You are able to detach from manmade constructs like money, status or possessions and instead derive your happiness from within. Lyrans are here to share their knowledge and help us realize our true nature. Let me know in the comments below.Lyran starseed T-shirts. Usually they dont even need help or a mentor, they are self-encouraging. After reading this article Im not feeling well with my first name anymore It just missed the L then it could resemble the word Lyran. This is one of the main Lyran characteristics. Lyran starseeds are diverse in appearance but they have some common features. With a background in psychology, astrology, and esoteric practice, her soulful guides are read by over 300,000 people every month. Lyran starseeds can do things that would make many people panic. Thank you! Arcturians are a type of starseed from the star Arcturus, a red giant located in the Bootes constellation. Lyran starseeds have an insatiable thirst for history, especially ancient history. However, sometimes they just stand out as a bit exceptional or as loners. I recently came across someone that channels the starseeds and I was told my main lifetime I was eliphaunt people and my other life was lion people I cant find much on eliphaunt people I have found some interesting info on lion people I do remember as a child having bad dreams of little people tying me down with ropes every night unless I slept in my grandmas room so I slept there a lot as a young kid.. thank you for this beautiful info hopefully I can connect with more people like me and maybe fully connect all this better. Together the lyre and the harp represent the Lyrans abundant and playful nature. I have found peace with being alone. So it will be. Hi! Youre what others would call humble, perhaps even too modest. I started by asking for more love and light be sent to each chakra by my Higher Self. However, there is a depth of sensitivity beyond the surface. And record everything you experience, the beings you meet, etc. But both have incarnated on our planet and both are reachable through journeying and meditation. I have always wondered why I love cats soooo much. But now I can put that in perspective to provide a lot easier because of this experience. The local area is famous in geology and palaeontology for Solnhofen limestone.This is a very fine-grained limestone from the Jurassic period Lagersttte that preserves detailed fossil specimens. Did you know that two planets where lyrans live are now just storage-planets? They taught about work ethic and how to make the best use of energy. 8. Hi Jasmine! Their teachings promoted a strong work ethic and the use of physical energy to the Atlantian and Lemurian races. TemperIf a Lyran is unbalanced and do not know how to work with their energy, they can have a bit of a temper. Didnt the Lyran seed the Arcturians and the Arcturian seeded the Pleiadians. They are ancient souls who have deep spiritual wisdom, and have been dormant before choosing to share their gifts and knowledge with the beings of this planet. Hi! This may be painful for their loved ones, especially for their parents. Lyran starseeds originate from Lyra, a small constellation sometimes visible in the night sky. He is also helpful in sacred geometry and will tell you the secrets of the Universe. Am I truly Lyran? Are you a Lyran starseed? It all makes sense now! Thanks for this. I am from Vega. Although being a Lyran starseed can mean some feelings of loneliness and sadness initially, these introspective traits are likely to evoke an awakening of some sort. Thank you very much! How are you? In the pivotal times which we are living on the planet today, its become clear that we need help to navigate the unknown territories during this shift. You dont let this passion overthrow your deeply grounded nature. We are in touch with the unspoken as if we think it we know it so. Lyrian & Feline: These beings from the Lyra constellation can be found depicted in the artwork of Earth's ancient civilizations, most notably Egypt, with its feline-headed gods and goddesses.. I have a deep connection to this group. Lyran Starseeds come from the Lyra constellation which is said to be where the first humans came from. im not all witchy but spirituality has been awoken in my life recently. Thank you for the work you do. I agreed to what you said that we knew we have a purpose Unlike any other starseed, Lyran and to some extent Feline starseeds feel very at home on Earth. I wonder what you might feel something when you see it in a photo. You see the world as a playground for your soul. How do you incorporate this knowledge into your spiritual practice? Especially my bossees: they seem to like my work that benefits them, and of course, they like when I encourage them but they do not give the same in return. We two cats need space around us! Join The Community & Free Starseed Course! 20 Traits, Mission & Appearance. Like to indulge Lyrans are very energetic and like to be involved in many activities. Youre a true pleasure seeker, enjoying everything that Earth has to offer. Youre emotionally and intuitively intelligent. Lyra is said to be the genesis of the first people. Connection to cats They either like cats or have memories of being a cat-like humanoid. Avyon was a paradise planet with mountains, lakes, streams and oceans. 