving. I was put on 2 very intense antibiotics for 12 days. Nutrisystem's weight loss program is designed to be high in fiber and proteinnutrients that help you feel full. A bunch of things need to go right for your digestive system to operate optimally: You need healthy colonies of gut bacteria, proper amounts of digestive enzymes and timely secretions of digestive hormones, among other things. How about getting rid of those toxic ingredients and using plain sugar in lower quantities as I am now doing. [May 18 Receiving no further assistance from Ms. Nelson, I take a different tack, researching the name and contact information for Nutrisystems designated contact for media and bloggers, Meredith Bandy, and sending her the following email]. Hormonal imbalances:Consider your hormones the chemical messengers in your body. Hate the side effects! Many consumers relying on NutriSystem as an easy way to lose weight have been left with a bad taste in their mouths. This is typically what you should expect whenever you are switching to any kind of diet. The only reason Im loosing any weight is because I am on day 8 of extreme diarrhea. This typically means shedding foods that contain essential nutrients. These side effects can include fatigue, headaches, cramping, and more. Bilirubin, a compound made from digested red blood cells, is what gives poop its characteristic color. When she's not busy writing she enjoys spending time with her family, usually doing something active and fun. Needless to say, I quit NS completely and will not try it again until and unless they remove sugar alcohols from their foods. I also am aware that this is a very old post, but wanted to add my two cents. puhleeze. Severe gas Nutrisystem came off as not caring and now Ive had to shell out 180$ to my doctor to figure out what is going on. (14) had my usual blood test done 4 weeks ago and it has dropped to a 7, NOT VERY GOOD. I ended up having to throw rest of them out. I am now under a doctors care to try to get my system back to normal. Then we learned that our brother-in-law gained most of the weight back. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2017-2018, the prevalence of obesity was a staggering 42.4 percent [1]. Food was good, I was surprised. - that's why we want EVERYONE to understand how important gut health is! Fortunately, I am somewhat tolerant of these ingredients- and will sub my own caloric equivalent snacks for the worst offenders which seem to be the sweets, which I dont really like anyway. I actually liked the food along with the easy preparation and portion control but I had to cancel today. I started with headache, bloating and stomach pain on day 2 when I was on Turbo takeoff, I stopped when I was on day 5 because of my symptoms got worse: severe headache, migraine, burning in my head, dizziness, disorientation, hard to concentrate and stomach pain. Microbiome dysfunction: Your gut contains two kinds of bacteria: friendly and unfriendly. Im going to finish this food because I joined for one month only and paid $600 for one months food. Who knew? Many people develop digestive issues slowly, when a combination of factors worsens over time. In researching it further, it is actually monk fruit, which they give to people who are constipated to get things moving. Please read the email below, in reverse chronological order, of course. Studies show that short sleep duration alters the levels of important digestive hormones and that poor sleep harms the healthy bacteria in your microbiome. Gastrointestinal (GI) disturbances commonly include symptoms of stomach pain, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, and vomiting. I would love to hear from anyone else that has been diagnosed with Stomach cancer from this stuff. 3 weeks later and 2 weeks of being out of work because of the abdominal pain I ended up in the hospital and a CT scan. Im going out to get a Big Mac as an antidote. After reading all of these comments, I realize what it is. I should have known to look at the ingredients before ordering any of their food! Your body may need time to adjust to this healthy change in your diet; specifically to the increase in fiber. Maybe a class action lawsuit is inorder. SHE DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR ME EXCEPT TO IGNORE A PAYING CUSTOMER AND MAKE ME EVEN MORE ANGRY, FRUSTRATED AND WANTING TO CANCEL!! Have you had any tweets regarding this? You eat real food but you learn portion control and they highly recommend exercise and water intake to help you lose your weight. President, Bernstein Crisis Management They did offer to let me send back the new box of food, and any food unopened for full refund. For example, the very thought of eating can release the stomach's juices before food gets there. This means we may sometimes get a commission through purchases made after clicking links on our website. Those who like seeing a real person and not just a business persona are the ones I like to work with. Ordered from qvc. After one week on the food, I too have suffered from severe gas, headaches, dizziness and a strange eye throbbing. I lost much more. Whoever the woman was that answered offered no help whatsoever and WOULD NOT ACCEPT ANYTHING I SAID AND WAS VERY RUDE! I will NOT be eating any more food from NS not ever! I will have the results of the camera views in a few days but I will not be eating any more NS AFTER READING THESE