09146. Tribute to Piglet; . You don't shy away from hard, physically-demanding work. Their knowledge is said to have contributed to Atlantis and Lemuria, as well as the element on fire. They played a unique role in the creation of humanity, offering the element of fire to Earth and seeding the first souls to Atlantis and Lemuria. Below are 15 signs that you are a Lyran starseed incarnated as a human being: Lyrans have an adventurous nature which makes them lack the fear of change. As Ive mentioned in my previous starseed posts, I dont believe a lyran soul seeking expansion will choose a body based on its appearance. And some believe their souls originate in the Lyran realm. A lyran starseed can reincarnate into any body shape or size, and with any characteristics. I want to work as an entrepreneur. I have had the sense that I am a very old soul my whole life. Just like Pleiadian starseeds, you would make an excellent leader. We know they existed at some point, but nowonly descendants of their bloodline exist. Orion is one of the most well-known and most easily spotted constellations in the night sky. Once Lyran starseeds know wake up to their mission, they pursue it fearlessly, and nothing can come in their way. That is why so many of us Lyrans feel connected to more than one star system. Consider: It is often said that the Elohim were the first to seed this planet with 12 root races, , but the Elohim themselves are of Lyran decent. It is located in the fourth quadrant of the northern hemisphere (NQ4) and can be seen at latitudes between +90 and -40. However, they have a pure heart and they are highly trustworthy as a friend. Leader? I remember studying this along with many similar subjects when I was young in-depth and in-detail. Youre naturally skilled at more or more psychic abilities; divination, tarot, elemental magick, fortune-telling, clairvoyance, just to name a few. Absolutely loved this piece. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); To learn more about the Otherworldly Oracles website Privacy Policy, visit our Privacy Policy page here. I hope you dont mind me leaving my Instagram in case any Lyrans would like to connect with me there! Check out our lyra starseed selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our spirituality & religion shops. Lyran starseeds are likely to be drawn to animals, or perhaps its the other way around. The remaining lyrans decided to flee their homeland, entering reincarnation cycles in other star systems such as Pleiades, Sirius, and Orion. But this year i think is my time to become more than just a junkie. I learned to know them personally and seemingly they waited me every morning. Its bordered by Vulpecula to the South, Hercules to the East, Draco to the North, and Cygnus to the West. Then Id be most happy. Debbie on Gaia; Blog. This was just one of many confirmations Ive received. I thinkm tgat my present boss also is Lyran. Yes Ive woken recently after hell. They never give in against those who are wrong doing to others. Thank you so much for all your work getting this information together for many of us. Its possible youve collected or harbored energy from many different star systems and galaxies as your soul has matured. They are also linked to the lion-sphinxes so prominent in Ancient Egyptian history and mythology. What an amazing miracle. But what now? Ive felt otherworldly since I can remember, although I am adopted. If you suspect that you are a starseed but want to know more about the subject, theres a video I made below which explains it thoroughly. They are very independent since a young age. Ive had others comment on my lyran personality before and never knew what it really was. You have to be careful what you say out loud or think as you know the universe is only too keen to grant your wishes. In light of that, thank you for preserving this information, if there is more to this than it may be of greater importance in the future. Thans Stephanie, I can relate to this so much, I am just puzzling the pieces that I start to remember. Instead, they only choose to look to the future and live in the now. I am leaving soon! This is our home now and WE ARE as much human as we are Lyran and dont really consider being separate from humans as other races might; rather we are the ones who asked for the other races help; rather than someone, or something, asking for ours. Lyran starseeds are most likely to carry off that quietly confident energy. Lyra is a small star constellation viewable in the Summer months in the Northern Hemisphere. Learn how your comment data is processed. UTC+02:00 ( CEST) Postal codes. They look like bird-humanoids, and interestingly the star Vegas name in Arabic means Falling Eagle. The lion in my dream was me and the human being eaten was me. Thoth, the Ibis-headed god of Ancient Egypt may be an Avian star being and an ancestor to Lyran starseeds. They are energetic and dynamic, setting the example for others to follow. Many types of starseeds feel drawn to more than one race or type of starseed. In star maps, it's represented by a vulture or an eagle carrying a lyre, one of the lyran starseed activation symbols. Giver? My cat Frank concurs as well lol. Also because I have a strong connection to lions and to the leo star sign as well also with regards to my physical attributes Well, maybe Ill overcome my doubts someday Either way, thank you so much for sharing! This doesnt mean you look for attention quite the opposite in fact. The neighboring constellations are Cygnus, Draco, Hercules and Vulpecula. One thing to note here though is that Lyran Starseeds arent usually reckless with their behavior. Time to dust it off and play. The Lyrans are the advanced races that created the Elohim in the Avatar Matrix. I recently started to meditate asking what my origin was and a few days later my Mother told me she had a vivid dream about myself. Id love to know , Oh really, you too! You are assertive, and feel comfortable giving orders. Orpheuss music was said to be so great that even inanimate objects such as rocks and trees could be charmed. I did not know this before! And from your studies, do Lyrans have the ability to predict the near future or be able to talk to the lost souls? Just today I began hearing/feeling my guidance more clearly. But you will have to determine HOW you are going to help this planet heal and ascend. A race of ancient beings called Felines also come from Lyra, and they helped establish much of the ancient world on Earth including Atlantis and ancient Egypt. This reminds them of their background and heritage. The underlying purpose of Lyran starseeds is to inspire others to realize their true nature and transcend the limitations of the human experience. Lyra is known as the Falling Eagle or Falling Vulture to astrologers. However, like with everything in this reality, we can never know for sure, so exercise your own discernment and only take on as truth that which resonates for you as truth. Many Lyran starseeds have cat-like eyes, and are often green. Coming to Earth is not as hard for them as for many other starseeds and they can excel even in the harshest conditions because they carry ancient wisdom. They have been adding intense knowledge to me. The most common Lyran symbols are the Lyre and the harp. You believe in things many Earth souls would believe are wacky or out there. The brightest star in the constellation is Vega, which is also one of the most famous stars in the sky. Lyra is bordered by Vulpecula to the South, Draco to the North, Cygnus to the West and Hercules to the East. Nice article overall. Between the two planets, Sirius B is the smaller one. i. However, that couldnt be further from the truth. The constellation name Lyra is pronounced /lar/. This means building altars, providing offerings, invocation, prayer, etc. Lyran starseeds are very solution-oriented and are good at getting things done, as you absorb information very quickly, like a sponge. Grail markers in his descendants DNA are Lyran. Kind regards. This is why I feel Vega was the doorway the Avians came through to populate Lyra. My name is Daniel ive been seeing alot of eagles lately and finding alot of unusual things. For her work, she's been named UK Womenspire Woman of the Year, awarded the title of Yale Young Global Scholar, and featured as an expert across major networks such as, Best Life, Oprah Winfrey Network, BBC, Soul & Spirit, Psychology Today, Pop Sugar, Well & Good and Cosmopolitan. They are very talented beings and can be easily found as singers, musicians, artists. Sirian starseeds have souls who once lived in Vega, which belongs in the Lyra constellation group. Understanding Empaths: A Guide to Emotional Sensitivity, Starseed vs Moonchild: Exploring the Differences, Starseeds and Their Connection to Ancient Civilizations, Using Numerology to Strengthen Romantic Relationships. I am not really sure who I am, but my son is definitely a Lyran. Thank you for this information. Thank you for your service, love and light dear one. I felt myself get so excited reading your article. I have actually made a video about how you can know for sure which starseed you are. This particular trait is a gift, as it allows Lyrans not to get sucked into the toxic, self-obsessed nature of some societies on Earth today. I have been having a wild spiritual awakening. For this reason, they volunteered to come to our planet to help evolve the collective consciousness. Lyran starseeds are caring, strong and compassionate. Does any of these Lyran characteristics resonate with you? Lyrans are very energetic and like to be involved in many activities. If youre a proficient musician, channel your creativity and spirituality into your music and inspire others. Since i can remember as a child i. The Lyrans are some of the oldest souls in our galaxy. You are not IN the universe, you ARE the universe, an intrinsic part of it. You recognize that youre simply experiencing a feeling that is common on Earth, or better yet, you acknowledge that youre absorbing other peoples energies that dont belong to you. Curious to know more about the feline starbeings and the Lyra constellation? This is said to be due to their close connection with the Feline starseeds. The most common Lyran symbols are the Lyre and the harp. I did a past life regression last night on the 11/11/20 because I knew it was a strong manifesting day and Ive been yearning to find my starseed since I realised it was a real thing and described me exactly. They genuinely enjoy immersing themselves in the physical world. Although they look like humans, they have prominent feline features, with noses and eyes looking particularly cat-like. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. As I know my mission is the same. having a birdlike appearance: beak-like nose, thin face, long fingers, etc. I was either a lion, or was being eaten by a lion, but was in no pain and had no fear whatsoever. Culture, ancient history, enjoying everything possible to experience. I. Could you share where you had your readings done? You feel a strong sense of inner solidity regardless of your life situation. Here, youll find tools, insight, and actionable guidance to help you along your path. As far as I can remember, since when I was 15 yrs old I started recognizing my zodiac which is Leo. Do the lyran starseeds know that they are such? (which I usually never do lol) Id like to share my experience of realizing that Im a Lyran Starseed! 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