BLOGS. We depend on our customers to make us aware of any allergies or intolerances that they have, and once we are aware of a known sensitivity, including sugar alcohols, we certainly make every effort to provide additional information on menu options that should be limited or avoided to assist in editing the order. It is a crime that they do not put warnings on their products. I feel quite uncomfortable and regret starting this system. Let me tell you all. The condition is a malabsorption syndrome as the bacteria cause damage to the small intestine and create an environment in which they (the bacteria) preferentially absorb your nutrients. So I cut it out. I *fully* expect readers to have kinds of smart-assedummm.humorous comments on this. If one tiny component goes wonky, you may experience a range of symptoms, including gas, bloating, cramping, constipation, diarrhea or acid reflux. During my customer service interactions, I was emailed two internal documents that detail the sugar alcohol content in the products that contain more than little or trace amounts. Had it broken loose, I could have bled to death. For the best results, make sure to log how you feel before, during, immediately after and a couple hours after a meal or snack. I really want to give NutriSystem a chance to redeem themselves after the callousness and ignorance of this representative. I googled side effects of Nutrisystem and found you. Im using NS and started a week ago. This intricate organ system is responsible for helping your body adequately absorb nutrients from the food you eat, break food down into energy-available molecules and get rid of waste. I know this is an old article, however, I just started NutriSystem today and have had extreme bloating, gas, and headaches. Get editors' top picks of the day, the most interesting reviews, news stories and videos. Absolutely, Valeri! Tip: Many people who have gastrointestinal symptoms find that switching to a lower-gluten diet beneficial. So, dropping that extra weight should actually reduce your risk of many kinds of cancer. Thanks for your article and sharing your experience. The only good thing about it is my clothes are already a lot looser. Slight case of diarrhea. WHO IS IN CHARGE OF THIS MESS AND DO THEY KNOW HOW THEIR EMPLOYEES TREAT CUSTOMERS/CLIENTS?? I have had the most copious amounts of the nastiest stinkiest gas I have ever had in my life! This will primarily be dictated by what kind of diet your body is used to. Diarrhea While they wont necessarily directly harm you, your digestive system may not handle the spikes of preservative intake as well as others. More also needs to be done with labels rules regarding foods containing sugar alcohols. I have also been on NutriSystem for three weeks. I have already sent an email to their customer service and would call them tomorrow. I had a big problem with sugar-free cookies several years ago. In fact, many people who follow the Nutrisystem program experience little to no noticeable side effects at all. I mentioned the problem to my older daughter, and she said shed had the same problem with Malitol in NS foods and other grocery store foods. I would like a for the record comment from Nutrisystem about how and why I ended up on the short end of this arrangement, and what the company can do to make amends. on Nutrisystem, but my digestive system is a mess! Sometimes the severity of a food sensitivity depends on quantity. For example, I personally don't react well to large portions of dairy, but do just fine with half-and-half in my coffee. By signing up, you will receive newsletters and promotional content and agree to our. I tried everything to gain access and was then required to use CAPTCHA. They are welcomed!!]. Her mission is to share the most accurate and up-to-date information with her readers. If you have a hard time eating first thing in the morning, try taking your vitamins in the evening, with dinner, instead. JB sorry about your issue adjusting to the food, and really sorry about the customer care experience you had. As mentioned, one of the most reported side effects that people experience when they are switching diets is a lack of energy. I DONT HAVE TO EXPLAIN WHY I MAY WANT TO CANCEL!!! Well 6 months ago my bloodwork came back with borderline anaemia. I ordered my breakfasts, lunches, and a few snacks for the next month, and will make my own healthy dinners. Heres what you need to know about possible Nutrisystem diet side effects: Fiber is really good for you! The weight of it was pulling on the wall of my uterus near a main artery. The packaged food that you are eating is going to contain a lot of preservatives in order to keep it from spoiling. There is clearly a break down in the process. Gee, Stephanie, thank you for your sympathy regarding the physical discomfort I endured unnecesarily. Weight loss and malnutrition. While these side effects are typically minor, you should still be aware of them. I will be returning to WW ASAP. customerservice@nutrisystem.com. But thats what is happening. While youre right that they werent exactly sympathetic, they did at least try to help you. feeling nervous or anxious. I also experienced much more gas than normal. I dont want to assume peoples intentions, but because the doc exists and given its contents, its clear that they know this is a problem for people. I went from a size 11-12 to a size 2 ! There needs to be an official study to determine safety and if found to be the cause full compensation is warranted but how can anyone be compensated for such pain and suffering and/or ruined health ? Jonathan, THey also said that they would put those foods on a 72 hour recall? QVC is great, no hassle to return and cancel but still find the fact that NS representatives didnt disclose the sugar alcohol potential sensitivity during the long sales pitch. Notice your abdomen area while on this should you still decide to give it a try. This would be a much tastier way to do a colonoscopy prep in the future Best Weight Loss Injections 2023: New Top 4? One of the main reasons for this has to do with diets inherently being caloric-restriction based. This connection goes both ways. I can do this portion control on my own now. Other then that I hate it and I am miserable. "Taking them . Cindy, sorry your daughters had similar experience. For this reason, you are recommended to take a multi-vitamin along with the diet itself according to Nutrisystems website [5]. They failed to tell me that you have to have a $50 minimum order. Arghhhhhh, Jonathan sorry about your problems, but what a great story for my Risk Comm classes! This thread has helped me tremendously! I cant get a refund because I purchased it from WalMart and have eaten half of its contents before pinpointing where my pain was coming from. . I called and spoke to a counselor and told me it could be from the Sugar Alcohol and avoid certain foods. I did lose about 10 lbs but think probably it was from food passing through my system quickly. Thanks for helping me weed this out! Hope, I will be refunded because its not worth the trouble or health risks. Nutrisystem protein shakes also offers a Money back guarantee within 14 . As I sit here in my second week of NUTRISYSTEM feeling like I am giving birth to a Volkswagenhorrible stomach cramps for three days and the big D as well. healthy meals became fast food because I didnt feel like cooking and my portion size nearly doubled. And I use my sense of humor to pre-screen potential clients too those without a funny bone probably wouldnt want to hire me! Wow was I surprised what came up. I agree, more needs to be done on NSs end to warn customers of potential effects of the food. This meal plan is both customizable and proportioned. I hope Nutrisystem will figure out a way to modify their ingredients and make this product safe for all. My exercise is pretty good I walk everyday and ride stationary bike every day as well. Over the weekend I bought other items to offset the NS with, such as applesauce, chicken salad, prepackaged jello, etc., and will be doing a combination of NS and other foods. Started NS yesterday. "Nutrisystem made me sick!" - Bad Nutrisystem Reviews She finally put me on hold and said I will put you on hold for a moment. They tell your organs what to do and when to do it. She told me she thought it was the fibers and proteins that were causing my problems, but I told her I thought it was a sugar alcohols. SHE ALSO TRIED TO TELL ME THAT NUTRISYSTEM WAS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR WEBSITE!!!! My younger daughter just wants to avoid eating much sugar. Today, while home from work sick and having been up since 2am because of stomach issues, thank God l Googled Maltitol at 3am and found this and other information that helped me understand the root cause of my illness. The signs and symptoms of gastritis include: Gnawing or burning ache or pain (indigestion) in your upper abdomen that may become either worse or better with eating Nausea Vomiting A feeling of fullness in your upper abdomen after eating Gastritis doesn't always cause signs and symptoms. You can also try mixing in more fresh veggies to pair with your Nutrisystem meals. The majority of the meals that you will be eating while on the Nutrisystem diet come pre-packaged and ready-to-eat. I just started NS today, I was perfectly fine yesterday no cramps, dizziness or anything! Su Llewellyn. I called the company and they seemed to be quite aware of this issue. While gas is the most common side effect of Nutrisystems fiber-rich foods and probiotic shakes, other side effects include abdominal pain, stomach problems, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. God help me get this mess completely out of my system and with no permanent damage done! Im a fairly well known crisis management consultant who is extremely active online two blogs, a full slate of social media accounts, lots of activity there. I searched the web on NS and food-borne illness and found your blog. She didnt even need to lose much weight. I have lost 6 lbs in 4 weeks but I do not think living in the bathroom is the ideal way. The email response came across as uncaring, but please know that Nutrisystem does care about its customers and strives to make their weight loss experience a pleasant one. The thing is, it's not always easy to tell what's going on. Everyday and ride stationary bike every day as well as others before food gets there walk about 14K or. Pretty good i walk everyday and ride stationary bike every day as as. * fully * expect readers to have kinds of bacteria: friendly and.. May be affected by anxiety should you still decide to give it a.... Had in my coffee peppers, no problem in lower quantities as i am now under a doctors care try. 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